Out of my Wendy House -
dick_dastardly said:
Well Zenda !
That didn’t last very long did it ?
You’ve been a member of T2W long enough to know that by starting a thread such as this it was inevitable that at some point you yourself would become the subject of a denunciation.
Surely, you must have had a plan in place for such an eventuality before starting this inquisition.
I don’t believe that the only way you can think of to deal with all of this is to pick up the ball and go and sit in the Wendy House.
May I suggest that you ride out the initial storm you have provoked and maybe the thread will follow the path you originally intended ( whatever that is 🙄 ).
If you just sit back and do nothing then I'm afraid the thread will remain as " The lynching of Zenda by the mob“.
Yours, with the best of intentions
Your right DD I'll come out of the Wendy House just this time - because I have read and followed the thread avidly - I'll also take the opportunity to thank the many people who have PM'd and emailed me in support (surprising!) I will avoid making comments on Mr Perfect! I will continue my campaign - Not here though from my home in France and I await the High Court Writs!
Defining a Scam or a genuine business opprtunity is not simple - however the scale of things are frightening - Remember when VS had 500 paying £2500 in London with the ex Russell Sands (kicked out) Turtle Trader? Below you will still see that they are both still at with mixed success...........................................A lot of reading and I've not put in the many pictures of Yachts Champagne Luxury Holidays and Houses that abound in the second Item below! - Yours Z
From one who was caught! (this was a private message to me.......... 😎
Thought people might find this interesting. It's the latest mail from Russell Sands who used to be one of the original Turtles and now "teaches" this method. I attended his seminar in London in 2003 which was hosted by Vince Stanizone (I didn't know much back then)
He sends out nightly orders derived from his computer simulation of the rules. I think he had got a bit of criticisim from some of his students as he didn't trade his own rules so he (supposedly) set up a live account and has been sending out commentaries of it's performance.
This is the latest one
Hey guys, if December was a nightmare for the Turtle equity curve, then January must be the night of the living dead. A drop of over 100% of equity in less than two months on the computer model. This is bad stuff. Not unheard of though, it has happened eight times in the past fifteen years. well, thank god it is just a computer model. But some of you seem to have lost the thought of that concept.
Do any of you remember that we discussed this scenario in the seminar, under a concept called "risk of ruin"? Specifically on page 93 of the Turtle Manual. There was some stuff there that had to do with the idea of cutting your position size if/when you start losing money. Remember ? These were not secret trading rules guys, this is bloody common sense !!
The computer models don't know Jack. They trade a million bucks. It takes all the trades in all the markets, and sizes positions as though its account was always a million bucks. The computer model doesn't pyramid on winners, and it doesn't cut back on losers, and it most certainly doesn't know how much money any one of us have in our accounts in real life.
The nightly orders are just a guide, not the god damn holy grail. The whole point of the Turtle system experiment was to teach people how to think about and trade the markets. People with brains and common sense. Any monkey can read and blindly follow a computer printout. The Turtle is supposedly higher up the evolutionary scale than the Monkey.
Cut back !! Cut back !! Fewer trades. Less markets. Smaller positions. Was this whole discussion lost on you guys ? Even the brokers, whose not their job it is, tell me they have been suggesting to people who are losing to cut back their trading. But I hear that many of you are not listening. Why ????
I don't watch your accounts day to day, I have my own problems to worry about. And the brokers, well most of them are also sort of busy at times like this, and some of them even want you to keep trading more and keep those commissions rolling in.
I taught you guys how to trade, but I am not the babysitter. You all need to learn how to think for yourself. The one weakness of the Turtle system is that it sometimes goes through long and tough losing periods. You have to put up the gloves and play defense here. If you start losing money, then you start reducing your trading, it's as simple as that.
My account has dropped from $130,000 to $106,000 so far this year. I am not real ****ing happy about that. But I do occasionally look at other account statements on the same brokerage run as me. And when I see a guy who has dropped from $150,000 down to $ 50,000, and is still trading multiple contracts per positions, well now that just isn't right.
If you're trading a larger (say six figures) account, you need to reduce the number of contracts in each of your trades, and maybe even reduce the number of markets you're trading. And not just once, but again and again, if your equity keeps slipping lower. Even if you're trading a small account and can't reduce this way, you can still reduce the number of trades, i.e. switch to turtle system 2 instead of turtle system 1.
The markets have been bad, but professionals like us should know better than to make it worse than it already is. I am not going to tell each of you what to do, and your broker is certainly not going to tell you what to do. This is one that you have to step up and show some responsibility and make your own decisions. Play defense and reduce !!
I only continued to receive the signals because he had a glitch in his email program that had me down as a subscriber. All a good laugh.Except for my £2500
And from VS his Latest Venture Scam or Genuine Business opportunity - YOU DECIDE!
