The above from the other thread is not making sense. Why would such a corrupt market give you 50/50. Surely any corrupt market worth their salt should only give 1:99 against?
OP: beware of any guru's better than your Bank of England trader bud.
Just out of interest BJ, why do you have to be so negative on every post. It is not a very good personality trait to have. The above chap has been kind enough to reply to my thread, yet you've come out with negativity right away without even knowing the ins, and outs of what he is saying.
Regardless of whether you think he's talking rubbish, or not, why is it that just because something doesn't conform to your model of trading then it automatically means he is wrong.
Just because, obviously you have a losing day, week, month, does not automatically mean that just because others are doing well, they are liars. You really shouldn't, think that your trading is rubbish BJ, so others is rubbish too, or vice versa.
Life for you would be much more pleasurable for you, if you just took what people say as words on a forum, rather than thinking your Dr. Gillian Mckeith, and wanting to go as far as dissecting their faeces to see what they've had for lunch.
P.S. afterall this is your statement that others might seem would be right of place coming out of a true wacko's mind...
"It was so good the institutional broker involved wanted to give me a job afterwards. By that time I was so pissed, I thought f* the lot of them. I don't like it if my efforts don't pay. Yes I was paid money, but I expected more".
They wanted to give you a job... Sure they did buddy, sure they did. Let me explain a bit about business to you, for someone to be running anykind of business, they know the value of what is good, or bad, they did not offer you a job, as you were not good enough, simples. If you were you would have hired you. Simples.
now just think where is that fund now, and where are you.
Lulz to the power of 10.