People who are affected by the UK Land Investment SCAM!! Please post here....

Hello, I purchased land in the village of Brede. I spoke to someone recently and was told that I should still be the owner of the land, is this still true? Also if I do still own this land would be worth anything?
Please advise.
Hello, I purchased land in the village of Brede. I spoke to someone recently and was told that I should still be the owner of the land, is this still true? Also if I do still own this land would be worth anything?
Please advise.

hi sunny,

if you have title deeds for the plot of land then it should be under your ownership, not sure if brede is in the uk but you can check your ownership through the uk land registry for a small fee i think.

the question of whether it is worth anything is a more difficult one. the subject of land banking is not new, and it surprises me how many unwary investors still fall for it. what is value and worth when it comes to land?

its true that land appreciates generally (mark twain: they dont make it no more!) but if you bought "plots" of land from a land investment firm, i would highly think that your investment may take a while to materialise if at all.

it doesnt matter if you land has a value of 20 times your original investment, if it cant be sold then its effective value is 0. i find it totally ridiculous, verging on outrageous that a previous poster can just claim to be able to sell their plot. Potential investors should ask themselves, who would buy a plot of land in the middle of a site when the surrounding plots are owned by others? you cant develop it as the sheer number of investors that need to approve you building access roads etc is high.

land investment firms sell the knowledge that if the site gets planning permission then its value would rocket. well that's true. however, mostly, the so-called land has been bought for dirt cheap, maybe its agricultural farm land that will never get planning. the only way to realise a return here would be if natural urbanisation results in the government or developer buying your land due to the uk's housing shortage. that may not be within our lifetimes if your plot is in the middle of nowhere.

steer clear of these at all costs or at least do your due diligence and never invest on the basis of a land broker's phone call selling a pipedream.

you have been warned.
hi sunny,

if you have title deeds for the plot of land then it should be under your ownership, not sure if brede is in the uk but you can check your ownership through the uk land registry for a small fee i think.

the question of whether it is worth anything is a more difficult one. the subject of land banking is not new, and it surprises me how many unwary investors still fall for it. what is value and worth when it comes to land?

its true that land appreciates generally (mark twain: they dont make it no more!) but if you bought "plots" of land from a land investment firm, i would highly think that your investment may take a while to materialise if at all.

it doesnt matter if you land has a value of 20 times your original investment, if it cant be sold then its effective value is 0. i find it totally ridiculous, verging on outrageous that a previous poster can just claim to be able to sell their plot. Potential investors should ask themselves, who would buy a plot of land in the middle of a site when the surrounding plots are owned by others? you cant develop it as the sheer number of investors that need to approve you building access roads etc is high.

land investment firms sell the knowledge that if the site gets planning permission then its value would rocket. well that's true. however, mostly, the so-called land has been bought for dirt cheap, maybe its agricultural farm land that will never get planning. the only way to realise a return here would be if natural urbanisation results in the government or developer buying your land due to the uk's housing shortage. that may not be within our lifetimes if your plot is in the middle of nowhere.

steer clear of these at all costs or at least do your due diligence and never invest on the basis of a land broker's phone call selling a pipedream.

you have been warned.

Thank you for the info
The Land Scammers seem to have moved offshore. For example, one 'firm' was recently in Singapore selling UK plots. Maybe they've found a loophole where if they sell to non-uk citizens they don't have to be registered. Or, perhaps they don't care and think that the FSA or anyone else in the UK won't come after them if they don't sell to the UK. A bit like the offshore boiler rooms who know that pretty much everyone passes the buck and says 'we can't help because the crime and the people are based offshore'.

Yes you right . Currently in South Africa there is a company called SJ Capital group punnting land in UK. Specifically Burseldon
Intelligent Land Investments Ltd (SG) is an independent portfolio management based in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire. SG manages a number of funds investing primarily in real estate with high potential for residential development.
Intelligent Land Investments Ltd (ILS) is an independent investment company based in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire. SG manages a number of investment funds in real estate, primarily residential area with a high development potential.
Ramsay Ramsay Duff Duff is a certified public accountant and founder of HM Solutions LLP. HMCS Before Ramsay Duff was vice president of ING Barings British team of investment banking.
When you're contacted about buying land that will 'soon' get planning permission thd chances are about 99% you're being setup.

So how to make sure you're not one of the 99%?

Simple, it's all about research. The first port of call MUST be the planning department of the local council as chances are they'll know all about the land.

Here's a good example, there's a company called Asset Land Inc Asset Land Inc | Land Investment | Buy Investment Land | Land Plots trying to sell land to naive people near Stansted Airport. The poor investors are being told by the company that 'when' the land receives planning the value will soar. But who owns the land? I think you'll find it's either the company or people involved with it so of course they're going to talk it up.

But let's go to the local council's website and see what they say -

Welcome to Uttlesford District Council - Land at Stansted Mountfitchet


Land at Stansted Mountfitchet

It has come to the planning authority's attention that an area of land at Stansted Mountfitchet is being offered for sale in small parcels. Asset Land Inc refers to the land as 'Stansted Park'. It might appear to the casual observer that the land has development potential. This is not the local planning authority's view. The site lies in the countryside and in the greenbelt where development is not normally permitted. Part of the site is covered by a Tree Preservation Order The local planning authority considers that the site does not have development potential. Under policies that will be in place for the foreseeable future applications to develop the land are unlikely to be successful.