"Over the last 12 Months I've made over £578,000.00 POUNDS TAX FREE from a BRAND NEW Spread Betting System I've been quietly testing …
Yet it takes me no more than 20-30 minutes each day…
Now for the FIRST TIME … and on the ONE occasion only … I'm going to take one group of Private Students and release this to them…
If you qualify and are one of the first to reply, I'll meet you … hand you the system … personally teach it to you … and take you under my wing and Personally Mentor you for an entire year to make sure you succeed"
Dear fellow trader
This is probably the most important letter I've ever written and one which could be about to change your entire life. So I'll not hold back. I'll ask you something bluntly straight away.
Would you like to be my Private Student and test my new system out from your home? Would you like me to show you in person how to earn a very large TAX FREE INCOME from Spread Betting using this system … a system which I've just spent the last year testing on your behalf and which I've personally averaged over £10,000 PER WEEK from?
Would you like me to be your Personal Mentor? If you do, you'll need access to the Internet … about 20-30 minutes spare each day … and you'll need to keep October 30th FREE.
And don't worry, if you know nothing about Internet Spread Betting. You'll need absolutely…
NO Experience … NO Office … NO Staff!
And unlike other businesses there's…
NO Products … NO Customers…
NO Selling … NO Overheads!
But maybe best of all…
Imagine THAT! Earning £10,000.00+ a week with no tax to pay on it…
Imagine the kind of incredible lifestyle that could give you and your family. A lifestyle where you no longer have to work and where you can spend most of the year holidaying or travelling the world.
I know it may seem amazing but I speak from personal experience. I literally do exactly this myself.
I do what I want with my life. I might travel, relax, read, shop, walk, go sailing - I guess anything I feel like really.
And I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it is to have your life handed back to you like that … to have that kind of FREEDOM … to literally be able to do what YOU want when YOU want.
Internet Spread Betting gives you the possibility of being able to make more money in a month lounging around in the Maldives, than you currently make working a whole year now, become a reality…
As I've said, I have banked well over £578,000 POUNDS in the last 12 months alone from what I am now about to give you the chance to use yourself.
Yet, as I've also mentioned, it's only taken me 20 to 30 minutes a day to do and as long as you have internet access, you can run it from virtually anywhere in the world.
On a yacht in the Caribbean … sitting on a beach in the Maldives… in a luxury 5 star hotel suite in Auckland, New Zealand … ANYWHERE!
In fact, if I had been soaking up the sun on some exotic South Pacific Island for the last 12 months, as long as I had access to the Internet, I would have still banked over £10,000.00 per week TAX FREE using nothing more than my XDA Hand-Held Computer.
"I could make £10,000+ per week TAX FREE with nothing more than this hand-held computer…"
How would you enjoy a lifestyle which gave you that kind of freedom?
Where you could literally jet off whenever you pleased, say to The Cook Islands and then onto New Zealand … to Hawaii and then onto Mexico … yet still earn a large tax-free income using just this tiny hand-held computer?
In fact, just picture the lifestyle you really want for yourself and your family right now … paying cash for the car of your dreams …for that million pound home … travelling the world…
Or whatever your particular dream is. And keep those pictures in mind because I am now about to open you up to something which can provide you with exactly what it is you want.
Right, let's make a start…
Now before I open this up to you, I want to make a couple of things clear.
Firstly, I want you to know that everything you are about read is 100% FACTUAL … and that especially goes for the money I'm making.
In fact, unlike others, I will back up ALL of my own earning claims with hard evidence. I'm more than happy for you to check me out.
Secondly, I think it's important I give you some BACKGROUND INFORMATION as it has a direct bearing on how I discovered this system and why I'd be willing to take you on as a private student of mine and be your personal mentor for a year.
So let me immediately begin by clarifying one thing from the outset so you can be nice and relaxed about what now follows. And that's this:-
I want you to understand that you really do NOT need any experience whatsoever.
The system I developed which you are about to read is so easy…
I can teach it to you in A SINGLE DAY…
And I can easily show you how to use it from your own home to make a very large TAX FREE living for the rest of your life … and how to do it in just 20-30 minutes a day.
In fact, when we meet I will even set up a FREE Live Trading Virtual Account for you. So when you go home after we've met, you can try my Internet Spread Betting System out WITHOUT risking a penny!
And you'll be able to PROVE to yourself how easy it is (more on this in a moment).
Watch live on screen, following my instructions, and see what kind of income you can make.
Please DON'T think this is only something I can do. Indeed, I think it's VERY IMPORTANT before we meet and before you read any further, that you realise that I myself am NOT some financial whiz-kid … far from it.
