Just tried to use e-mail form, but don't have an SRN or HIN number to quote!! Tried looking for a general contact but no joy. Will try www.saynoto0870.com for a direct line number and give them a call!!
The following contact details are registered with the FSA for them. .
Tel. 44 0870 702 0003
Fax 44 0870 703 6164
[email protected]
Dear All,
I would like to thank pboyles and anley(proberly the same person) for deramping SOM, I have been able to pick up shares at an unbelieveable average price of 4.5 cents. Please continue your deramping.
My aim is to buy 1 Million shares at this price, I need your help pboyles. Continue your good work.
Cheers PBOYLES, just sent an e-mail to robert power. Will see what reply i get!!!
Those company details were provided by Renell Wertpapierhandelsbank AG who are the agents for the shares on the Frankfurt stock exchange.
do i understand that right? Renell Wertpapierhandelsbank AG agents for SOM's shares on the Frankfurt exchange? I was under the impression it was Postbank?
From Paul Miller himself:
From: Paul Miller [mailto😛[email protected]]
Sent: 24 June 2010 17:14
To: Paul Miller Gmail (Private)
Subject: Obtaining SOM shares on the Frankfurt Open Market
However, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and so one of our investors, Tim Harrod, has checked out the whole procedure by opening an account with HB Markets, placing an order with them and receiving the shares into his account. You can see this proof in the attached document “Contract note”. (I have deleted some personal details for his privacy and security.)
Brokerage commissions
In addition to the cost of the shares there are also other charges. You will see from the contract note that Mr Harrod purchased 6,000 ordinary shares of Spirit on Media Group plc at €0.10 each. In this case, the cost for this trade was a £12 compliance charge + stamp duty + a commission charge of £20. The total charge was therefore £32.
Advantages of buying SOM shares
The CEO Udo Schaar, in a communication with Mr Harrod, stated: QUOTE: ...thank you very much with the pro-active move to pick up stock at the bottom in case the initial owners of CT are going to sell the rest of their holdings, which I actually hope they do so that we can finally shake away this plague. I am still amazed they do not realize the actual value of the stock is well above 80 Euro Cents. UNQUOTE.
This is certainly an unparalleled opportunity for those with ready cash to obtain more SOM shares a ridiculously low price. These low prices will last only while the CIT’s continue to dump their shares.
Kind Regards,
Paul Miller.
UK Investor Relations Representative
Spirit on Media Group plc
Tel: +44 (0) 2392 470294
Email: [email protected]
Quote "I am still amazed they do not realize the actual value of the stock is well above 80 Euro Cents. UNQUOTE.
This is certainly an unparalleled opportunity for those with ready cash to obtain more SOM shares a ridiculously low price. These low prices will last only while the CIT’s continue to dump their shares."
How stupid do they think people are? If its real value is above 80 cents then why has it been zero bid? What a joke. People giving advise like that should be ashamed.
Dear SOM investors,
I look forward to meeting you at the September meeting.
For those shareholders that want to damage the reputation of SOM causing the share price to sink I would like to thank you for giving me and other savy shareholders the chance to build their holding at a bargain basement price. Mugsgame I owe you a drink. All you have to do is publish your name and e-mail address.
oldoneleg, Tim Harrod, [email protected]. 02392 412468
For those shareholders that want to damage the reputation of SOM causing the share price to sink
Dear All,
I would like to thank pboyles and anley(proberly the same person) for deramping SOM, I have been able to pick up shares at an unbelieveable average price of 4.5 cents. Please continue your deramping.
My aim is to buy 1 Million shares at this price, I need your help pboyles. Continue your good work.
Dear SOM investors,
I look forward to meeting you at the September meeting.
For those shareholders that want to damage the reputation of SOM causing the share price to sink I would like to thank you for giving me and other savy shareholders the chance to build their holding at a bargain basement price. Mugsgame I owe you a drink. All you have to do is publish your name and e-mail address.
oldoneleg, Tim Harrod, [email protected]. 02392 412468