
on any spanish89 discussion threads would you like to -

  • close all threads and bin any new threads started

    Votes: 10 12.7%
  • leave them open

    Votes: 29 36.7%
  • couldn't care less

    Votes: 40 50.6%

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last I read on ET he was running a fannish stop, and taking some serious heat.

If he blows up on ET, as he surely will probably sooner than later, I hope he'll remember all the advice he was given here by so many people telling him how to avoid experiencing exactly what he's going through right now.

If he can pick himself up and start over, maybe he'll actually learn and become a better trader from the experience. I dont want to think about him going back to scamming on ebay though, to re-fund his trading account. What goes around comes around I guess.
last I read on ET he was running a fannish stop, and taking some serious heat.

If he blows up on ET, as he surely will probably sooner than later, I hope he'll remember all the advice he was given here by so many people telling him how to avoid experiencing exactly what he's going through right now.

If he can pick himself up and start over, maybe he'll actually learn and become a better trader from the experience. I dont want to think about him going back to scamming on ebay though, to re-fund his trading account. What goes around comes around I guess.

Friend i would say that if you are trading in forex or stocks. It is better that don't go through the trading strategy of others make your own trading strategy. If you see to others trading strategy or their account you will be frustrated and this might damage your trading and your account as well.

When i started with AVAFX broker i was also curious about how other's are trading and how they make so much profit. The day i asked other's about trading i started getting loss because people don't like that you may have profit or earn something.
One thing's for sure - Arbitrageur is NOT looking to learn from anybody much less from fannish89 who is trading like a man admiring himself in a hand mirror whilst going bungee jumping with a frayed rope.
(Spanish's most recent post)
1stly ive moved stoploss for that trade to $48.66....

Since i started trading with under £1,000, and i went from there to earning over £18,000 profit within 4months.

It may be extremely hard, but if i could do it before that means i could do it again.
However i couldnt turn £0 into anything.

Even in the october contract i started with just under £4,000 capital, traded the while contract at just £2 t £3 per tick (was big increase from my £1 at the time), and i earnt over £6,100profit that month, by just having smaller daily targets of a few hundred quid, NOT 1000+ ever.

And so i am going to go back to that now.
I dont have any need for £1,000+ per day, i dont even need £200+ per day.
Once i start getting housing benefit i will only need to earn £500 per month to get by

Before this oil trade i had already earnt just under £500 in 1day all at just £1 per tick,
and so im fedup of pushing myself to try earning more than i need to, when at the end of the day every trade and every extra minute you holding that trade is just added risk.

So from now on im gna go back and start again..

Il have over £3,000 MINIMUM, so am still up for the last 2months, and thats after withdrawing over £1000 3days ago for rent and living costs, and having spent over £2000 during the last month contract.
And so from that 3k im going to try just earning £86 per day as my base minimum, and il be happy with that.

Gna trade at just £2 per tick, so all i need is one 45ticks move and im done for the day.

I would like to try getting 150oints+ per day, so be on the £300 per day / 6k per month, but im not gna be greedy or take too much risk to do that.

I have made a decison though that for the next few weeks atleast i am going to leave here, and just focus on my own trading and my own earning.

Im not being rude at all to any of you, as i honestly do really like you porph, jakker, procel and everyone else...
And ive gained alot from watching how you all trade and sharing our sucesses together...

But its been for teh lat few weeks now than when i came on and saw porph and jakker trading at 2x 3x higher £ per tick than me,
and so earning 2x t 3x more than me everyday, it made me start to feel not jealous, cos i truely do liek seeing others suceed.
But it just feel like 'if they are doing it then the moves are there in the maket, so why am i not also doing that too'.

So i started trading £6 t £8 per tick too then..

But unlike you guys who could blowup all your traidng account today, and still be able to keep a comfortable living with another income and wouldnt starve or anything,
me i would seriously be homeless if i lost my money.

So thats why i used to always cash-in all my trades way to early to lock in the money,
but instead of being happy with that money, i spent the whole of last months contract feeling angry an miserable everyday about how much money i had missed out on.

And then when i saw how much you guys were still making as you did hold out your trades, it made me even more determined to get back into the same group as you again like before,
and so i started throwing huge amounts of money at the market. :/

Its not the case of ''me wanting to be the biggest fish a small pond'', since i know there will always be richer traders than me.

