So you were looking for value at some point with your "limited effort", with this effort, you "realised" there wasn't any there.....what if one were to put more effort and focus, maybe one might even discover that there were in fact something there in the first place? would you not agree?
If one doesn't find it, does it mean it isn't there?.....Maybe, as everyone is different, not everyone is capable or have the "capacity" to grasp what is already free here on T2W and had given up on finding it?
As the discussion have progressed so far, I was hoping that the dependence on money to obtain value would be resolved but as noted by Skakone: maybe money isn't really required then?
In terms of value, I see value in depends on the point of view.
Sorry Mr Fox, it would appear we have deviated a bit from your original questions but I hope it is of interest to you.
There's absolutely no need to apologise, as getting different opinions good, or bad can never be a bad thing, plus this is a public forum, and everyone's entitled to their opinion.
The only issue I do have is for eg, Shakone has answered my question, and then a few posts later say's the question doesn't make sense, well if it doesn't make sense, then how has he managed to answer it, that's like if I ask him if he is a fool, he answer's yes, and then replies that he doesn't understand the question.
He then insinuates that I should ask my mentor, but that's like running back to your biology teacher when you have a question about sex.
Yes your first couple of replies were funny, but then you proceeded to go down a path which I felt was misleading to others, and that's never a good thing, obviously you will agree.
I am grateful to all who take the time to reply especially with good reason eg. Solas, and if people do not wish to reply, that is fine also, but answering questions with broad strokes, then when I ask for more information, posters disappear naturally means, they were not willing to help in the first place, or they wish not to tell what they know, again this is fine, but replying with a "I do not wish to divulge this information" is a lot more gentlemanly, than just disappearing, wouldn't you agree.