My Nazi box is giving me
2301.71 so I'd like to go for that please.
If anybody's interested, this is the latest update on progress with the box. The corrections I made to the dip angle appear to have been successful – especially as it managed to knock Attila into 3rd place. During subsequent testing with Attila's historic inputs (designed to rumble his algorithm and send him to the back of the pack
😆) I stumbled across another error – in the Coriolis inputs. For those of you unfamiliar with the Coriolis effect (, it all depends on the rotation of the Earth – which has been slowing since time immemorial. Obviously, the wartime settings of the Nazis are now incorrect and I have made some very small but nevertheless important adjustments to take care of this. Next Friday's close will give me some idea of how successful this has been.
On a slightly different aspect, I was recently approached in a rather undercover way by someone wanting to know more about the box. My first impression was that it was about perhaps commercialising it and going into vendor mode. However, at a "secret" meeting I soon found out that this guy's sponsors were more interested in the market effects of my information. All I could get out of him was that he represented a large organisation and his office was based just outside Cheltenham, and that he would get back to me in due course. So I'm left wondering whether or not he's just someone from T2w who monitors the competition thread or something else?