Always squire... Just a little frustrated at lack of progress. Forgive me my outbursts...
Been out drinking, so apologies but...
1st blue bit...
Ummm, you're wrong, I don't know how to break it down into simpler bits. If the plane is moving relative to the ground, then it has velocity relative to the air (hence lift etc).
Relative to the ground is taking into account the conveyor belt, dunno what else to say.
"energy is absorbed by the spinning wheels"
I just have no idea what the hell you're on about here. My bad.
You understand that the only effect of the conveyor belt is to spin the wheels faster...then surely the plane just takes off with the wheels spinning faster?
Then you went on about cycling...i didn't mention anything about cycling, just a bike. In my example, I'm not on the conveyor belt pushing the bike, just like the jet isn't pushing along the belt like a car would, it's pushing the air, which has nothing to do with the belt, much like i would push the belt when I'm not standing on the belt.
Lift wind speed???
If the plane moves forward, then it's accelerated, hence it will continue to accelerate until "lift wind speed" is achieved.
Last point, not sure who said it, but why does whoever, think that the myth busters experiment is different to a conveyor belt?
P.S. Anyone who's arguing that the plane doesn't take off done any mechanics of any note?