hi tim,i am intrigued by this fishing forum....
how nefarious are the vendors on this fishing forum? i mean, do they pretend to be...lets say world champion fisherman, post pics of them (in what looks like an urban setting with a j.p & sons butchers in background) with a bag full of great whites claiming they have found the holy grail, only to then a few days later offer to sell that holy grail (a super rod) at a bargain price?
how proactive are the forums in providing vendors a platform to sell their wares? does the forum associate themselves with marketers (not fisherman) and provide offers to their members of discounted fishing strategies which will net you a jesus like quantity of fish down at your local brook? do the vendors talk about the 900% increase in amount of fish they caught using a rod which is 1 of only 89 left in the world?
what about the newbie fisherman....are there repeating posts of newbies asking: 'if i go fishing will i catch a fish?'; 'how many fish can i catch in one day?';'is fishing similar to shooting pheasant?..or playing marbles?'; 'just started fishing and will have decimated the barings sea of fish stock in 2 years!'; 'i is intrigued by thread on catching fish, i forward look from you to learn more about fish much thanking you
i am a member of numerous other hobby forums, all have some type of lulz, none have the ingrained relationship with vendors nor the infinite supply of dumb newbie posters and spammers - this, like the extreme lulz, is a recentish pattern. i am not sure why t2w does have them - as the other trading forums i visit do not have the same issues. my guess is the lulz is a consequence of such an envt (spam, vendor, newbie time wasters, bots), though its almost imposs to prove, yet it wld be invaluable info for you guys if you cld prove it (or disprove and find the actual cause).