No longer a place for Scose

I can't answer that one irrefutably, but you take advice from someone and it improves your trading - in any manner you wish to define that - then it would be an odds-on bet they are probably, though not necessarily profitable.

But I don't believe their profitability is the issue.

More of a compelling point is are they more capable, experienced and skilled in areas in which I am not? Even if they have one or more major flaws which prevent them from trading profitably, but they can advise others successfully on every other aspect - would you turn down their advice?

This then begs the question how do you know what is good advice and what is not good advice? My personal solution to that one is to go with my instincts. The worst case is you try something which doesn't work - for you - and you discard it.

All of the advice I have been given from those whom I have been willing and happy to take it has been extremely worthwhile.

I wouldn't take advice from a net loser on any aspect of trading, but that's just me. If you're happy to do that, then go for it, but chances are it'll cost you money and time. A lot of both I'd bet.

You could validate advice through means of backtesting over a huge sample of trades, preferably in the 1000's. But lets be honest, 90% here want a quick buck and won't put the required effort in, so that's out the window!

Everyone should do what they want, then they'll get the results they want.

Hi Benji,
Perhaps, but that's not the fault of either the 'expert' or the newbie. It's good that the former posts so that their market insights are available for those who are ready to understand and appreciate them. And the latter have to learn to walk before they can run - and there's any amount of starter info' to enable them to do just that.

That's not the case. This is a free forum which anyone can join and express a view. Sure, many posts contain incorrect statements about the markets, but that's the nature of the beast. It's then down to the so called 'experts' to point out the mistakes, explain why they're incorrect and then point them in the right direction. It doesn't always work, but often as not it does. This is an open discussion forum: everyone is welcome to share their views.

You don't. But, IMO, you're making a fundamental error in only wanting to listen to and engage with profitable traders. If that's what you want to do, then you'll need to find another forum that caters for it.

If there was evidence to suggest that all profitable traders talk the absolute truth and all unprofitable traders talk various shades of bollox, then your concern would have validity. However, that's not the case. The profitability or otherwise of any one member is not relevant to me and has no bearing on my own ability to trade profitably. It's what I do with the information that I read that matters, and whether or not I can use it to my advantage. Either I can or I can't. Either way, knowing that the trader who posted it is profitable or unprofitable is of zero interest or use to me. So, my advice to you is to use your own common sense and good judgement as to who is worth listening to and who to quickly pass over!

We're talkin about whats gonna lead to someone making any dough on here, not that warm fuzzy feelin u get for givin advice to a fellow net loser.
I wouldn't take advice from a net loser on any aspect of trading, but that's just me. If you're happy to do that, then go for it, but chances are it'll cost you money and time. A lot of both I'd bet.

You could validate advice through means of backtesting over a huge sample of trades, preferably in the 1000's. But lets be honest, 90% here want a quick buck and won't put the required effort in, so that's out the window!

Everyone should do what they want, then they'll get the results they want.


mmm, I would say listen to everyone but never accept anything as gospel without checking it out and validating it yourself.
I dont actually remember a time when anyone gave out advice that would actually have helped you make money. I do remember following someone's thread for months on end as he'd been voted 'most helpful member', sure the guy was helpful enough it's just that he kept chopping and changing every two minutes and never really made any money, then he disappeared. I don't remember his name, he was living in Norway or Sweden and had an Arabic sounding name.
hows ur reliant robin nowaday barjon? still on the road? 😆

nah, some bugger nicked one of the doors, so just have to slum it in the porsche which is still waiting for a sill replacement after 3 years from order, so can only drive it on the estate since MOT-less.
nah, some bugger nicked one of the doors, so just have to slum it in the porsche which is still waiting for a sill replacement after 3 years from order, so can only drive it on the estate since MOT-less.

sorry buddy - i needed that door for mine. had a high speed impact wen i was racing a milkfloat.

I dont actually remember a time when anyone gave out advice that would actually have helped you make money.
I think what you meant to say was: "I don't actually remember a time when anyone gave out advice that would actually have helped me make money." Assuming that's what you meant, then it's a shame, but I'm happy to accept your word for it.
Credit to you for trying, however, even when some "expertise" is shared, it goes over the head of the ones in need of it most. The other problem; is that most on here willing to share, shouldn't be sharing in the first place! And then you get to the unanswerable age-old trading forum problem: how do you know for sure someone is profitable, and hence, is worth listening to??

I think this has been answered but I spend most of my time reading about ideas and systems that are probably not profitable and indeed the traders are also probably unprofitable .........

but that doesnt mean I discard it or that I cannot enhance my own knowledge or learn something from it ..........I try to learn from most things I read....

if people think they come to trade2win to learn the holy Grail in 1 paragraph or thread they are entirely missing the process of becoming a rounded trader and finding their own path ......

their path will be assembled from thousands of articles and ideas and experiences ..........90% of which will be disgarded along the way .....but you have to read them all to understand the value of the 10% retained :smart:

its a bit like the standing advertising joke I think attributed to Henry ford

50% of my advertising spend is waste ...I just cant work out which 50% 😎

Thanks, Tim.

Do you know that it is three months and I did not realise that he had gone? We used to be quite friendly at one time, during my run-in with Socrates and Mister Somebody of Jon's Wot Chart thread.

Then, after he resigned from being a mod. he went into a kind of crusading mode against some of the vendors and trashers. I try to avoid conflictive threads, these days, which is why I missed his presence but if ever I had problems navigating the site, or with bugs, he was always around to help.

Very sorry to learn that LM has gone.