I really am a fairly ordinary bloke of average intelligence who never even went to college let alone university. In fact, I left school at the age of just 16 to work as a junior at Nat West … and, if I recall, earned just £100 a week for a 12 hour working day.
In other words, I was nothing special, just an average kid doing an average 9-5 job.
And it's there I would have remained … earning just a modest salary … if I hadn't been hooked by the world of stock market trading. As I said, let me just run through a little background information with you now because it leads directly onto why I'm writing to you this morning.
I watched millions of pounds changing hands between traders on behalf of their wealthy clients...
While working at Nat West, I guess over a period of a couple of years I became fascinated with the amount of money some clients were making. So while everyone else would go home, often I would remain behind and use the bank's computers to test some of my own trading ideas … to see if I could work out how they were doing … if there was any pattern.
Of course, I didn't get anywhere and that's the way it would have remained if I hadn't decided to invest in myself by learning directly from certain Multi-Millionaire Traders.
I read everything I could, subscribed to every stock market home study course available and went to all the seminars I could afford.
In fact, I studied and studied and studied until, to cut a long story short, eventually I was able to take what I learned from these Multi-Millionaire traders and through an awful lot of patience, and huge amount of trial and error, I developed my own unique stock market trading system.
And it was by using this system that over several years I became a Millionaire Trader myself….
Now this much you may already know as a few years ago you might have heard of me running a series of small seminars where I took on individuals who knew nothing about trading … and taught them my highly successful methods.
What happened as a result of these training days amazed me. You see I knew that anyone of average ability could learn this (look at me), but I truly hadn't expected it to be such an instant success.
Here were ordinary men and women from all kinds of backgrounds … most with NO previous stock-market knowledge … who went on to make massive incomes just by tapping a few keys on their computer keyboards.
It was a very rewarding period of my life, however there was one problem…
Although it was extremely satisfying to teach people something so easy, and then watch them improve their lives beyond measure, it has also been very exhausting and was taking up more and more of my free time.
For a start, it took me weeks and weeks of hard preparation to plan coursework tailored to each individual and to provide each student with their own trading tools.
In addition, the day itself was also totally gruelling. In fact, I often came away in a state of complete and utter exhaustion, almost unable to speak through sheer tiredness.
And lastly, as I'd given everyone my home telephone number and contact details, I found myself constantly bogged down with writing letters, emailing and chatting to students over the weeks following the seminars … and mostly on stuff that had nothing to do with trading or the system.
So in 2004 I decided to take a back seat and NO longer took on any more new students or do another live training event...
Of course, as you can imagine, since 2004 I have had many emails and letters pleading with me to take on a few more students and hold at least one more training day. Which I suppose shouldn't have come as too much of a surprise to me as word got out of my students' success.
Students who had now given up work and were earning a very comfortable living from the stock market.
These requests to do another seminar were especially true for all those who MISSED OUT … which was about 98% of the people I invited. Unfortunately for them because my training days were so VERY SMALL and EXCLUSIVE they always sold out within a couple of hours of my invitation going out.
But despite their pleas, for the last 2 years I have stuck steadfast to my decision and given them all a resounding NO!
Instead, though I'd only just turned 35, I decided to all but RETIRE!
So I have spent a great deal of time just taking it easy … travelling the world … and basically enjoying the Millionaire lifestyle and everything which goes with it.
However, what no one else knew … not even my closest friends … was that during this time of rest and reflection I also did one other thing which has inevitably resulted in me writing this letter to you today. Something which could be just about to change your entire life.
I became fascinated with TAX-FREE Spread Betting on the Internet which has exploded in the last couple of years…
Incidentally, if you have no idea what spread betting is, don't worry it's so easy you'll get it in 10 minutes flat! Basically, all I do is place 'bets' on which way certain markets will move (e.g. Dow Jones, FTSE, Gold, Euro etc).
Actually, it's pretty easy as there are really only two possible outcomes. So it's always like being in a two horse race. If the market moves against me, I lose. If the market moves my way, I WIN!
Not very exciting I know, but what is exciting, as you are about to read, is that…
Over these last 2 years I discovered a unique Tax-Free Spread Betting System which ensures that I CONSISTENTLY MAKE MONEY…
And win much, much more money than I ever lose REGARDLESS of market conditions.
Anyway, more on that in a moment. Let's get back on track here. As I said, during these last 2 years … and unbeknown to another living person … I began to quietly do something in secret.
I began to 'play' around with my own trading system in my spare time. Whether I was sitting on a sunny beach abroad … relaxing on the balcony of the luxury villa I own … or sitting on a yacht in the Mediterranean…
I began to work out a way of fine tuning it. I wanted to see if I could SPECIFICALLY make it work SOLELY on the Tax Free Spread Betting market.
