Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

Again ticker overload. I got my move and then ran for the woods!

(aka took a nap)

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

If you get slapped around as much as I did in July that's when you know somethings got to change.

Anything else you guys notice that once it happens on TD a ticker is a no go?

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Trading many poor setups will condition your mind that the stocks suck today, when you should be waiting for the A quality setups and then getting aggressive. What are your A quality setups?

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers

First reduce the reasons that can knock you off the horse, but when the inevitable happens..
You got to get back on the horse quick! Today maybe it was the setups or maybe it was me but I couldn't get back on the horse. Worse case you got your max loss. But don't beat around the bush till then.

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers

One of those Green days that feels more like a red day. I sized too light today 100% and at the open I lost my flow.


I didn't become a trader so I can stare at the screen all day - Cheers guys.


Are you intraday trading with the MACD? I was quite surprised how nice it identified trends. Will need big vol days for more testing.


I can't believe I let both MTTR and VERU slip through my fingers at the market open. Can't let that happen in the future. Best to just pick one instead of being shell shocked! You can always switch if you didn't pick the best gapper.


I'll take a $500 day any day in this market. Can't wait till we get a beauty


If it's that good good A+ setup. Get into the aggressive mentality!


When you and the market gods don't see eye to eye.


Monday's & Friday's are extra good days to wrap up early. I'll need to get that ta tooted on my forehead along with a few other things.

