S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2017 with PRIZES!

This week we have 5 bulls v 10 bears.

League Table leader Super Mini is feeling 33 pips bearish on Friday's close whilst SPX continues to make HHs. Middle of the week and the magic box looks like it may have seen better days, who knows. With all those knobs and dials, it probably looks darn site better from the rear. 😉

It turns out I'm the biggest bull this week against Jeffre who's feeling even more off than Mini. 63 pip difference in forecast.

Wishing you all good fortune trading and happy days 🙂


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Middle of the week and the magic box looks like it may have seen better days, who knows. With all those knobs and dials, it probably looks darn site better from the rear. 😉

Paid £15k for that box and the bloke said that he was making at least that every week from the one he was using. He said that I might have to persevere "until I got the hang of it". I rang him last night and he said that I need to add the SP500 Module (another £5k) if I'm serious about seeing-off Atilla in this competition. I thought that was a bargain, so I'm now awaiting its arrival. 👍
Paid £15k for that box and the bloke said that he was making at least that every week from the one he was using. He said that I might have to persevere "until I got the hang of it". I rang him last night and he said that I need to add the SP500 Module (another £5k) if I'm serious about seeing-off Atilla in this competition. I thought that was a bargain, so I'm now awaiting its arrival. 👍
Whenever something mechanical of mine needs fixing I give it a good squirt of WD40
Usually does the trick.
Whenever something mechanical of mine needs fixing I give it a good squirt of WD40
Usually does the trick.

Yes - but that's only cheap simple stuff. As a "Player" of the markets I need something a bit more sophisticated.
Yes - but that's only cheap simple stuff. As a "Player" of the markets I need something a bit more sophisticated.

Yo Super Mini,

I have some screws, nails and glue left over...

What's it worth to ya?

Make me an offer I can't refuse 🙂
Have you tried switching it of at the mains and back on again Mini ? I remember there was some Ram issues with the Joseph Goebbels special edition boxes.....

Shame the black box doesn't have any windows. Closing and opening windows often helps.

If it has a lid, you could try opening and closing that I guess. :whistling
re the box -thanks for all the offers of help guys! (especially Atilla's nails & glue etc). But I think I'm gonna need something a bit more than that, looking at today's index.

Nevertheless, the box must come right (because I paid a load of dosh for it) and what I think the problem is, is this: the market's actually wrong and it doesn't understand what the true SP500 index should really be. It's just being irrational but it will come to its senses eventually. I blame the Brexit Remainers and all this horse-manure stuff being peddled by Tony Blair. None of this matters though - my box can remain right much longer than the market can stay irrational. So there! 😀
re the box -thanks for all the offers of help guys! (especially Atilla's nails & glue etc). But I think I'm gonna need something a bit more than that, looking at today's index.

Nevertheless, the box must come right (because I paid a load of dosh for it) and what I think the problem is, is this: the market's actually wrong and it doesn't understand what the true SP500 index should really be. It's just being irrational but it will come to its senses eventually. I blame the Brexit Remainers and all this horse-manure stuff being peddled by Tony Blair. None of this matters though - my box can remain right much longer than the market can stay irrational. So there! 😀

Keep dreaming ole buddy


Just looking at the nazi box Mini, it bears quite a resemblance to the one designed and developed by the German aircraft manufacturer Focke-wulf, or fokkers as they were refered to....I'm sure my grandad had a couple of fokkers in the attic, an old fokker and a newish fokker, I just asked our lass if she has seen the fokker but she said no haven't seen the fokker for yonks....anyway suppose you could pop a add in classifieds asking for a fokker....sounds like your fokker is knackered pal....😆
Just looking at the nazi box Mini, it bears quite a resemblance to the one designed and developed by the German aircraft manufacturer Focke-wulf, or fokkers as they were refered to....I'm sure my grandad had a couple of fokkers in the attic, an old fokker and a newish fokker, I just asked our lass if she has seen the fokker but she said no haven't seen the fokker for yonks....anyway suppose you could pop a add in classifieds asking for a fokker....sounds like your fokker is knackered pal....😆

I'm starting to think that you might be right! Your text rather reminds me of one of the finest skills of your average British Sqaddie: an ability to express a whole meaningful sentence by the use of only one word repeated as verb, adjective or noun as required. In the case of my box and in your context, it would be something like: the fokking fokker's fokked !
S&P close 2351.16


Wow even more record highs.

Back in the 1970s there was an interesting programme on BBC2 about a priest
in France who had suddenly become extremely wealthy. I love buried treasure stories. Apparently while renovating his small church at Rennes Le Chateau he had found a secret compartment in the alter pillar. Inside of which was an ancient parchment.
The writing was deciphered by means of laying out the letters on a chessboard in the order that a knight would take to cover all the squares but only visit each square once.
According to the story in the parchment the local Gaul tribe had grown rich when Rome was sacked by the barbarians. They had subsequently been trapped on top of this mountain and so had buried their loot. Much of which the Romans had plundered from The Temple of Solomon centuries before.
The priest had deciphered the clues and found the treasure with the aid of Poussin's picture of the Shepherds .
Well with a tent and rucksack I rode on my motorcycle a 1,000 miles to this small hilltop village near Carcassonne to have a look. Interestingly he had re-decorated the church in a devilish style. For instance a big mural showed Christ giving his sermon on the Mount but there was a bag of money at his feet. Also the Font was on the back of a devil etc. etc.
I didn't find the treasure hoard but had a good holiday in an area associated with The Templars and mystical groups.
I have been in touch with Atilla over the Saturday blurb. I would like to involve you guys a bit more in the thread so we are proposing that the Saturday blurb is done by the weekly Gold medal winner. If by Sunday this seems too much or the winner is too busy either I or Atilla will cover this slot for the week. The week's winner can choose any topic.

What say you guys ?

Shall we do this ?