If T2W is on the wane it might be to do with teh general trading environment as much as the site or teh
management. On-line trading, particularly spread betting, boomed in the 2000s. A lot of teh new wave of punters ended up here, before disappearing in the wake of teh crash. Even though new mugs are born every minute, I think teh supply doesn't keep pace with the teh number leaving because they've blown too many accounts.
I am in truth amazed at what is happening at T2W re all these endless discussions on quality and the old days and the rise of newbies and blah blah blah ....
the % saturation of newbie posts is due to one simple thing ......the absence of Experienced Trader Threads
What Trade2win urgently needs is more experienced Traders sharing more about how they trade profitably
and to spend some time helping New traders on their path to trading profitably.....
They dont have to declare
all their innermost secrets (god forbid
😉) ....just give back the time they will have received in their career path from mentors and contributors
its not rocket science.......bother to look back over the years and you will see some classic classic threads from traders that knew their stuff and were prepared to share some of it ..........sure some (most) were vendors..........and we are having these discussions all the time here at T2W now regarding Vendors contributions....
We have to all realise that professionalism is not the curse of the devil if managed correctly and given 100% transparency to T2W members .....these are the guys that have spent thousands of hours learning their skill....and if they hav'nt they will be found out very quickly in the quality of their dealings and subject matter on the threads they launch ..........because this Forum is
definately very good at policing threads
for example since 2004 I have tried here to share my own ideas on Forex strengthmeter trading .....and in truth I dont share that much here at T2W ....but
I am always willing to support people that want to ask questions and take it forwards ....thats what I try to contribute here with the time I have available .....as I saw many many people being helped in 2004 by Experienced traders when i joined T2W
so its time for all the so called experts here at T2W to step up and start being counted as true contributors instead of all sitting there silent or complaining.....Jees the forum is light years better and more friendlier than most of the other trading sites out there ............FF is the most unfriendliest Forum I have ever worked in and I am classified now as a regular contributer
come on everyone ...you wont like what I have posted but things never change unless people get of their butt and do something