I have an assessment/ interview on the 16th. I have done lots of research on them, and I am extremely keen to work for them. However, I am a student in college and taking my A levels. I started trading at the age of 13, originally securities and I then moved on to spread betting and still trade today on an intra-day basis. I have been to lots to seminars and read a few few trading books. I'm not planning on attending university as I would rather get more experience. I am aiming to get 3 A grades at A level in Economics, ICT and Geography.
Are my chances of being accepted significantly lower without having a degree?
When I'm at the interview I want to be one of the few people that has a question to ask at the end. I'm struggling to think of anything of great significance have any of you got any pointers?
How long am I going to have to talk for and what questions should I be expecting.