We all know two cockerels don't belong in any hen yard - but one farmer was determined to increase production in his chicken farm.
The old cockerel said to the young cockerel, look here young fella... you are young and bright, fast and strong. Just give me couple of hens and I'll keep my self entertained in the corner. You rule the rest as you like.
Young cockerel wasn't sure how to respond but didn't know why he should lose two hens???
Old cockerel saw the glint of doubt in the young one's eye and responded, in that case let's have a race. See who can make 10 laps round the yard and show these hens who's got the stamina and pace. Because you are so young and strong, very spritely how about you give 4 yards head start.
Young cockerel agreed out of desire to impress the hens and the race started. The old cockerel running at bursting capacity of his lungs, ****-a-doodle-dood all round the yard. The young cockerel catching up rapidly when suddenly a big sound burst the air - BANG !
The old farmer stood next to his wife with a shot-gun scratching his head saying - very strange, that's the second cockerel that turned out to be gay :cheesy: