Should the Scotland vote worry anyone ?

Been talking to a lot of our Scottish cousins over the last week. It seems to me that the educated, more worldly wise ones are very clearly in the No camp.
The Yes voters are younger, less experienced or just out and out little Scotlanders.

I explained to them that we have the same problems in England. The un-educated should be barred from having the vote for starters. Maybe we should start a list of those in need of sterilisation so as not to breed the next gen of complete ******s ! then we might make some progress eh.

Been talking to a lot of our Scottish cousins over the last week. It seems to me that the educated, more worldly wise ones are very clearly in the No camp.
The Yes voters are younger, less experienced or just out and out little Scotlanders.

I explained to them that we have the same problems in England. The un-educated should be barred from having the vote for starters. Maybe we should start a list of those in need of sterilisation so as not to breed the next gen of complete ******s ! then we might make some progress eh.


You're alienating and antagonising....where were you educated?
So let me get this right...too much left wing...we vote right wing. Too much right wing...we vote left wing. F*ckin joke!

We deserve voters.

"I vote Labour" Why?....."Because I've always voted Labour..."

Makes me sick.
On the street m8. Had to figure it out myself on the way up. I can spot BS a mile off....and that's what the Scots are being fed !

So who's going to judge if one is educated or not then?

Etonites V those educated on the streets?

You really are full of your self. No change there then!
So let me get this right...too much left wing...we vote right wing. Too much right wing...we vote left wing. F*ckin joke!

We deserve voters.

"I vote Labour" Why?....."Because I've always voted Labour..."

Makes me sick.

"I vote Labour?" How many have, really, bothered their arses to go out and vote? The voting statistics, for decades, have shown that only around 40% of those eligible to vote, do so. In the vote for Lord Mayor of London it was down to about 33%.

I wonder how many will go out to decide Scotland's future? In fact, I believe that if everyone had voted in general elections, there would have been significant changes made in Scotland and the rest of the Union, enough to make a referendum unnecesary.
"I vote Labour?" How many have, really, bothered their arses to go out and vote? The voting statistics, for decades, have shown that only around 40% of those eligible to vote, do so. In the vote for Lord Mayor of London it was down to about 33%.

I wonder how many will go out to decide Scotland's future? In fact, I believe that if everyone had voted in general elections, there would have been significant changes made in Scotland and the rest of the Union, enough to make a referendum unnecesary.

I predict a high turn-out. Though the rain may deter some. 90% +.

The reason that so few vote in most elections is that it is hard to decide which load of b*ll****t*rs are worse. Not many care too much for the country but as the expenses scandal shows - having a cushy indoor job.
I predict a high turn-out. Though the rain may deter some. 90% +.

The reason that so few vote in most elections is that it is hard to decide which load of b*ll****t*rs are worse. Not many care too much for the country but as the expenses scandal shows - having a cushy indoor job.

Nevertheless, the reason for lousy government is that the turnout is too low, IMO. Not the other way around. If the ref turnout is 90% I shall be impressed but, if the rain turns them off, they deserve what they get.

Don't forget that it is being held on a Thursday. Many workers have got time off for workers to exercise their rights to vote during working hours.
Surely YOU wouldn't even buy a second hand car off this oily fellow ?


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It is so close it could come down to who is buying the drinks. So be in a pub come Thursday night.

Filling up the opposition so that they are too legless to get to the polls might be an option too. Could even suggest it could become a regular event . Never underestimate the persuasion of booze !!
In the famous words of Jim from Dibley who might have moved to Scotland recently.

Q. Are you voting No in the referendum no no yes

BBC man - well there you have the words of wisdom from the oracle of Dibley.


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I'm guessing there will now be a NO majority of 4% to 5% as the undecided should come down more firmly against independence. If you can't make up your mind about something you tend not to vote, or in the case of something permanent like this, you vote for the status quo.
I'm guessing there will now be a NO majority of 4% to 5% as the undecided should come down more firmly against independence. If you can't make up your mind about something you tend not to vote, or in the case of something permanent like this, you vote for the status quo.

Not enugh. It needs to be more decisive, or the problem will come back in a few years. The independistas don't mind a small majority, but it is not satisfactory to any one else, even those south of the border.

It should be a legal requirement for referendums to be, at least 66-33%.
An Economist view (click on picture to enlarge)


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