No longer a place for Scose

PS - for any new members, it may be worth asking why this place is now full of brand newbie spread betting punters instead of having a roster like yesteryear, where people like myself, holding memberships in three professional organisations, disciplines including investments and accountancy, as well as holding an advanced degree in finance and investment banking, was a green horn.

Strange eh :clap:


oooooooooo memberships to "professional organisations" - wow!!! unless u make any money buddy no1 gives a hoot bout anything else.
Scose has had more comebacks than Frank Sinatra. See you soon.

It's a cry for help that's all. Don't take the suicide note too seriously.

She's not really trying to kill herself, it's just an overdose of laxatives.

Expect an increased posting rate when they kick in.
Scose what makes you think your account would be taken away?

Are you planning something?
PS - for any new members, it may be worth asking why this place is now full of brand newbie spread betting punters instead of having a roster like yesteryear, where people like myself, holding memberships in three professional organisations, disciplines including investments and accountancy, as well as holding an advanced degree in finance and investment banking, was a green horn.

Strange eh :clap:

You tell me Scose. When I came here it was Steve do this, Steve do that, it will be a better place for it. So I did. I cleaned everything up so people like you could return to making sensible and helpful posts but guess what? It did not happen. All you and the rest of them wanted was to use T2W as a lulz facility. I said at the time that lulz was OK as long as it was balanced by other contributions. But the lulz carried on without the contribution - apart from those attacking T2W of course.

If the end result is a forum that caters for the needs of newbies to spreadbetting and forex then I'm afraid it is the result of the current realities. If the community that used to be here will not re-engage on a regular basis about more than non- trading subjects then it leaves us no choice.

So you can stay or you can go. I would prefer stay but I doubt you'll make the effort to share what you undoubtedly believe is worth listening to.
You tell me Scose. When I came here it was Steve do this, Steve do that, it will be a better place for it. So I did. I cleaned everything up so people like you could return to making sensible and helpful posts but guess what? It did not happen. All you and the rest of them wanted was to use T2W as a lulz facility. I said at the time that lulz was OK as long as it was balanced by other contributions. But the lulz carried on without the contribution - apart from those attacking T2W of course.

If the end result is a forum that caters for the needs of newbies to spreadbetting and forex then I'm afraid it is the result of the current realities. If the community that used to be here will not re-engage on a regular basis about more than non- trading subjects then it leaves us no choice.

So you can stay or you can go. I would prefer stay but I doubt you'll make the effort to share what you undoubtedly believe is worth listening to.

I suppose things have a trend that is not easy to turn around. When you arrived, the trend was already downward, and a lot of good members had already gone. Some good contributors were banned too for being abusive or whatever. After you arrived some more were banned for lulz or for criticising the site. The vendor situation has improved (although now there are more that are trying to circumvent this in sneaky ways), but content is still probably trending down, and so is the humour element, and banning good contributors on both counts hasn't helped.
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I suppose things have a trend that is not easy to turn around. When you arrived, the trend was already downward, and a lot of good members had already gone. Some good contributors were banned too for being abusive or whatever. After you arrived some more were banned for lulz or for criticising the site. The vendor situation has improved (although now there are more that are trying to circumvent this in sneaky ways), but content is still probably trending down, and so is the humour element, and banning good contributors on both counts hasn't helped.

I agree completely, there was a phase when we lost some important contributors and we have to take that on the chin. Once people are established elsewhere it is very difficult to get them back and that applies to any community, trading or otherwise.

To be clear about one thing though, I took a very firm hold of the banning process when I started to get stuck in and resisted many calls for certain individuals to be banned.

I really don't think that anyone was banned unreasonably.

I made repeated calls for one individual who found every opportunity to slate what we were doing, to talk to me so we could deal with the issues of concern. These offers were never taken up and the abuse continued. In the end I was left with no choice.

Another individual who was tolerated for much longer here than he/she would have been elsewhere, did the inevitable (for him/her) and resorted to posting pornographic imagery.

Another one who ended up in a spat, that led to the very public resignation of barjon, simply disappeared.

So there's been no unreasonable banning while I have been at the helm and I don't think the down trend has been impacted one way or another by finally terminating those who deserved nothing else.

You can only trade on previous contribution history for so long. this is what I am saying to SND - post the good stuff and the lulz tolerances widen, it's quid pro quo but even then there have to be boundaries, but our's are pretty flexible I think.
I agree completely, there was a phase when we lost some important contributors and we have to take that on the chin. Once people are established elsewhere it is very difficult to get them back and that applies to any community, trading or otherwise.

To be clear about one thing though, I took a very firm hold of the banning process when I started to get stuck in and resisted many calls for certain individuals to be banned.

I really don't think that anyone was banned unreasonably.

I made repeated calls for one individual who found every opportunity to slate what we were doing, to talk to me so we could deal with the issues of concern. These offers were never taken up and the abuse continued. In the end I was left with no choice.

Another individual who was tolerated for much longer here than he/she would have been elsewhere, did the inevitable (for him/her) and resorted to posting pornographic imagery.

Another one who ended up in a spat, that led to the very public resignation of barjon, simply disappeared.

So there's been no unreasonable banning while I have been at the helm and I don't think the down trend has been impacted one way or another by finally terminating those who deserved nothing else.

You can only trade on previous contribution history for so long. this is what I am saying to SND - post the good stuff and the lulz tolerances widen, it's quid pro quo but even then there have to be boundaries, but our's are pretty flexible I think.

Yes, you can't force a change. You can only create the conditions for it. And some of these issues, like the hare had with the site, can be personal and can go back a long time.

I don't know if the others you mention are The Leopard and Lightning McQueen, but I wouldn't think any of these type of bannings were reasonable (what did happen to LM anyway?).

We disagreed on this in the past, so I won't labour it, except to say that someone whose agenda is to be critical of the site will either want to be banned so that the site looks worse for banning them or if banned can return with another username to continue the criticisms. So I'm not sure what you gain by banning them.
Yes, you can't force a change. You can only create the conditions for it. And some of these issues, like the hare had with the site, can be personal and can go back a long time.

I don't know if the others you mention are The Leopard and Lightning McQueen, but I wouldn't think any of these type of bannings were reasonable (what did happen to LM anyway?).

We disagreed on this in the past, so I won't labour it, except to say that someone whose agenda is to be critical of the site will either want to be banned so that the site looks worse for banning them or if banned can return with another username to continue the criticisms. So I'm not sure what you gain by banning them.

lM was not banned, I wish he were still here as I think he was a valuable contributor. Also when he criticised it was often sharp but in a constructive way. It all went wrong when we had all those spammers a while back and we were not acting in the way LM thought we should.

I opened a line of dialogue with him and all seemed fine, then he just left!
Sorry to hear you're leaving SND.
Hope you reconsider and stay.

If you do go, best wishes for you.
If T2W is on the wane it might be to do with teh general trading environment as much as the site or teh
management. On-line trading, particularly spread betting, boomed in the 2000s. A lot of teh new wave of punters ended up here, before disappearing in the wake of teh crash. Even though new mugs are born every minute, I think teh supply doesn't keep pace with the teh number leaving because they've blown too many accounts.
If T2W is on the wane it might be to do with teh general trading environment as much as the site or teh
management. On-line trading, particularly spread betting, boomed in the 2000s. A lot of teh new wave of punters ended up here, before disappearing in the wake of teh crash. Even though new mugs are born every minute, I think teh supply doesn't keep pace with the teh number leaving because they've blown too many accounts.

I am in truth amazed at what is happening at T2W re all these endless discussions on quality and the old days and the rise of newbies and blah blah blah ....

the % saturation of newbie posts is due to one simple thing ......the absence of Experienced Trader Threads

What Trade2win urgently needs is more experienced Traders sharing more about how they trade profitably and to spend some time helping New traders on their path to trading profitably.....

They dont have to declare all their innermost secrets (god forbid😉) ....just give back the time they will have received in their career path from mentors and contributors

its not rocket science.......bother to look back over the years and you will see some classic classic threads from traders that knew their stuff and were prepared to share some of it ..........sure some (most) were vendors..........and we are having these discussions all the time here at T2W now regarding Vendors contributions....

We have to all realise that professionalism is not the curse of the devil if managed correctly and given 100% transparency to T2W members .....these are the guys that have spent thousands of hours learning their skill....and if they hav'nt they will be found out very quickly in the quality of their dealings and subject matter on the threads they launch ..........because this Forum is definately very good at policing threads 😛

for example since 2004 I have tried here to share my own ideas on Forex strengthmeter trading .....and in truth I dont share that much here at T2W ....but I am always willing to support people that want to ask questions and take it forwards ....thats what I try to contribute here with the time I have available I saw many many people being helped in 2004 by Experienced traders when i joined T2W

so its time for all the so called experts here at T2W to step up and start being counted as true contributors instead of all sitting there silent or complaining.....Jees the forum is light years better and more friendlier than most of the other trading sites out there ............FF is the most unfriendliest Forum I have ever worked in and I am classified now as a regular contributer 😎

come on everyone wont like what I have posted but things never change unless people get of their butt and do something

Jees 😉
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I am in truth amazed at what is happening at T2W re all these endless discussions on quality and the old days and the rise of newbies and blah blah blah ....

the % saturation of newbie posts is due to one simple thing ......the absence of Experienced Trader Threads

What Trade2win urgently needs is more experienced Traders sharing more about how they trade profitably and to spend some time helping New traders on their path to trading profitably.....

They dont have to declare all their innermost secrets (god forbid😉) ....just give back the time they will have received in their career path from mentors and contributors

its not rocket science.......bother to look back over the years and you will see some classic classic threads from traders that knew their stuff and were prepared to share some of it ..........sure some (most) were vendors..........and we are having these discussions all the time here at T2W now regarding Vendors contributions....

We have to all realise that professionalism is not the curse of the devil if managed correctly and given 100% transparency to T2W members .....these are the guys that have spent thousands of hours learning their skill....and if they hav'nt they will be found out very quickly in the quality of their dealings and subject matter on the threads they launch ..........because this Forum is definately very good at policing threads 😛

for example since 2004 I have tried here to share my own ideas on Forex strengthmeter trading .....and in truth I dont share that much here at T2W ....but I am always willing to support people that want to ask questions and take it forwards ....thats what I try to contribute here with the time I have available I saw many many people being helped in 2004 by Experienced traders when i joined T2W

so its time for all the so called experts here at T2W to step up and start being counted as true contributors instead of all sitting there silent or complaining.....Jees the forum is light years better and more friendlier than most of the other trading sites out there ............FF is the most unfriendliest Forum I have ever worked in and I am classified now as a regular contributer 😎

come on everyone wont like what I have posted but things never change unless people get of their butt and do something

Jees 😉

Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya, oo ooh kumbayaaaaa... :clap:
hahahahahahaha 😆

halfway through my rant I did feel like it was the presidents address to the nation

sorry ......😱

Credit to you for trying, however, even when some "expertise" is shared, it goes over the head of the ones in need of it most. The other problem; is that most on here willing to share, shouldn't be sharing in the first place! And then you get to the unanswerable age-old trading forum problem: how do you know for sure someone is profitable, and hence, is worth listening to??
And then you get to the unanswerable age-old trading forum problem: how do you know for sure someone is profitable, and hence, is worth listening to??
I can't answer that one irrefutably, but you take advice from someone and it improves your trading - in any manner you wish to define that - then it would be an odds-on bet they are probably, though not necessarily profitable.

But I don't believe their profitability is the issue.

More of a compelling point is are they more capable, experienced and skilled in areas in which I am not? Even if they have one or more major flaws which prevent them from trading profitably, but they can advise others successfully on every other aspect - would you turn down their advice?

This then begs the question how do you know what is good advice and what is not good advice? My personal solution to that one is to go with my instincts. The worst case is you try something which doesn't work - for you - and you discard it.

All of the advice I have been given from those whom I have been willing and happy to take it has been extremely worthwhile.
Hi Benji,
. . .however, even when some "expertise" is shared, it goes over the head of the ones in need of it most.
Perhaps, but that's not the fault of either the 'expert' or the newbie. It's good that the former posts so that their market insights are available for those who are ready to understand and appreciate them. And the latter have to learn to walk before they can run - and there's any amount of starter info' to enable them to do just that.

The other problem; is that most on here willing to share, shouldn't be sharing in the first place!
That's not the case. This is a free forum which anyone can join and express a view. Sure, many posts contain incorrect statements about the markets, but that's the nature of the beast. It's then down to the so called 'experts' to point out the mistakes, explain why they're incorrect and then point them in the right direction. It doesn't always work, but often as not it does. This is an open discussion forum: everyone is welcome to share their views.

And then you get to the unanswerable age-old trading forum problem: how do you know for sure someone is profitable, and hence, is worth listening to?
You don't. But, IMO, you're making a fundamental error in only wanting to listen to and engage with profitable traders. If that's what you want to do, then you'll need to find another forum that caters for it.

If there was evidence to suggest that all profitable traders talk the absolute truth and all unprofitable traders talk various shades of bollox, then your concern would have validity. However, that's not the case. The profitability or otherwise of any one member is not relevant to me and has no bearing on my own ability to trade profitably. It's what I do with the information that I read that matters, and whether or not I can use it to my advantage. Either I can or I can't. Either way, knowing that the trader who posted it is profitable or unprofitable is of zero interest or use to me. So, my advice to you is to use your own common sense and good judgement as to who is worth listening to and who to quickly pass over!