Ok ok im sorry but i am seriously going to have to start charging for my forecast soon! 😆:cheesy:😈😈😈:cheesy:😆
As when the **** did goldman sachs or or morgan stanley even come close to doing what im doing on a daily basis, everyday the night before the market open, every market, over and over and over, and getting it consistently right every single time!! 😆😆😈😈😈😆😆
I think some worship may also be in order for me, but i will let you all decide on arranging that... 😆😗cool::clap:
Oooooooooh, sorry just the urge to gloat and show off is just too hard to control.. 😆
For everyone who still doubts me lets have a look at all my forecasts and calls that i have made over the last 3weeks, each 1 the night before the markets open-
3weeks ago on the monday uk inflation number was coming out and mervin king had to write the letter i called heavy sell on ftse (market went up 110 that day for an unknown reason o took me out for £300 as i had no more capital available), but then the nextday and over that week it fell to its 2year low!
When the oil hit $139 i called the sell at 137.68, from the next day it fell back to $131!!
If your scroll through my journal you will see about 10 forecasts, each done the night before for a range of markets, (and apart from the forecast for last thursday when the ecb came out dodgy) every single 1 of those forecasts was exactly right for each and every of the markets!!
Back on last wednesday/thursday i forecast that oil wouldnt be hitting 150 yet, but instead on monday it would pullback, and we would be seeing 137/8 during the next week (this week).
I also forecast ftse would open higher, and would be hitting 5800 this week or next.
And i said if you had the capital sell the gold 1st thing in the morning because it was going down.
And look what happend-
Oil dropped over $4 (400ticks)!!
Gold fell by over 18dollars!!
And ftse futures rose over 100 back up to the 550s!!