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1378 for me this week folks.
Well done Rob for collecting and collating.Q2 wasn't my quarter. In fact I was quite surprised at how bad I had performed and I had grand designs of springing off to a great start in Q3. Obviously the S&P had different ideas taking most of the 'ups' out in the process and posting a 1354.68 - marginally down on the previous week.
So once again the contrarian play works out and our winning trio or this week are:
1) ibetyou - 1344 (-10.68)
2) wackypete2 - 1333 (-21.68)
3) tar - 1330 (-24.68)
As this is the first week of Q3, the leaderboard reflects the above order but probably not for long. Will Pat regain his form? Will Atilla romp off into the lead? Will Vielgeld get another podium? Will Gaffs form continue? Too many questions and not enough answers yet.
Link to results
Well done Rob for collecting and collating.
Personally I think Pete has an unfair advantage and should have a handicap. Polly is giving him all the answers !!