Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

6% day based on our avg position size, not a wild day but can't complain. Always trade the environment you're in and not the one you want! $WAFU $AMBO $HHT $IZEA $DPW

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Not the worst day just had to be careful, dips could have been nice but I often mess those up in the challenge account since I'm limited on trades and try to maximize each trade, ultimately ending up not trading the price action but a made-up ideal target.


Other rules when to wrap up trading:

1. Give back half gains
2. 3 Red trades (in a row)
3. 10% loss overall on avg position size

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Nothing beats constant reviewing of your trades, eventually you'll find patterns that can help you fine tweak your trading.What are some of the best tweaks you've made to your trading??

Trading for the next week from a country house where wifi isn't too hot, streams may be a bit choppy but the chat room will still be hot as ever! $BBI & $EDSA

I'm lovin the peacefulness out here but already missing my glass fiber back in Berlin. Watched the live stream today and it actually worked much better than I thought it did so excited for tomorrow, will treat it normal regardless of the wifi issues as YT did a good job rendering it together.


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Not the cleanest gappers this morning but something clean could still be brewing $MCEP & $CVU

Took today wayy to easy and probably because I didn't want to do something silly first day with the new Margin account. The good news is we ended the day green and can now keep an eye out for swings. Is CLIR going to be an overnight hold or swing? Lmk your thoughts.


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A bit waiting for a late bloomer to pop on my watchlist as the current 2 lead gappers don't have me convinced $UONEK & $MGEN
Today would have been a super fun bank stock Pre-Market madness day but missed out due to frozen scanner and some other hold-ups here. Not a worry though at all, still on my trip and I'll be back full swing on Monday. Hope the rest of you slew some beasts today!! See ya tomorrow.


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Scanner working again and hopefully the wifi as well. Will start 5 min early again today and probably tomorrow to help the stream buffer. $FAMI & $HUSN
I like to work out at least 30-45 min workout (usually before lunch) and do 5-10 min breathing work all before the market opens. By market open I've already got my top 2 gappers (flexible here) and maybe have done 1 or more a half position sized trade(s) so I'm more tuned in to how the markets trading. How about you?


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banks and capital markets still hot in the small cap sector as lead gappers $UONE & $COHN continue to show strong PM strength.
The last day on my country house trip, was more of a spectator today again but man o man did I love this setup. Kicking myself a bit for not listening to my gut on this one but at least I can share it and we can all prepare for when we see it again.


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Don't mind the longer video, was about to enter $EVOK during the recap, and was walking my thoughts through the potential entry. I just left the recap recording as it is as I know some of you guys like to see the process, feel free to skip 20:58 - 25:31

Anyway, let me know your thoughts on $SPCE is it a swing for you or not?!


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lead gappers $FFHL & $BRN + watch $KTOV which is making some big moves out of sub dollar zone. Yesterday was a bit weak but remember to trade the market were in today.
When do you usually wrap up trading?

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