Black Swan
Could I point out that we shouldn't reveal too much of how the system works on here.
It is something that is being sold commercially.
Richard Hill (and therefore Agora) knows this thread exists and i'm sure they will be quick to protest (rightly so) if we are revealing too much.
Sorry too come across all serious but I don't want this thread to be forced to be deleted as it kind of forms an independent viewpoint of the system.
I wouldn't worry too much buddy, there's thousands of v.simple systems out there on the 'Interweb thingy' based on buying/selling of breakouts as price crosses a (slowish) simple moving average.
What you guys are doing is betting on a two horse race/or flipping a coin. However, if you're right 50% of the time, but on your losses you lose 20 quid and on wins you win 30 quid, you win overall...simples..
The mods are no doubt aware that this thread is effectively a sublimimal slightly sophisticated marketing campaign for the system anyhow, I'm sure their intelligence has been insulted far better than this in the past...😉 It's no accident that a few new posters all suddenly congregate on a single thread, bigging up a system is it? 😀
Enjoy yourselves, knock yourselves out, if you've made profit this morning from them there forex markets it's more than a lot of us have done...