Well done to Lexcorp who takes Bronze this week. 👍
Weighted Average takes gold and his friend takes silver. 🙂
..................................................Weighted Average ............. Average............................................................................Lexcorp
It has been painful losing points considering it is so hard earning them. Just like real trading.
Reading a few books on the psychology it seems we risk more not to lose than to win. I see what they mean as it does hurt more to lose than the pleasure one gets in winning a point for getting direction right. 🙄
Bulls to bears league table updated. We have 87 pip variance in the forecasts. TwinToWin is most bullish versus me feeling paw paw at the moment with the SPX storming ahead at the prospect of continued free money I reckon.
Someone's going to be licking their wounds :cheesy:
These are Mormon crickets feasting on one of their own. Apparently Mormon crickets are notoriously cannibalistic (PS: No reflection on our winners 😉 ).
I'm off to have my lunch soon too. Bon appetit 🙂