Sharia compliant trading platform

Jihad? Do you even know what that means?
You want to veil your attacks on me as a religious discussion fair enough but you're the one who is declaring i-war.
This is your warning shot. 😀

I believe the bog standard answer to this one goes something like:

The word Jihad is just as much misunderstood in the West as the word crusade is in the Muslim world.

eg - you can have a crusade against knife crime or drink driving but the word crusade has an entirely different meaning for Muslims. Same with the word Jihad

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I don't think he's celebrated for his societally validated value system. Interesting factoid though.

Racism was rife then. It's still rife now but that doesn't stop people from contributing something of interest.

I heard the guy who owns Ikea is incredibly right wing but that doesn't stop people enjoying low cost flat pack furniture.

Interesting factoid though FX.

Excellent response Robs. If Stalin said that a chair was a chair, and got Hitler to confirm it, it would still be a chair.
Surprised at the venom being spewed out to a phenomenal man who lived many moons ago.

Here is my understanding which is in stark contrast to all your BS on this thread.

Mohammed also known as the trusted one married his employer who was also older than he was. In fact he had 13 wives I think all together. However, they were older than he was and destitute women who were either widowed or lost their husbands in war or sickness.

Ayshe was I think the only one who was younger than he was and a virgin that he married. However, that is because Mohammed was much loved and reverred by all those that knew him. Also pretty much Ayshe was in love with Mohammed too by all accounts as she grew up near him. There was never any force or coerrcion involved. Moreover, after Mohammed died Ayshe never spoke of any ill doings or bitterly about Mohammed but only in loving terms.

Now you can dispute and argue anyway you want but if you guys have freaking half a brain if not 10% you can conclude that people do not turn paedophiles in their late years. It also does not go with the characther of the man or his conduct. If he had an appetite this would have been apparent long before the 12 wife...

All this BS is written by enemies of Islam who are no different to likes of Osama bin Ladin types hate filled twits who hate Christian and Jews. So it is regurtitating the same old **** - turning the wheels of hate and anomisity. We need to rise above it all.

Use your head and don't be like them.

Now because many men died in wars a law was decreed that one man may take more than one wife subject to permission from the 1st mrs and if he had the means to look after them up to 4. Until then women in all societies were abused and badly treated - all over the world and especially in the ME. Not to mention the burial and disregarding of baby girls as boys were preferred.

This is where it gets interesting. I believe the Quran recommends one as being best for you. Limit is 4. The likes of Saudis have 22 because the Quran also says providing you have the means to support and look after them equally. Not only that the freaking king has 2 children from each wife. Can you imagine these stupid so call-ed muslims breeding like rats.

And this is where the folly is . Men (like you) twist the words of a good man into all kinds of BS. The Saudies take what suits them and disregard the rest. It is just another freaking crowd control as some have said. Same goes for the Iranians who live with one set of rules for women and another set of rules for men. Men are not superior to women. They are simply different. Mullahs who know **** all about the religion or its essence. Some of them haven't been even to a proper school.

So when they take 4 wives they often tend to be a lot younger than the man. Permission is usually not sought. 2nd 3rd and 4th usually become sex kittens or punishment for the first wife.

If all these people want to do as Mohammed did then they should take older wives as that is precisely what he did. Ayshe being the exception. So they may ****ing grow beards and eat with their hands but they are still **** heads when they take more than one woman in modern times when birth rates are roughly 50/50 for the two sexes.

Mohammed is much loved by many and who preached spirituality and the better path to living in harmony and peace. I think **** stirring like this - almost like a school play ground teasing and jeering at other children is not fruitful or beneficial to the good life.

It is just in bad taste and gets us no where very fast.

Now everyone take deep breaths. Focus and concentrate on your breathing. Become as one with your inner soul.

Enjoy all that you do... 🙂
Excellent response Robs. If Stalin said that a chair was a chair, and got Hitler to confirm it, it would still be a chair.

Not unless Mother Theresa independently confirmed it was a futon. Then both Stalin and Hitler would be thrown into a very tricky situation and it would be almost impossible to determine the nature of the furniture without trying it out yourself.

I'm glad you enjoyed my banal analogy. If off to drink lager. Nighty night FX, you sex wolf.
Mother Theresa has become the epitome of goodness in the popular mind.
She was far, far from that; not quite the opposite, but certainly not deserving of respect or adulation.
I like it when popular wisdom is exploded like this. Will read some more MrC.

What exactly did she do that was less than 'Holy'?
Well you know more than DT I'll give you that.

He does indeed. Yet, the Mohammed & Aisha issue is still well open to debate. One of the things pointing to her not being 6 is the fact that her parents converted and so that age 6 was actually down as age since converted. There is a lot of back-peddling on the issue because many ancient books say rather inconvenient things such as

"“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.”"

(Bukhari, Book of Qualities of the Ansar)

You can read a 'scholars' view on - he says more likely they married when she was 9 and consumated at 14 or 15.

What is also interesting about that page is that it not only defends Mohammeds marriage to a minor and tries to whitewash it but then it also goes on to claim that various people described in the Bible were pedophiles.

This whole text can be summarised thus:
Lot's of ancient texts say she was 6 but that's not what they meant
Anyway - the Christians are pedophiles, so there.

If the author had managed to refrain from an attack on Christians, his point would have been better made. As it is, he rather tripped himself up.

I'd be quite happy to put both sides down as guilty. Life spans were a hell of a lot shorter in those days, we can still see plenty of evidence of child marriages in places like Ethiopia and other stone age muslim regions and we certainly see plenty of evidence of Catholic priests and young children.
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If that is the case then it has failed to achieve this on a spectacular scale in all ages of human history.


You are kidding right ?

The simple act of a Jew not eating Pork or Prawns is an act of subservience to the religion.
Philippinos with their 12 child families is too.
You might want to take a trip to Africa, take a look at all the Catholics dying of HIV because papa says they shouldn't use condoms.

People 'live by the book' less and less now, but how can you say that people are not controlled by it? Of course they will tell you that they live their life according to their chosen religion because they choose to.
Hi, I ve been looking for a trading platform to trade in sharia compliant stocks.
I ve looked all over the web and the only one I ve found is called UMEX Trader. It offers approx 10,000 sharia compliant stocks, global market coverage including MTFs, real time price feeds, dividend purification, research, etc.
Before I sign up for it, I would like to do more research.

Can anyone else recommend any other similar platforms?


Are you serious about the question you pose?

In my interpretation trading means speculating on the nature of an outcome. It means usery. It means earning money from someone elses hard work.

Investing ones money whilst sitting on ones **** is usery. No two ways about it. You can put what ever spin you want on it. What work are you going to do in determining what is ethical and what is not.

I almost did my dissertation on Islamic Banking and then changed because I realised what a daft nightmare it would be. Reason being - how can one person judge what the market rate of interest should - or the value of money based on one persons religious ethics be? Impossible...

For example - if your neighbours house burns down you going to help him rebuild it by being a good smaritan? No need - as we have insurance for that and one would assume building and contents insurance is purchased for a very miniscule sum?

Why pay 2.5% once a year when we pay dollups of taxation 50%+? Which is the greater good in your God's eyes?

Harmonious way of life and Islam is all around you.

All this stuff is simply - self indulgence for the non-thinking stuck up pious little muslim to caress their bloated ego of righteousness.
too long didnt read

u atheists are really pissed off from Islam arent u 😀

I am a muslim and i know i am right but i hate to enter such useless silly arguments , most of u r full of hatred and dont know what the hell they r talking about so shut the f*** up and move on , u will change nothing , Islam is here , u will c the truth sooner or later after death its matter of time only . If u want the truth search for it .

Atilla what r u talking about , capitalism made the whole world in a complete mess and u r still talking economics !!
tar - no-one is spewing hatred here. Except for Scose.

Many of us just think Religion is nonsense. You say you know you are right & so do Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Mormons etc. etc.

Most are indoctrinated from, birth and therefore religion has been ingrained. Perhaps you have been a Muslim since birth. Had your parents been Mormons, you'd more than likely feel the same about that religion.

There is as much proof that Aliens exist as God exists.
u atheists are really pissed off from Islam arent u 😀

Atilla what r u talking about , capitalism made the whole world in a complete mess and u r still talking economics !!

No tar and it saddens me to hear that opinion too. Humans made the mess. They make a mess wherever they go.

On some level though you should question whether you have been indoctrinated to believe that and consider the collective repercussions of that indoctrination and how it eventually transfers from a benign and personal belief system to one that causes societal conflict.

For the avoidance of doubt I level that criticism at Christians and any other participants of organised religion too. All religious participants are culpable for this kind of aggression.
u atheists are really pissed off from Islam arent u 😀

Atilla what r u talking about , capitalism made the whole world in a complete mess and u r still talking economics !!

I'm an atheist and yes I am pissed off with finger waving muslims who use it for political aims to manipulate the simple minds of the masses who can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.

As for capitalism - yes you are right but it is more to do with risk control, good management and some pretty obvious regulation.

At least the capitalists have something to lose. What have the Islamic countries achieved in the last 100 years? Major competitive threat is from the Chinese and Indians.

What do you propose the ME countries will end up trading once oil runs out?