
on any spanish89 discussion threads would you like to -

  • close all threads and bin any new threads started

    Votes: 10 12.7%
  • leave them open

    Votes: 29 36.7%
  • couldn't care less

    Votes: 40 50.6%

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Perhaps I touched a raw nerve.

Not at see I have the thickest of thick skins. Excellent protection for those oh so delicate nerves. 🙂

I understand perfectly thank you, and its nice to see clarification from a moderator that its quite clearly the owner of the site responsibe for the hypocrisy.

However your own personal abdecation of responsibility under the excuse that you are just following orders doesnt really cut much ice, and you know it. Its the sort of pathetic excuse those accussed of war crimes are apt to use.

We know how you love your rules don't we...rules and rule books

Now just to make this absolutely clear and beyond question.

I do not follow anyones orders...not that there are any orders....there are however site guidelines which are not the same as orders or rules differ from guidelines you see...rules are normally fixed and rigid...where as guidelines are open to interpretation...guidelines in a lot of respects are much better than rules....guidelines are flexible enough to allow for difference or variation or consideration and so as a mod, I decide how to interpret these guidelines and what is acceptable or not and so on....

You chose to support the regime, and you and indeed all other moderators are quite rightly tarred with the same brush, hypocrites happy to see members manipulated, as long as its a mate of your's or sharky's whose potentially earning from it.

You cant hide from the facts m8 😆 now what part of that dont you understand

Your post is full to the brim with emotive words and phrases...i can only assume to please the puppet know...the ones that hide behind snide rep comments and the like...but who don't seem to have a voice of their own...either because they are ex-members or banned members or not adequate enough to voice their own opinion or just in hiding for some reason or other.

Or maybe the reason is to rally the troops and get behind the cause... whatever that might be ! Where are all these troops btw? Oh wait, don't tell me...not the limit down one tick wonder ( with tight stops ) (just in case) ( for safety )

I sent a P M requesting that the vendor who isn't a vendor should re-register as a vendor ....the P M went unanswered.

It has been explained in another post by a different mod that the member in question does not post here any longer and has not visited the site since the nonsense a few months ago.

So that said...why would he need vendor status if no longer here....bit of a mystery that one. Unless of course the hang em high brigade gets some kind of kick from pursuing this pointless aim.

I'm all done discussing this further as it is now becoming very tedious.
....<usual lame excuses>...

I of course must refer you to a statement made previously by Paul Gould regarding an accusation of favouritism lent to certain posters:

"favouritism leant to certain posters" - just not so, we very democratically established site guidelines with full consultation of the members. All the moderators do is apply those guidelines to the best of their abilities. To suggest there is some conscious favouring of particular members is simply not true and never has been."

I guess you must all feel a little uncomfortable after openly declaring that "some members are more equal than others". You can whinge whine and moan, and try denying responsibility buy the shambolic handling of the Grey1 vendor tag issue is a blatent example of the hypocrisy that runs rife throughout this site, and as many have testified, why the site is a standing joke. Paul refustes the accusation in writing, and then his mods let the cat slip out of the bag that his claims are simply BS

Perhaps you'd also care to make an official statement regarding the moderators access to members private messages and reputation comments 😆 you seam to be very well informed 😆

As for shadowy pupet masters, the paranoia is getting to you m8

You and every single moderator are hypocrites, Paul Gould's written statement is written proof, you cant hide from it, we know the truth, and you wont put the genie back in the bottle, so I suggest you live with it 😆
Sloppy post m8...and deffo not up to your usual standard 😆

I think your on the run as you seem unable to deal with the facts as presented.

Anyway, no matter.. like I said.. i'm all done with reasoning as far as this is concerned.


There is no access to members P M's ....again just to make that absolutely clear.
I of course must refer you to a statement made previously by Paul Gould regarding an accusation of favouritism lent to certain posters:

"favouritism leant to certain posters" - just not so, we very democratically established site guidelines with full consultation of the members. All the moderators do is apply those guidelines to the best of their abilities. To suggest there is some conscious favouring of particular members is simply not true and never has been."

I guess you must all feel a little uncomfortable after openly declaring that "some members are more equal than others". You can whinge whine and moan, and try denying responsibility buy the shambolic handling of the Grey1 vendor tag issue is a blatent example of the hypocrisy that runs rife throughout this site, and as many have testified, why the site is a standing joke. Paul refustes the accusation in writing, and then his mods let the cat slip out of the bag that his claims are simply BS

Perhaps you'd also care to make an official statement regarding the moderators access to members private messages and reputation comments 😆 you seam to be very well informed 😆

As for shadowy pupet masters, the paranoia is getting to you m8

You and every single moderator are hypocrites, Paul Gould's written statement is written proof, you cant hide from it, we know the truth, and you wont put the genie back in the bottle, so I suggest you live with it 😆

zupcon is this you?


  • geek-wearing-bum_~IE176-050.jpg
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Perhaps I touched a raw nerve.

I understand perfectly thank you, and its nice to see clarification from a moderator that its quite clearly the owner of the site responsibe for the hypocrisy.

However your own personal abdecation of responsibility under the excuse that you are just following orders doesnt really cut much ice, and you know it. Its the sort of pathetic excuse those accussed of war crimes are apt to use.

You chose to support the regime, and you and indeed all other moderators are quite rightly tarred with the same brush, hypocrites happy to see members manipulated, as long as its a mate of your's or sharky's whose potentially earning from it.

You cant hide from the facts m8 😆 now what part of that dont you understand ?


This is a website not an experiment in constitutional law. It really isn't that important.

This is a website not an experiment in constitutional law. It really isn't that important.

Its no more or less as important as 99.99% of the site content (including this thread), nothing more than pointless banter, but that doesnt stop people posting (and thank god they do cos there wouldnt be a business if they did and we'd all have to get our amusement elsewhere, and some would be looking for alterative employment in these economically uncertain times)

I continue to read T2W because its amusing, and its particularly funny seeing a group of hypocrites running around trying to tippex out history, I'm as hypocritical as the next man, but at least I'll admit it 😆
Who is Spannish89?

He appears to have a cult following. But I have no idea who he is. I can't even find him on wiki.

Is he a big trader?
He appears to have a cult following. But I have no idea who he is. I can't even find him on wiki.

Is he a big trader?

Just another punk ass teenager who thinks he knows it all and has now come down to earth with a bump...but there is hope i suppose now that he is down on his uppers....when the going gets tough the tough get going and the weak just give up.

So i guess he can spend the next few years...finding himself...then we will see if he is made of the right stuff.
This has been the obvious case for a few years now zupcon, has it not?

Sharky picked between content and profit and sold out. His site, his choice. C'est la vie.
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