It is not known whether the land is being offered by other means.
Other matters

The information on the company's website about Stansted Airport is out of date. The airport's passenger throughput is currently 18.3 million passengers per annum and still falling. The airport operator is not projecting throughput to be 35 million passengers per year in 2015. The Secretary of State has recently supported planning policy which seeks to retain the airport as 'an airport in the countryside'.

The developments by Taylor Wimpey and Persimmon referred to by Asset Land Inc are on sites outside the greenbelt, on land identified for development in the development plan. They are therefore not comparable to the land referred to by the company as 'Stansted Park'.


The key sentence is this - Under policies that will be in place for the foreseeable future applications to develop the land are unlikely to be successful.

Or to put it another way - the land has basically NO chance of ever getting planning.

If you fail to do your own research such as the above then your money is at REAL risk from smooth talking salesmen.

Acting as an unlisted public limited companies , which includes strategic places in March and represent them through the process of municipal planning in order to sell at a profit.
Yes you right . Currently in South Africa there is a company called SJ Capital group punnting land in UK. Specifically Burseldon

@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment
Waynesa, why you're posting to this thread is a bit odd, seeing as you only had a very small mention, and nothing bad at that. though if you're happy to be associated with the rest of the land scammers who were closed down, then i guess that's fine, do continue 😀
Does any one have or received any update regarding the UKLI scam ? Do we have a recommended solicitor that is handling the case ? Appreciate any positive feedback
Hi, I'm submitting this anonymously because I currently work for him and I cant afford to be fired but the people need to know what this scammer is doing.

When he escaped from Dubai due to his scams catching up with him, he came back to the UK and set up "Sloane1" which is a real estate agency. Now hes with a company called "Hill and Standard" but if you call the office and ask, the genius receptionist will say "no one with that name works here" and then starts trying to find out who you are and asking alot of questions. She even broke script and said she would pass the message on to him (Bally)! He's doing what he did in Dubai and even with UKLI before that, which is taking money from one project to fund other projects, selling them and moving on without ever fulfilling the promises from previous projects. Of course he has a range rover and a bentley, a loveley big house (that he doesn't bother to pay rent on, poor landlord).

This scammer has gotten away with ruining hundreds of lives or employees and clients over the years! I cant believe hes still allowed to legally operate. He buries bad press with a crappy SEO team in india, but it does the job well enough!

He does alot of stuff under his brothers name Bhupinder Chohan.

Please dont let this thread die down, we need to keep it active to HOPEFULLY prevent at least some people from being scammed by Bally!!

p.s. You will get nowhere with legal action. All money is hidden in holes offshore and he tricked/conned a lot of employees into putting their names down as directors of various companies. He learned his lesson from the first directorship ban to never put his name on anything. If i remember correctly, he had a Swiss conglomerate that owned a British Virgin Islands company that owned A company in Dubai that owned all the rest of the Dubai companies/projects but operated under a network of power of attorneys.
A lot of innocent employees are still being affected by this now and they were never aware of what he was doing with their names. I know for a fact he forged signatures of these employees for the big things because occasionally cheques would bounce because the signatures didn't match.
Hi, I'm submitting this anonymously because I currently work for him and I cant afford to be fired but the people need to know what this scammer is doing.

When he escaped from Dubai due to his scams catching up with him, he came back to the UK and set up "Sloane1" which is a real estate agency. Now hes with a company called "Hill and Standard" but if you call the office and ask, the genius receptionist will say "no one with that name works here" and then starts trying to find out who you are and asking alot of questions. She even broke script and said she would pass the message on to him (Bally)! He's doing what he did in Dubai and even with UKLI before that, which is taking money from one project to fund other projects, selling them and moving on without ever fulfilling the promises from previous projects. Of course he has a range rover and a bentley, a loveley big house (that he doesn't bother to pay rent on, poor landlord).

This scammer has gotten away with ruining hundreds of lives or employees and clients over the years! I cant believe hes still allowed to legally operate. He buries bad press with a crappy SEO team in india, but it does the job well enough!

He does alot of stuff under his brothers name Bhupinder Chohan.

Please dont let this thread die down, we need to keep it active to HOPEFULLY prevent at least some people from being scammed by Bally!!

p.s. You will get nowhere with legal action. All money is hidden in holes offshore and he tricked/conned a lot of employees into putting their names down as directors of various companies. He learned his lesson from the first directorship ban to never put his name on anything. If i remember correctly, he had a Swiss conglomerate that owned a British Virgin Islands company that owned A company in Dubai that owned all the rest of the Dubai companies/projects but operated under a network of power of attorneys.
A lot of innocent employees are still being affected by this now and they were never aware of what he was doing with their names. I know for a fact he forged signatures of these employees for the big things because occasionally cheques would bounce because the signatures didn't match.

Who are you and are you prepared to talk. I'm one of those people that worked for that asshole and they forged signatures etc. I knew plenty and I see this guy is still at it
Anyone knows What's happening with the Land at Lodge Farm, Ramstead Heath, Billericay plots sold by UKLI land investment group?
Now nearly almost 18 years ???