And you guys have been working harder and smarter than me over the lat month when i had gotten lazy, and instead of traidng strategically i had just started using my money as muscle to just out-szie the market. :/

But i just want to have some time to only focus on myself and my own earning, and to compare that to normal people like my few friends, who dont even make £800 per month, let alone per day like i often can.

But more to not 'have to compare it to anything'.
Instead just earn as much as i can, and then have it and enjoy it.

Not spend all day and night and weekend thinking about how it could have been more.

I will be back in a few weeks though, if i can even stay away for that long that is.
It's a good job his account is lower now then, otherwise he might not be able to claim the housing benefit he is after at all on account of having too much in savings.
Somethings bothering me, there's something not quite right here.

I haven't been following S89's thread over on ET and I didn't really follow his thread(s) on this site but I feel there's something that doesn't ring true to me and I can't put my finger on it.

If this guy is supposed to be some sort of scam/con artist ( and I'm only going on what other members have said about him ) then, to me, he comes across as a bit too open and honest in the way he posts a running commentary on his trades.

I can't imagine this S89 guy and some Ebay scammer being the same person. Maybe I'm a little too innocent, I dunno ?

Anyone else sense this or is it just me ?

If this character is a wind up then whoever it is doing the winding up is dragging it out for rather a long time.

It's a good job his account is lower now then, otherwise he might not be able to claim the housing benefit he is after at all on account of having too much in savings.

I've just read the thread on elite and he's blatantly claiming housing benefit whilst allegedly making "good" money. I guess that's illegal, just like the eBay scamming activities he's so proud of......
The thread is compelling reading, if only for the fact I want to see how long it takes him to blow up.

He's completely set himself up to get shat on by the market, but not only that, he's flipped the bird to some very good advice from well meaning T2W'ers who told him what he could do to improve his trading and what would probably happen if he carried on.

He's a bit like a badly behaved, chavvy four-year-old who's walking on top of a wall shouting "look at me!", been told he'll fall off and hurt himself, and you cannot stop watching until he does, just so you can say a simpsons style "haaa haaa" while he's twitching on the floor.

At least, thats what the dark side of me feels like. Obviously, the other half of me wouldnt wish a blow-up on anyone. Except maybe fannish.

Its pure comedy that he's broken every rule: massive risk stops, funded an acct off credit card, lives way above his means, and has no other legitimate income, spurns good advice freely given, openly admits to doing things most normal people find highly distasteful (underage sex, ebay cons, benefit fraud, unpaid CC debt, hates britain etc). You'd struggle to make it up, if its not all actually a big wind up.

If he's for real, it was only a matter of time before something nasty was going to happen to him, and you cant really blame anyone for openly laughing at his misfortune.
He's lost a chunk of his profits but he's still made about 10k or so from his £700? I think the big losses were due to a much tooo big stake size, but his plan now is to go back to small stakes and make £100 or so per day, which if he can do (and he is certain he can) will still be a better living than most people.

I dont care much for his benefit fraud though, but what are you gonna do.....
Somethings bothering me, there's something not quite right here.

I haven't been following S89's thread over on ET and I didn't really follow his thread(s) on this site but I feel there's something that doesn't ring true to me and I can't put my finger on it.

If this guy is supposed to be some sort of scam/con artist ( and I'm only going on what other members have said about him ) then, to me, he comes across as a bit too open and honest in the way he posts a running commentary on his trades.

I can't imagine this S89 guy and some Ebay scammer being the same person. Maybe I'm a little too innocent, I dunno ?

Anyone else sense this or is it just me ?

If this character is a wind up then whoever it is doing the winding up is dragging it out for rather a long time.


If any of them are a wind up I'd guess it's that Blackjack guy that posts on there...
i can't quite put my finger on it! I just get the feeling someone was trying to wind Spanish up by creating a character not too disimilar to himself but more successful.
i can't quite put my finger on it! I just get the feeling someone was trying to wind Spanish up by creating a character not too disimilar to himself but more successful.

I wouldnt say hes similar? His style of trading is very different now as well. To be honest I feel a little guilty posting the successes ive had as Im sure they encouraged spanish to increase his trade sizes too much.
I wouldnt say hes similar? His style of trading is very different now as well. To be honest I feel a little guilty posting the successes ive had as Im sure they encouraged spanish to increase his trade sizes too much.

I meant more his situation is similar - new to trading, quitting job to trade after a few successes, "living the life" so to speak. I think he said he's not going to post anymore now Spanish has stopped.
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