As the months went on however, my dabbling … my 'playing' ... then began to take on a more serious side when in some dummy runs of a few ideas I had … and using a virtual account so I didn't risk a penny…
It started returning phenomenal results back to me...
Now at first I presumed that either I had done something wrong, or this was just some glitch … a lucky period.
However to my surprise, this 'lucky' period kept on going … month after month it kept on producing the results.
Still despite this and even though it was staring me in the face, I just couldn't believe that it could be this easy.
I was used to the stock market where profits come in slowly and over the long term, but what I was getting here were huge profits … and within days.
What used to take me hours to do now only took seconds…
So being the meticulous person I am … and the kind of person that likes to all but eliminate risk … I shut myself away from the outside world and beavered away like some crazy professor convinced that I was onto something huge!
I would find myself totally engrossed and captivated oblivious to everything else around me. Often ending up working excitedly through the night and well into the small hours.
Indeed, many times I would find myself still at my computer at 3am in the morning going through formulas, systems, spreadsheets and calculations as I searched to find the best trading opportunities and as I tested every aspect of it in minute detail. And I continued like this for months.
Only stopping when I discovered something absolutely amazing…
I found that by making several small specific adjustments to the trading system I used to teach and had been using for years myself, that it began to throw up even BIGGER PROFITS when applied to Internet Spread Betting.
And as I've alluded to already, in much LESS TIME!
In fact, it was only taking me 20-30 MINUTES A DAY to do what maybe would have taken me 6 months to do before.
Furthermore, I also found these new settings were throwing up some … well, all I can say is … throwing up some simply STUNNING TRADING OPPORTUNITIES!
You see while putting together this new trading system I found that a lot of the work I used to do in the past is just no longer needed.
In fact I found I could get far better results by doing LESS…
Basically, I discovered that I was making 80% of my profits from just 20% of my original system. This realisation allowed me to distil my original system down to the bare essentials required to make fantastic profits - for very little work.
Sure, I'd like to not miss out on the remaining 20% of profits but I came to the conclusion that life is just too short.
Your number one goal should be your LIFESTYLE, spending time with your friends and family and doing what you want to do when you want to do it.
And to me, that means working as little as possible, right?
So with this in mind I refined and honed a system literally designed to give superb results with Internet Spread Bets using just 20% of the effort and just a small amount of time each day.
In a nutshell, what I discovered were 7 extremely simple little Trading 'KEYS'…
Seven keys which produced amazingly accurate results because of the VERY CLEAR signals they indicated … basically they'd virtually automatically tell me when to 'buy' and when to 'sell' (I'll tell you about this in a second).
But before I ran it live myself and before I told anyone about this 7-Key System I decided to first I test it out on a demo account … just to be 100% SURE. But after a few weeks it was clear that I really did have something quite unique here, so just over a year ago I rolled it out for real and decided to do a FULL 12 MONTH running test!
The results?
Well, as I've already indicated at the start of this letter, the RESULTS … even by my extremely high standards … have been STAGGERING!
In my FULL 12 MONTHS TEST I have made £578,000 TAX FREE…
That's an average of over £10,000 PER WEEK … not a bad income is it? Especially when it only takes 20-30 minutes a day to achieve. I started this account with £10,000.
In fact, how would you like to earn over £48,000 a month tax free simply by pressing a few keys on your computer? Imagine what a difference that would make to your life.
Now I know that sounds like a huge sum of money but I'm nothing special remember … and I'm not spending a great deal of time on these individual trades. I actually only run the system every now and then.
Let me give you an example. I spent about 20 minutes a day for 5 days on just ONE particular trade which had been clearly indicated for me by just ONE of the keys (I'll tell you about in a moment).
THAT'S IT! Just 20 minutes a day … the rest of the time I did nothing. Yet in just this ONE WEEK I made £109,731.19!
You can see me receiving this £109,731.19 cheque in this photo taken on the trading floor of IG Index. That's me to the right of IG Index Dealing Director Stacey Ash who's presenting my winnings to me.
Actually here's a copy of just one of my Internet Spread Betting accounts too, IG Index Trading Account if you're interested:
And YES that 'TOTAL' does read:-
£226,333.30 TAX FREE PROFIT…
(the account above started with £10,000 of course you can start with as little as £1,000)
Little wonder why I believe the system I have developed to be the most powerful Financial Trading System that I have ever produced. Indeed, I believe it to be the most powerful spread betting trading system on the entire planet. Which coming from me is saying something, because if you knew me, you'd know that I am a fairly quiet and reserved individual and certainly not prone to making wild claims of any kind.
So why am I telling you about it now?
Well the truth is I have been so astonished by the results that I made a conscious decision to COME OUT OF 'RETIREMENT' …… and hold a ONE OFF very exclusive training day.
