Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

We have NEW internet #telekom DSL replacing our #Vodafone cable. Thank baby Jesus. Vodafone needs to rethink what they are offering to their clients. It's a total scam.

We've been paying for 50 upload for months be only get between 1-3 for over 5 weeks now, everyday documented with a speed test.

We'll let's see how the first stream goes with the new internet. See you guys at 9am EST!
Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $OBLN $CLBS $APM

What a rally we saw today I wrapped up 60min too soon but still nice to see the action back. Maybe we'll get round 2 tomorrow.

Till then.. happy #InaugurationDay everyone!!

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers $BBIG $ADTX $CLSN $GENE

Today was interesting it was either SUPER HOT or we were in a SUPER LULL. Either way we remained calm and got aggressive when we needed to be

(...besides that first massive $BBIG slip up)

Always a good time with you guys on the stream!

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers $CLII $ADMP $AZRX $NAOV

Man was I ready to wrap up today ha could barely poop out a sentence properly at the start of the stream. Good fun still though. Ready for some chilly vanilly and then be back Fresh first thing Monday.

Lmk your thoughts on this new swing pick!!

Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers $GME $BB $BBBY $EXPR

Suspicous market today best not to push it.
Also put it in your calendar! Tomorrow at Noon EST we're streaming the 2020 recap!

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $EDSA $KOSS $PHUN

Made a lot of fumbles today, the halt was almost the least of my issues. But we did what we do best and somehow dug ourselves out. Just another day at the office. See ya guys for the 2020 recap at Noon EST!

I keep forgetting I'm still a bit sick ha almost past out halfway through but I hope all the good lessons still surfaced!

Consistency is king! That allows you to make constant tweaks so when you look back 1-3-6 months you'll be like wow. No one day should make or break you but the sum of those days will.

December 2020 & Full 2020 | Day/Swing Trading Recap
Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $GME $AMC $EXPR

Well today was crazy on all fronts. These are the days where you almost have to turn a few trading rules over.

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers $NAKD $SNDL $KOSS

Trade them when there hot and then get the heck out!

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $SAVA $OCGN $MBRX $HOL

First day everything was a bit slower since the start of the GME Saga. New Space SPAC $HOL taking Astra public. I think we'll be seeing this one again.

Time to activate chilly vanilly mode. Hope to get some sledding in this weekend!

Don't forget to study up on past trades and this beautiful stair stepper.

Happy weekend guys!

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers $LAIX $JG $AAME

New week, new gear, now we just need some new tickers! What was that open?!
Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers $CRHM $OCGN $SAVA
Yes. ️I accredit my $2k win today on the sledding.

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $TLRY $AUVI $KALV

Didn't do enough sledding today I suppose..
I think this new spac will be the phoenix to rise from the ashes.

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $BPTH $CGIX $ACIC
If this was a normal office job today would have been the same as no one being at the office but there's was a bunch of leftover birthday cake you could pig out on.
Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers $ACIU $RCMT $SNDL