Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

So if I open a micro with £2,000 should my risk be 2% (£200) and trade on £1.00 per pip or .10p until I get used to it, I have just purchased forexsniper to help.

careful 1% of 2k is £20!

back to this morning, and as it was my first trade, I thought I watch it live. I set up at 6.30, saw a falling 40MA, and did my 10p per pip, on a sell order. trap sprung a minute or so later, and It hit 50 pips target before 7am, so a great start for me.👍
Well done Peter sounds like you prepared well for this little game. Pick a simple strategy and stick to it. Your psychological makeup will see whether you succeed or fail even with a simple system. If I could unlearn many things it would be of great benefit to me. 🙂
Well done Peter sounds like you prepared well for this little game. Pick a simple strategy and stick to it. Your psychological makeup will see whether you succeed or fail even with a simple system. If I could unlearn many things it would be of great benefit to me. 🙂

Ta, I am pleased it went so well, just sat there in bed watching the numbers. At one point I was tempted to close at about +38 pips, but I let it run on to the 50. I'm not going to watch live again, just curious as it was my first go. I've learned such a lot this weekend from the Net trap book, and from the kind people who put links on here.
Ta, I am pleased it went so well, just sat there in bed watching the numbers. At one point I was tempted to close at about +38 pips, but I let it run on to the 50. I'm not going to watch live again, just curious as it was my first go. I've learned such a lot this weekend from the Net trap book, and from the kind people who put links on here.

One trade, 50 pips up, simples 😀 repeat that every day and "this time next year Rodders"...

[ At one point I was tempted to close at about +38 pips, but I let it run on to the 50. I'm not going to watch live again, just curious as it was my first go. I've learned such a lot this weekend from the Net trap book, and from the kind people who put links on here.[/QUOTE]

Yeah be carefull watching trades because when I do it my balls drop off and I end up losing profit!😆
Fire and forget!😀
A whole £5 up 😆 I might soon be able to afford a new 3 wheeler van!

my very first adventure into trading (with a form of TA as a signal) was using a line chart to go long on cable if price went above the 20MA and short if it fell below...funny thing is (looking back) it actually *worked* 5/6 times out of ten...wins greater than losses, happy days..😉
Was looking at getting this or concept FX. The same site i found a review on has another one for net trap and you guys (at least the most recent comments) seem to be doing a good job with net trap.

I think im going to wait for some longer term reviews before dipping my toes into the water though. To be honest i'm still learning about trading and want to feel like i have some knowledge first.

My bloody phone decided to break itself in the middle of the night and didn't wake me up in time. I missed my first 50 point win since I started. Oh the agony.
Woke up at 6.45 and the market had already dropped well over 100 points.

Off to Argos after work to purchase possibly the most important tool a new trader can have...
An alarm clock!

Read over Claudia123s USD/GBP breakout thread last night, very interesting. Also going over Newtron Bomb's breakout thread both very interesting. Will start paper trading them both soon and see how I fare with them. Both very enlightening and Claudia's is so simple it's kind of hard to believe. Let's hope it works.

My bloody phone decided to break itself in the middle of the night and didn't wake me up in time. I missed my first 50 point win since I started. Oh the agony.
Woke up at 6.45 and the market had already dropped well over 100 points.

Off to Argos after work to purchase possibly the most important tool a new trader can have...
An alarm clock!

Read over Claudia123s USD/GBP breakout thread last night, very interesting. Also going over Newtron Bomb's breakout thread both very interesting. Will start paper trading them both soon and see how I fare with them. Both very enlightening and Claudia's is so simple it's kind of hard to believe. Let's hope it works.

The main movement was from 9-10am, must have been 180+ drop!

to follow this system you need to be able to access a computer at 6.20-6.30 then 8.30
I get up, set the trade up if the signal is there then go to work and access my spreadbet provider at 8.30

The system made a small loss during February, for the first time apparently, but you have to look long term really, over many months.

As for mobiles, I guess if your phone can get internet and has a big enough screen size you could use that to close your trade at 8.30, you need a decent 3g connection though.

This morning as yesterday, +50points again by about 7am according to the chart. Happy bunny again. I was umming and arrhing a bit though as to whether to trade because though the average was falling, the previous candles were a bit lumpy, so this might just have been a lucky one?
got the 50 pip win today, my first one since i started using the system 2 1/2 weeks ago

Week 1: +13.5 pip profit
Week 2: -36.4 pip loss
Mon 01/03: no trade due to my alarm breaking in the middles of the night!!!
Tue 02/03@ +50pips

I got Richards email yesterday and my 30 point loss last Monday was a no-trade according to him. Our entry trigger levels were the same at 15488 but I got triggered by IG and he didn't. I've gone back and checked the charts and on the charts it says it never hit 15488.

It says on my statement the trade got triggered at 8.07 on the 22nd Feb at 15488 but looking at the 5 minute candle (open at 8.05) the highest it got was 15486.6, so my trade and my consequent 30pip loss should never have happened.
Can anyone help explain to me what’s happened here?

Are the charts wrong?

From what i've been learning on this site nothing is the real deal, however if you have a system/trade plan and follow it with discipline you should win.
Although each trader is different and the plan will work differently for each person. My results are a bit different to Richard Hill's. Why? I'm not sure yet. Hopefully i'll find out soon.

Since I started using the plan I'm slightly in profit and I don't expect it to make me millions, if it keeps in the positive over the medium term then I’ll be happy with that.
Where I am finding it useful is that it is keeping me interested everyday, helped introduce me to money management and to follow a trade plan. So for me the £247 was worth it, whether it's worth it for you is up to you to find out.
It's got a moneyback guarantee, if you papertrade it to see whether it fits in with you and you find it doesn't, send it back and you've lost nothing, if it does fit in with you then keep it and hopefully you'll make the money back and start learning more about trading
got the 50 pip win today, my first one since i started using the system 2 1/2 weeks ago

Week 1: +13.5 pip profit
Week 2: -36.4 pip loss
Mon 01/03: no trade due to my alarm breaking in the middles of the night!!!
Tue 02/03@ +50pips

I got Richards email yesterday and my 30 point loss last Monday was a no-trade according to him. Our entry trigger levels were the same at 15488 but I got triggered by IG and he didn't. I've gone back and checked the charts and on the charts it says it never hit 15488.

It says on my statement the trade got triggered at 8.07 on the 22nd Feb at 15488 but looking at the 5 minute candle (open at 8.05) the highest it got was 15486.6, so my trade and my consequent 30pip loss should never have happened.
Can anyone help explain to me what’s happened here?

Are the charts wrong?

If like me you use a spreadbetting platform they say the charts are "indicitive" so every now and then you hit stop losses when the chart doesn't even reach the stop loss.If your using a forex trading acount the charts should be perfect unless stated.
I think!!