S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2015 with PRIZES!


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Hi Guys,

We have three bulls v seven bears. 50 ticks in variance. ibetyou is the most bullish and Gaffs the bearish.

I'm short on just about everything but the DAX... I'll either be cruising in the Bahamas or reading a very old copy of Robinson Crusoe out in the garden.

Wishing you all prosperous trading 👍

League table here...
Been a while...

I'm going for 2082 next week. Right above the close.

Good to see you back VielGeld... 🙂

That is a very brave call considering May is around the corner. I'd recommend a good book on how to survive an avalanche :cheesy:

Humble pie on the way for me no doubt... :whistling
Nice to see ya. It's good to be back. 😀

I'm basing this call on Oil's recent strength. I may just be one of those buying the hype...
Wheheyyyy I take my first gold of 2015... About time as I was getting desperate. :drunk:

Sadly Postman just misses gold by 0.17 ticks to take silver. 👍

TwinToWin takes bronze and the QTR-2 lead in points. 👍👍



We live in interesting times. There is little volume and much fear imo. Is this the time to get greedy? 😈

League table here...

Ooohh ooh ahhh aahh! This sort of dizzy height and I'm bound to fall out the tree - and land on my head!

Well done all round!
2038 - Islands become clean power generators supplying continents over wireless technology. :clap::clap::clap:
I still favour huge hydro developments, with a large backing-up lake for irrigation, drinking water etc. The trouble with under-sea hydro is the marine growth gumming up the works every 5 years or so.
Solar - great if all south facing roofs in the UK had to put solar slates on ! The politicians might get the message in another 20 years.
Wind - needs new machines that will last longer and cope with gentle to excess of over 54 mph winds. I saw a great TV programme where the wind on a high rise building supplied all it's power with some to spare.

Apparently there are desperate drought areas in the USA and Brazil. Largely due to lack of forward planning and mean capitalism.
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i think i might have been a week early, so i'm going to stick with last weeks call of 2114.
goodluck everyone, i know i'm going to need it.