A very exclusive and private behind-closed-doors meeting where I would take on my own personal PRIVATE students and show them how to literally give up their jobs and make a LARGE TAX FREE LIVING on the internet using this spread betting system.
I was planning to do this in 2007. However, something fairly dramatic is happening … something completely unprecedented looming over the horizon … and this has prompted me to make the sudden decision to bring this exclusive training day FORWARD A WHOLE YEAR!
You see I believe that financial markets are about to head for some very turbulent times…
Even the so called 'safe' property market is not going to hold up.
There are dark financial forces gathering around the world that neither I nor anyone else can reverse.
Frightening financial black clouds on the horizon … a truly mind-boggling level of consumer debt … and an insanely over-inflated mortgage and property bubble both here in the UK and in the USA. All of which I'm afraid have to play out their course.
A lot of people are going to lose an awful lot of money. However, these same events which cause volatility in financial markets are in fact very advantageous to Internet Spread Betting traders.
Because the BIGGER the market movements … the quicker and BIGGER your PROFITS can be.
The fact is…
…we are just about to enter the best trading conditions that I have seen for many years … MAYBE EVER!
Which is why I have decided to bring forward this one-off exclusive training day a full year and why I'm writing to you today. Because if you act fast, I can give you my system and teach you how to use it working just 20-30 minutes a day so the two of us will be poised to make a killing by taking full advantage of the MASSIVE MARKET MOVEMENTS I forecast are coming in the end of 2006- first half of 2007.
Okay, because time is truly pressing and we have to act really fast … here's what I propose we do…
Can you meet me on October 30th?
• Would you like the chance to sit down with me and make some serious TAX FREE money really, really quickly?
• Would you like to take home a FULL COPY of my astonishing Internet Spread Betting system so you can make your living from this once you've proved it at home for yourself?
• Would you like me to take you under my wing and Personally Mentor you for an entire year?
Why work all your life in a job you don't even like, when life could be so much more relaxing for you?
If you do then I think the two of us should get together and I'll spend a full day personally teaching you how to earn a very large TAX FREE INCOME from Spread Betting using my 7-Key system … a system which I've just spent the last year testing on your behalf remember and which I've personally averaged over £48,000 PER MONTH from?
Now please, DON'T confuse this with any of the training days I held a few years back … this is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
Actually completely unique … there is nothing like this in the country … it really is unlike anything you've seen or heard of before.
The day you spend with me in October will literally change your life forever. It will be truly turbo-charged! Indeed, many of my students have made 5-figure incomes from my basic instructions I taught to them 2 years ago.
But that's NOTHING compared with how much you could make from the power-packed secrets I will share with you LIVE on October 30th.
Now before I tell you how you can apply to be one of the private students I'm willing to take on and mentor…
Let me very briefly run through the 7-Key Internet Spread Betting System with you…
Obviously for confidentiality reasons I can only disclose an overview of the individual keys here, but on the day we meet I will obviously go through each key in depth … yet in a very simple to follow step-by-step fashion.
Don't worry, by the end of the day you will know exactly how these keys work and how to use them to make a tax free fantastic living.
Okay, let's quickly run through each key:
Secret Trading Key #1
I will show you a system that you can follow that has NEVER lost money since 1984 … even in the 1987 crash this system made money.
It gets better - this will take you about 10 minutes each weekend to do and that's it!
All you need is a spread-betting account with a company like I G Index and £1000 stake money.
By the way, if you don't have an account, don't worry. I will be telling you exactly how to get one … it's all done online in minutes anyway so not exactly difficult.
Secret Trading Key #2
This is the exact same key I used to turn £10,000 into a £109,000 TAX-FREE PROFIT!
Obviously you do not need £10,000 to use this for yourself of course. Don't forget, you can start with just one thousand pounds and I can show you precisely how to make steady, tax-free profits with low risk bets.
You might be interested to know too that even whilst markets were volatile, this key works so well that I managed to make steady returns every month.
I will teach you how to duplicate my success for yourself. When we meet I will show the ACTUAL TRADES I have open, and if you choose you can copy these.
Here for example, is an actual account of mine on a Betonmarkets account I have.
Here you can see it standing (as I write) with over £80,000 OF PROFIT. I regularly take large sums out of my account.
Secret Trading Key #3
Thanks to the Internet and major software developments in the last few years the small trader can finally trade against the massive banks and financial institutions and WIN!
Starting with as little as £50 PER BET MAXIMUM RISK, it is now possible to trade 24 HOURS A DAY with this key and to profit much quicker than trading shares.
Even if you have never traded before I can show you how to profit from this exciting fast-moving market. In fact, I will give you all the tools you need to trade successfully, including simple charts, news and data ALL FOR FREE!
