err... hang on....
Bramble, the problem as described by Skill is on the Right, and we are all on the left?
Is that your position?
Err... well, yes, I am a gnats c0ck away from changing my mind and saying the plane DOESN'T take off. If you did it in real life, the plane would take off - but Skill has described a situation that could never exist in real life - Using the rollers in the diagram attached, we are (were) all thinking that the conveyor belt works like the one on the left (as it would in real life) - yet, look at the translational displacement of the dot, and it's "mirror" (the square) on the lower roller... THE DISPLACEMENT IS THE SAME
The problem initially stated that the displacement would be OPPOSITE, which is what we have on the right... -2r + 2r = 0.
Bramble, can you confirm?