Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

+120.4 for the week

Discussing this with BarbaraS yesterday, I shouldn't really be up by that much.

Monday I luckily opened high enough to hit +50, system would have done -30
Tuesday OK, +50
Wednesday, didn't trade due to misinterpreting rules. Would have lost 30
Thursday, nearly getting it right, made 20.4, should have been +17.4 according to system
Friday, got it right , no trade

So really I should be on +7.4, not 120.4!

Peter your doing something right, i prefer your gains of 120+ pips against my 7. Why don't you create a mini-system of your own with some very small tweaks.
Peter your doing something right, i prefer your gains of 120+ pips against my 7. Why don't you create a mini-system of your own with some very small tweaks.

I'm actually doing something by accident.

Monday was the main one, +50 to -30 meant I was already 80 in front of most.

By mistake, I entered the market at about -2pips below the low at that time, and NOT the low point of the 6.15 candle. This meant that I entered higher than everyone else, and managed to hit 50 pips for the auto close out. (I'd forgot to show bid price, and it was showning Mid price, IG's software keeps your setting, but not this one!)

If you entered at 2 below the low of the 6.15, you would have hit about 45 pips about 6.50 that morning, close enough I think if you were watching it (as BarbaraS and I were) to manually close. As it happens if you wernt watching, the level went back up again and went over 30 above the entry - stopping you out.

Same this morning, closing at 8.30 just happened to be the wrong time, 6.45 would have been pretty good at about +30, similarly 8.45 would have been better that 8.30, even 8.33 was better than 8.30!

However, I want to run the system as per the manual, at least till I have more experience!
Thur. Signal to buy, placed order, but not level not achieved, cancelled at 8.30. 0 pips.
Thanks, Peter - looking forward to it. Even if it doesn't make me a lot of money, at least it will coax me to get out of bed early for a change 🙂
mon. 08 : +2
tue. 09 : +15
wed. 10 : +50
thu. 11 : no trade
fri. 12 : +40

good week, 107pts, how did you guys do this week?
Week 1: +13.5 pip profit
Week 2: -36.4 pip loss
Week 3: + 21 pips profit
Week 4:
Mon 08/03: -9pips
Tue 09/03: +10pips
Wed 10/03: +50 pips
Thu 11/03: No trade
Fri: 12/03: +34pip

Total for week: +83 pips

My account should be a lot bigger now with all these pips, shame I’ve lost them all messing about with other things!
After having fallen back to my exact intial trading bank, at the end of this week I'm up 75 pips 🙂

Guys remember we should not trade this next week due to the difference in daylight saving hours between UK & US...

+40 this morning for a +98 on the week.

Just read Mr Hill's email summary, he's up +88. According to Richard it's 2 weeks that are affected here, as we put our clocks forward on 28th March, we wont be quite back in sync till then. He has advised that you can still trade, but he's using smaller stakes, and will stop if it's not too good.
+40 this morning for a +98 on the week.

Just read Mr Hill's email summary, he's up +88. According to Richard it's 2 weeks that are affected here, as we put our clocks forward on 28th March, we wont be quite back in sync till then. He has advised that you can still trade, but he's using smaller stakes, and will stop if it's not too good.

well, i can't really go any smaller than my 50p stakes, so i'll probably step out for 2 weeks and enjoy the sleep