Spanish humour


Legendary member
The Spanish have a sense of humour, too, you know!

An English tourist was taking a walk up to a nearby castle and he saw a countryman lying on the grass in the shade of his donkey. "What's the time, please?" The countryman reached out, put his hand under the donkey's testicles and lifted. "Four o'clock", he said.

On the way back, the English tourist stopped and asked the time again. The countryman reached out, lifted the donkey's testicles again and said "Seven o'clock"

"That's amazing, how can you tell the time like that?" asked the tourist.

"Well" said the countryman, "When I lift the donkey's testicles I can just see the clock on the town church".
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Thats funny 😆

I've known a handful of Spanish citizens living in the UK, and they've all had good & very down to earth SOH's. (Although I tend to look at people as an individual, not their nationality).
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Splitlink said:
The Spanish have a sense of humour, too, you know!

An English tourist was taking a walk up to a nearby castle and he saw a countryman lying on the grass in the shade of his donkey. "What's the time, please?" The countryman reached out, put his hand under the donkey's testicles and lifted. "Four o'clock", he said.

On the way back, the English tourist stopped and asked the time again. The countryman reached out, lifted the donkey's testicles again and said "Seven o'clock"

"That's amazing, how can you tell the time like that?" asked the tourist.

"Well" said the countryman, "When I lift the donkey's testicles I can just see the clock on the town church".

Really, the Spanish have a sense of humour? :cheesy: En realidad los espanoles son bastante simpaticos, mi comentario no es ofensivo.

How about jokes about Mexicans. Sure you have some.

I got plenty of Mexican jokes about the Spanish :cheesy:


I got plenty of Mexican jokes regarding the Spanish :cheesy: