PM me what you want to know.
i used to work there and i know the guys who run the course. they are very friendly and if you have any comcerns or just want to get a head start they would help you out.
Hello there!!
Thanks again 🙂
Basically I got an email today about the Professional Trader Program interview and its something of interest to me and so I was wondering if you have any info of what they will be expecting on the day.
I understand you have to go through a 4 week program and if u have what it takes they hire you. Fine.
Do I pay for this program?
If say I get the job then is it the company's money that i would be expected to handle?
How was your experience there?
as far as i'am aware you dont pay for the course and yes if and when you pass you get backed and play with some one elses money.
my experiance there was good, i was one of the first traders there back in 1999 and helped build the company.
Play this. Try and get 26 seconds or more.
I am very excited about this opportunity. I have 2 weeks until the interview. Any pointers on how to better prepare until then.👍
Today's progress.
I have put in a good 6 hours on this today and I am now up to 23 seconds. The hard work is paying off. I am hopelessly addicted to this game and it has begun to take over my life. I will not stop until I reach 26 seconds like Masquerade says we should be able to!
After 40 min of practice..32 secs can any one better this?
Just wondering if anyone attended the recent interview. I got told this morning i had been offered a place on their course.
im extremely worried though regarding finances.
is there any hidden costs for this course?
when am i expected to start paying something back for desk fees etc?
you say at the end of the first month they decide whether to back you? do you have to pay this back? when?
it may appear i didnt listen, i did, i would just like confirming as everything still a bit vaigue in my head.
what makes schneider better than, say met traders, where you are able to earn a basic salary, security if you like.
Just wondering if anyone attended the recent interview. I got told this morning i had been offered a place on their course.
im extremely worried though regarding finances.
is there any hidden costs for this course?
when am i expected to start paying something back for desk fees etc?
you say at the end of the first month they decide whether to back you? do you have to pay this back? when?
it may appear i didnt listen, i did, i would just like confirming as everything still a bit vaigue in my head.
what makes schneider better than, say met traders, where you are able to earn a basic salary, security if you like.
Hi Thomas
I went to the interview on Wednesday 11 Feb and i also was accepted for the course. When did u go for the interview?
My understanding is that the desk fees we dont pay 1st 2nd month. Then we pay £300 for a few months and then gradually goes up to 1300. Thats my understanding.
I dont think we have to pay them back the backing given!! How much will the backing be do u know?
Ye its a bit hard not having a basic!! Dont know why it is like that!!
When is your course starting?
Thanks for the replies guys,
my start date is the 30th Mar, but, im hoping to secure another couple of other positions for jul or sept start dates in case the trading doesnt go well ( I do hope it does, i would abolutley love to trade) one of my mates trades at MET and says he loves it and cant think of going back to a normal job.
what were your scores in the tests??, cos im thinking that maybe they have chosen alot peopl for the position knowing alot will reject due to finances.
Anyway, i havent given my reply yet...not quite sure what to do!
anyone else in the same predicament, or maybe some positive thoughts on the scenario I am face with? 6% ceratainly not a stat i am fond of!
Thanks again!