I think many people are geting it wrong on plaving orders.
there are 2 types of execution offerd by brokers.
1. gauranteed stop: here you just place order to sell 2 pips below the lowest bid.
2. non-guaranteed sopt: here your order is active once, the price offer (not bid) reaches your stop and at that moment, your sell roder is excuted at the current bid (which is usualyl 3 pips lower) and hence the slippage.
To counter 2nd situation, one should place order to sell at (lowest bid of signal candle) - 2 pips + 3 pips (whatever the GBPUSD spread ofeferd by ur broker). Then you wil not get any slippage.
Just when I thought I was getting to grips with Spreadbetting another spanner in the works that cost me (and many other newbies I guess using IG -30 pips today) as the book does not discuss the above at all for non limited risk account holders.
Got the entry correct 14435.8 (round down as RH suggests) 14435 - 2 = 14433. Limit 50 @ 14383, stop 30 @ 14463. All good to go. All off the bid chart as in the book. So I leave the bid chart running and come back to look every 1/2 hour or so. 7am all ok.
But @ 7.30am I saw I got stopped out. Checking the chart the high was @ 7.03am and was 14460.6 so I was like WTF thats. 2.4 pips away from stop why have they stopped me out.
Reading above and talking to IG on a sell order on a normal stop the stop is triggered by the Ask price, not the bid price. Check the Ask price chart @ 7.03 and the high was 14463.1 hence we got stopped out..............how cruel was that.
What annoys me is the book makes no reference to this and that as you do everything off the "bid" chart I assumed all stops would work out exactly +/- 30. But No, effectively on a short sell order you only have a "real" stop of around -27 from your entry price!!
So I now see two choices (ignoring a gaurentted stop as that costs an extra 3 pip spread anyway).
A) on a sell order set a stop @ 33 to give an effective net 30 stop off the bid entry price set as per the book.
B) As Bomb suggested rather than -2 on a sell order use + 1 for entry price instead ( -2 + 3 = +1) to adjust the whole thing.
As I think RH has it correct with -2 off a sell to only get in if trend continues down I'm going for option A in future and setting a sell stop @ 33 rather than 30.
Now to figure out if the reverse is true for a buy order? Anyone? Maybe I will wait until I get the same issue with a Buy before I tinker with that stop.
Hopping mad about this though as he never explained the reality of the situation thus giving you the choice to adjust the sell stop if you want a true 30 stop limit.
And with a 33 stop on a sell MNT would have banked 10 pips today too an the demo account.