Beg to differ Peter,
He has only broken past deals and given away trillions in tax cuts.
Re: Tariffs, each has seen retalliation so for every industry that gains you have an equivallent who is facing reduction in demand elsewhere.
The ballooning deficit in trillions you were raising with the Obama administration now seems to be of no consequence.
I don't see Trump or the Republicans doing anything but giving away free money they can't afford.
Obama's healthcare I hear is doing well too with more take up from low paid workers subscribing and new lower cost operators entering industry.
Trump was taking credit for having fixed the economy in the first 90 days of office. Best ever. He is too ignorant and psychotic to acknowledge it was on the mend before and this is simply a trend. He has added fuel to the fire. His comments about desiring lower interest rates and blaming the Fed is also troublesome.
No worries. Enjoy the fruits now while it lasts. Payback is going to be a hairy ride 🙂