Sharia compliant trading platform

that's one of the other things that annoys me, why shouldn't people be allowed to insult religion?
I believe in free speech and you should be able to say what you want. Just be prepared for the consequences when you upset people. They have a right to react just as you have he right to say/do whatever you want, no?
Tell you what Scose - I'll give you a point if you can explain to me why it was OK for Allah to molest a pre-pubescent girl.
I'm not even going to dignify this with a response.
You might find some more questions to ask me if you trawl a few more pages through your google search.

Let me know if you come across anything on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I need to argue with a few Jews in another forum.
C'mon Scose - you and I both know who the kiddy fiddler was - say his name will you...

How old was Aisha when she married him ?

Married at 6 & consumated at 9.

Did Mohammed get 72 pre-teen virgins when he died ?
I believe in free speech and you should be able to say what you want. Just be prepared for the consequences when you upset people. They have a right to react just as you have he right to say/do whatever you want, no?

Yes, but all too common they get a bit precious...
Tell you what Scose - I'll give you a point if you can explain to me why it was OK for Allah to molest a pre-pubescent girl.

That was muhammed. Allah gets to molest anyone he wants!

Allah != Muhammed. Unlike in Christianity, where Jesus is God is the Holy Spirit, again for absolutely no bloody reason whatsoever.
It isn't a smear campaign. You can argue shagging 9 year olds was culturally normal then, but if that's the case then why did allah approve of it then, but not now. Or does he approve of it now? Or did he disapprove of it then?
It isn't a smear campaign. You can argue shagging 9 year olds was culturally normal then, but if that's the case then why did allah approve of it then, but not now. Or does he approve of it now? Or did he disapprove of it then?

Of course it's a f0cking smear campaign. I see all the anti-muslim propaganda and dis-information circular emails that get passed around right wing Christian nutters cos the woman in work is one of them. Saw a particularly humorous one about dawn raids on mosques on Eid day a couple of weeks ago.
All I'll say on the matter is she wasn't nine. I'm not going to be baited any more than this on the subject.
Toast obviously can't handle a proper discussion given his inability to keep to subject and his reliance on evidence obtained from google searches and he's encouraging you a bit it seems.
Of course it's a f0cking smear campaign. I see all the anti-muslim propaganda and dis-information circular emails that get passed around right wing Christian nutters cos the woman in work is one of them. Saw a particularly humorous one about dawn raids on mosques on Eid day a couple of weeks ago.
All I'll say on the matter is she wasn't nine. I'm not going to be baited any more than this on the subject.
Toast obviously can't handle a proper discussion given his inability to keep to subject and his reliance on evidence obtained from google searches and he's encouraging you a bit it seems.

OK - so which evidence are we allowed to use on the Mohammed & Aisha issue ?

You are refusing to discuss it merely because you know it's what is written.

Obviously - whether any of these people actually existed is another issue.
Are you really trying to come across so condescending? If you are you're a bit of a joke mate. It's written where?

Never really had a problem with you in the past but actually, you seem to be a bit of a tw@... and that's coming from me.

To be honest I've let you get away with murder here today and if I was a lesser man I could have started a new thread where you are baited for lulz. It would be infinitely more offensive, posts would be more ill-informed and I'm sure the response would be a lot better too.
So you can't mention which specific sources on the age of A'isha that can be used to assess her age?

I am loving the tolerance by the way. Religion of peace & all that.
To be honest I've let you get away with murder here today and if I was a lesser man I could have started a new thread where you are baited for lulz. It would be infinitely more offensive, posts would be more ill-informed and I'm sure the response would be a lot better too.

And would this campaign of yours have a name perchance?

You know jihad better get up early in the morning if you want to catch me out....
Jihad? Do you even know what that means?
You want to veil your attacks on me as a religious discussion fair enough but you're the one who is declaring i-war.
This is your warning shot. 😀
Dt you're coming across a bit condescending as I said earlier. If this is just cos this is a forum and you can't judge tone then I apologise and you can just look at the qu'ran which doesn't actually give a clear picture of her age.