As I've said before, don't worry about any of this for now it's all very, very simple and I'll be there to teach you this first hand. I will even set up a FREE Live Trading Virtual Account so you can make practice trades WITHOUT risking a penny!
Then, when you are confident that this trading key really does work, you can move on to real, live trading and make yourself some money.
Now I know this may not mean anything to you at the moment, but below are just a few of my many LOW RISK trades I profited from recently using this key. Each lasting around 7 to 10 days and making around £500 a go TAX FREE PROFITS. Many people go to work 10 hours a day 6 days a week and don't bring home £500 a week after tax!
Secret Trading Key #4
Here I will reveal to you:
How to trade indices such as the FTSE100, FTSE250, Dow, Dax, Nikki 225 and NASDAQ so that you can profit from up, down or even sideways movements.
And how to trade from as little as £10 TOTAL RISK!
I will also teach you how to bet down and up at the same time using 'sector trades'.
Whilst many focus on the FTSE100 and Dow, I will show you how to trade the not-so-well-known markets which offer far BETTER opportunities with LESS risk!
As well as teaching you the correct way to trade I will give you all the backup information you will require so that you can generate your own buy and sell signals without having to have a degree in mathematics!
Please do not be the slightest bit concerned if you do not understand a few of these terms … by the end of the day you will be an expert! It is really very simple!
Secret Trading Key #5
Commodities offer excellent trading opportunities, yet the majority of traders do not know how to trade these markets for super-profits. The last year has seen dramatic price increases in raw materials such as Copper, Gold, Silver, Unleaded Gas, Zinc, Soybeans to name a few.
Over the coming months I see increased volatility in commodities prices which, if traded correctly using my keys, could bring you truly MASSIVE PROFITS whether commodity prices rise or fall.
During the day I will go through all my actual commodity trades and current views. I will also reveal the commodities that my research shows will do the best over the next 12 months … you will be surprised by my findings (again I must ask you to keep them strictly confidential).
Secret Trading Key #6
In this section of the day I will show you how to successfully trade individual UK European and US shares, both to go up or down.
You will also discover:
• The three simple things that take just ten minutes a day either in the evening or first thing in the morning which will GUARANTEE that you are trading the right shares and markets.
• Why the crowd is always wrong 90% of the time and how to profit from it.
• The one insider report that you must check every week (available free on the Internet) that tells you what is really happening in the stock-market.
• Why you should NEVER follow newspaper or newsletter tips.
• The secrets I learned from the world's best traders including Richard Dennis (went from US$200 to over US$400 million), Russell Sands, Ed Sykota ($5,000 account started in 1972 has earned over 250,000% return), Jesse Livermore (made $5 million in 1929 crash), Charles Dow (as in Dow Jones) and Dick Donchian (his foundation still gives away millions that he amassed from trading in the 60's)
Secret Trading Key #7
I have spent hundreds of hours back-testing days and months on various markets and some of the patterns and dates have shown fantastic results year after year both in commodities and in the stock market.
I will give you some of the most important dates and months to watch and how to use seasonality to stack the odds in your favour.
But that's not all…..
As I said, I really can only give you the briefest details in the confines of this letter. However, all you need to keep in mind is that after I've gone through the 7 keys with you, you will walk out of that room with a system which produced simply staggering returns.
Remember, even in the last 12 months I've made £578,000.00 … and in fact, in total, around £2.8 Million Pounds in the last 36 months alone.
Secrets to a internet spread betting millionaire
Sites like tradindex.com which specialise in financial spread betting are growing in popularity. Thanks to some evangelism from people like Vince Stanzione made £2 Million from internet gambling on market price movements. Unlike Magicians, Stanzione believes he has no secret to tell, and can share his "techniques" with anyone who's interested to know.
In an exclusive article in the Guardian Newspaper, Stanzione tells how he reaped more than £100,000 by betting on copper trading, and two months ago, he made £250,000 based on gold price fluctuations. Stanzione has no metal or commodities trader or wall street whiz. He plays light without any assets - his success with Copper came from a bet on the price of a mining company Antofagasta.
Internet spectators capitalise on their interests in the stock market and internet gaming - which is one of several forms of speculation on the internet.
Stanzione says he's not knowledgeable about firms, currencies, incise market news, hourly stock prices, only checks price movements every night after the markets have closed. He calls himself a speculator, pure and simple, betting on assets.
If Stanzione is right, his common sense has reaped him about £2 Million in the five years he's been placing bets, in spilt of the economy slump, dotcom crashes, inflation and shares slump, and yes he's lost plenty, too in the three months, he made more than £400,00 on four bets, but lost £57,000 on eight bets. The "secret" he says is to stop the losing bets as soon as possible, but to let the running ones run one
Also I don't want you to concern yourself in the slightest if you think any of this is difficult. The 7 keys really are simplicity personified. As I said, I promise by the time you walk out of that room on October 30th you will be able to go home and start trading the very next day.
