S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2017 with PRIZES!

Yo everyone, we have the bulls back wanting some more.

Bulls 8 v 7 Bears.

Pat v PingPong with 57 pip variance in forecasts.

W.Average is a bull against mean Average a bear. Not much in it considering market closed just 2 pips up today.

It's going to be another close run I think. Lul in markets.

Season to do some potting in the garden. Prune your vegetables and plant some flowers. I love watching little leaves grow. Germinate and blossom with lots of birds, bees and butterflies all over the place.

Isn't life wonderful. Keep it simple. 😍😍😍😍😍:clover:


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Your 2335 forecast may finally take gold Oscar...

It had to happen sooner or later 🙂

Sort of hoping you take gold so we can get a new forecast from your good self. 👍

US markets closed for Good Friday so tonight closing price will determine who takes gold. :idea:

Think you got me.
Oohh err. The icing on the cake. :-0

After the week (4 days) I've had on my tarding thread this takes the biscuit. (Frantically wracking his brain for a third food metaphor).

Well I never. :clap:
Oohh err. The icing on the cake. :-0

After the week (4 days) I've had on my tarding thread this takes the biscuit. (Frantically wracking his brain for a third food metaphor).

Well I never. :clap:

Well done Postman you've got gold. With the sell off at the end of the day over a long BH weekend it could have been anyones.

Pingpong takes bronze, I've managed to steal silver too. What joy 🙂

Write up yours and looking forward to hearing about your trading secrets. 😎

Addenda: Will we finally see Oscar turn bull??? Hmmmm... One to watch. 😉


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In keeping with the traditional Pagan festival to celebrate the goddess Eostre, she is bestowing gifts to this weeks winners.


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In keeping with the traditional Pagan festival to celebrate the goddess Eostre, she is bestowing gifts to this weeks winners.

LOL - I had to google Eostre to find out it and this came up.

A Germanic goddess, EOSTRE was very popular with the Anglo-Saxon pagan brigade who worshipped her under the name — and kicked off the whole Easter business without a JESUS in sight. If you ever wondered what eggs and bunnies have to do with crucifixion and resurrection, the answer is: absolutely nothing.


Great stuff 🙂