I'm in 2 minds about whether I want to see him blow up. Certainly he needed bringing back down to earth which I think his long on oil with a $46 blow out level probably has done for the time being.
I find it annoying singing his own praises when I see him do all the same stupid things I did when I started trading - but with a lot more money and a lot more on the line. However he doesn't appear to be learning - because it keeps happening again and again - he hasn't yet learned to take a loss.
But think back to when you were 19, how naive were you back then? I was still getting pissed in the student bar every weekend, getting my meals and cleaning done for me, not a care in the world and not much financial knowledge either.
If he was 30+ then yes, I'd be rubbing my hands in glee with schadenfreud - but don't forget he's still a teenager with all the emotional and "I am invincible/indestructable" attitude that we all had then.
I still don't think trading is the right career for him - he's too emotional - but thats not for me to decide. I think spanish has put a lot of weight on his own shoulders and whatever happens it will be a life changing experience for him.