However, to give you even greater confidence and peace of mind I'm going to do something I've NEVER done before.
I will PERSONALLY become your MENTOR for the NEXT 12 MONTHS!
Every month for an entire year I will send you a simple letter (via email for speed) which will outline my private thoughts and which will let you in to one very specially researched trade that I am personally making myself at that time.
If you choose you can copy me and follow this trade yourself!
In fact, follow these monthly research notes carefully together with what I will teach you when we meet and you really could make a serious amount of TAX FREE money over the next 12 months.
On top of this, I'm even going to add another Bonus…
By now I'm sure you are as excited as I am about this event and you appreciate how much I'm doing to make sure you succeed at this … to give you the best chance to copy me and become an Internet Spread Betting Millionaire.
However, as this training is very exclusive and is likely to be my last live event for the foreseeable future, I want this to be an outstanding day … in fact, I genuinely want this to be the best ever … and one of the best days you'll ever experience in your life.
So I've arranged something very special for you … something which you may not appreciate at the moment, but which is a real coup.
I am delighted to reveal that Multi-Millionaire market wizard Jim Rogers has also agreed to attend and meet you personally.
If you don't know, Jim is one of those individuals the whole investment world listens to when he speaks. And they do this because Jim gives some of the most accurate information I have ever heard … it's as if he's got a crystal ball.
So it's no surprise to me that so far in 2006 the Rogers Raw Material Index is the world's top performing index!
It's very, very rare to be able to hear him live, let alone meet him in person and have him teach you how he became a Multi Millionaire.
If you do not know this name then I suggest you check one of the world's leading futures trading books called, Market Wizards.
Then turn to page 283 and you'll come across Jim Rogers. In that book you'll read how Jim started trading the stock market with $600 before retiring, a MULTI MILLIONAIRE at the age of just 37.
Actually Jim has also written a really superb and insightful book called Hot Commodities which you absolutely MUST read. It's BRILLIANT!!!
It's so good that initially I thought I would negotiate a small discount on this book and bring it along when we met. But because I want you to read this book so badly, well I thought "what the heck".
So how would it be if I picked up the bill for this and gave you a FREE copy when you attend?
And if you wish Jim can even personally sign the book for you. Would that be okay?
And if that's not enough on the day I will also hand you the following to take home with you…
The Whole Trading Day Notes on CD-ROM…
You will get all the trading day notes and tools on a special CD ROM. I've done this so you can really just sit back, relax and enjoy the day without worrying about having to frantically take your own notes and so risk missing anything.
I do not want you so busy writing down what I tell you that you aren't actually listening or learning the tax free spread betting system.
A Full Review of 35 Markets Live in the Last Hour…
As a special bonus and to round up the event I will go through 35 different markets in the last hour of this trading event. This will give a list of actual trades that you can go out and make either later on Monday or first thing Tuesday.
A Set of the full Days Event on a set of 5 Special Limited Edition DVD's…
To make sure that you have understood absolutely everything when you get home, I have arranged to hire a professional television crew to record the full day.
I will then have this film put it onto a limited set of 5 DVDs which you can watch in the comfort of your own home on either your television or computer.
This will give you a great opportunity to go through the entire day … minute by minute … whenever you wish to. You'll be able to rewind any bits you want clarification on … and you'll be able to watch all the live demonstrations I'll go through on the day … in fact, it's going to be like having a personal audience with Jim Rogers and I, in your own home.
Okay, I think now its time to tell you how you can become one of the exclusive Private Students I'm taking on.
But before I do, let me very quickly just mention something pretty important and which you need to agree with now otherwise I'm sorry, but I can't take you on.
You need to agree to these 3 Conditions if you want me to teach you and be your personal mentor for a full year…
Now because this knowledge is so hot and because this is such a unique event, there are three conditions which you must be happy about otherwise I cannot accept your application.
1) You must not share the information with any 3rd party…
2) The information I give you is for YOU only, you cannot publish it, reproduce it, sell it or even give it to someone else…
3) You must easily be able to afford the training fee. I don't want this to be 'worry money' to you…
That's it! Nothing too drastic so I hope those conditions are okay for you. I'm just trying to be fair all around.
Okay Vince, I'm happy with that, so what's the next step?
Well let's look at this and decide what would be fair for the both of us. Now if I am going to:-
Spend a full, intensive day with you teaching you all the techniques, all the tricks and methods which have made me a multi-millionaire…
Pay the considerable fee to have Jim Rogers spill the beans on yet MORE inside secrets for trading profits…
Provide you with 12 MONTHS of mentoring and carefully researched trades for you to copy…
Provide you with a professionally filmed set of DVD's of the whole day…
Give you a FREE copy of Jim's book Hot Commodities…
Give you a CD ROM packed to bursting with resources for your trading success….
Provide you with a live trading virtual account for you to practice on…
What do you think would be a fair price?
Well I suppose, since you could soon be making THOUSANDS OF POUNDS TAX FREE PROFIT PER MONTH … EVEN PER WEEK … I initially thought that a one-off fee of £10,000 would be the right price. Certainly it's worth far, far more than this.
Then I thought about what it was like when I first started out, and I certainly didn't have ten thousand pounds laying around to invest in my training.
So instead I thought that I would cut this in half and do a 'special' for £4,997.00 (+vat). But then I must admit I had a pang of conscience.
Since this is the absolute LAST CHANCE to see me 'live' for the foreseeable future …
…and because this business has been very, very kind to me, I have decided to do something very special and reduce the price even further to JUST £2,997 (+ vat). And that remember is for EVERYTHING I've just run through with you.
The live training day … the Millionaire Internet Spread Betting System … the 5 Set DVD's … the CD ROM … my Personal Mentoring for an entire year … Jim Rogers' amazing insights and techniques … my reviews and special research notes - THE WORKS!
The truth is that you could pay more than this just to hear Jim Rogers speak for a few hours alone. He is one of the most sought after financial investors in the world who rarely speaks in the UK.
But if that wasn't enough to convince you, to make you feel totally at ease and because I want you to change your life so much, I'll even GUARANTEE IT!!
100% NO RISK 12-Month Guarantee…
Just come along and see what I have to say … be fully trained by me on how to use my system … review the DVDs of the seminar … and study my research for the NEXT 12 MONTHS!
You can even use the websites and tools that I have created to aid your success which I'll talk to you about when we meet.
Do this … FOR A FULL YEAR REMEMBER … and if by using my techniques you cannot make at least what you have paid for this event, then return your contract notes direct to my office showing your trades and I will personally write you a cheque for every single penny you paid for the Day.
And, as a thank you, I'll even let you KEEP the CD, 5-Set DVD's, and even Jim's Book COMPLETELY FREE WITH MY COMPLIMENTS!
A TAX-FREE lifestyle is the ultimate dream … a dream I and others live everyday. And so can YOU…
Make Yourself a Private Fortune…
In one, full day I am going to train you how to make your own private fortune trading the world's markets using nothing more than a small, hand-held computer, phone and 20-30 minutes a day!
I'm going to teach you the exact same methods I have PROVED to work - my bank balance is the proof. If I can do this, I feel confident that you can.
You can start the very evening when we finish the day, if you want to!
Neither will I rush through this ... I'll take it nice and slow to ensure you understand everything. You'll walk away FULLY TRAINED and with all the tools you need to make this work for you.
Are you in?
What You Need to do - NOW!
All of my seminars are booked to capacity almost as soon as word gets out - and because this was my last one and because I am giving away ALL the Seven Trading Keys, I expect places to be snapped up in a few days too.
So, if you are in the least bit serious about making money from financial markets, you need to act right now, TODAY before the moment passes.
Tomorrow may be too late as all the places could have been snapped-up.
Remember, I am not repeating this event. This really is 'last chance saloon'. If you miss this day You will really set- you've missed out for good.
Realistically, going on past response, I expect all replies to be in within the next 24-48 hours. If you need longer than that to decide - this is not for you and all the places will have gone in any case.
I also strongly suggest that you Reserve your place Online NOW by clicking here or call my booking agents, Bookingline plc on 01276 601740 (office hours).
These really could go that quickly.
Are you willing to seize control of your financial future?
Believe me, you don't want to be poor in the coming years - it will not be fun. You are not going to get a state pension worth having (not that it ever was worth having).
If you do not start to take action, you will be left behind...
Are you pinning your hopes on winning the lottery or the pools? You'll wait a long time!
Surely it is time, RIGHT NOW, to seize this perfect opportunity. The excuses are over. You've been waiting for your chance - THIS IS IT!
Here, at last, is a perfect opportunity to learn about financial trading and make some REAL money for you and your family. This is not pie in the sky - I've done it and so have hundreds of others. You could do it too.
You Could be the One Making £1,000, £2,000
or Even £5,000 on a Single Trade!
Fill in the Online Booking Form now, today before the moment passes
Yours Sincerely
Vince Stanzione
P.S. After many years of teaching my trading methods to thousands of people, I am firmly convinced that anyone of average intelligence can easily learn my Seven Trading Keys and use them to build themselves a brighter financial future.
P.P.S. Places to this special event are strictly limited and likely to go very fast. I will allocate these on a strict 'first come - first served' basis. Since this event will never be repeated you need to act now.