Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

Hopefully this is a helpful tip for you...

Do you all realise the proffessionals have visability as to your open positions, stops etc and fund managers take them out for fun, usually when there is not much movement on the indix.

Do you ever feel what ever you do you loose????????

Not sure what the problem is with that statement, check out the link I gave you guys. You wont get better. It has been known for folk to rape that site for strats. to them give selected ones a buzzy name...oh I dunno..."The net trap power play" or something equally random, stick it on a pdf and disc and flog it as their own...

Take just about any of the simple strats on view there and they'll get you in on the right side of the trade 80% of the time. Most seasoned traders will state that 80% (8 out of ten) of their trades go into profit at some stage, generally at or fairly close to entry...

You manage 3 things in a trade; exit, entry and the most crucial one you and your emotions when in the trade...The first, the entry, you should get right 8 times out of ten..endex..
Not sure what the problem is with that statement, check out the link I gave you guys. You wont get better. It has been known for folk to rape that site for strats. to them give selected ones a buzzy name...oh I dunno..."The net trap power play" or something equally random, stick it on a pdf and disc and flog it as their own...

Take just about any of the simple strats on view there and they'll get you in on the right side of the trade 80% of the time. Most seasoned traders will state that 80% (8 out of ten) of their trades go into profit at some stage, generally at or fairly close to entry...

You manage 3 things in a trade; exit, entry and the most crucial one you and your emotions when in the trade...The first, the entry, you should get right 8 times out of ten..endex..

You must be a very rich man, thankyou.
Speak to you elsewhere on the site.

Yep always welcome, on the subject of NFP I've just posted up this advice on the general chat section from one of the respected guys over at FXCM...most of UK traders appear to watch/trade cable, in the US it's EU...

Thomas Long

I will be leaving soon for a well deserved long weekend (if I say so myself) in Northern California to get as much wine tasting in as humanly possible before returning for Tuesday's session, but there are two things I would like to point out before I head to the airport. First, we always use a designated driver on our wine trips so its all good. Yes...I realize that more than a few of you don't care about this, but I have complete control of my keyboard right now and I can write whatever I want.

Second and more importantly, I would once again like to remind traders of what is happening this Friday, April 2nd at about 830AM Eastern, which is when the US Department of Labor will release the most anticipated news report of the month, the US Nonfarm Payrolls. This report can result in increased volatility and a chance to profit handsomely in a short period of time.

However, more often than not, new traders are not the one’s profiting but rather losing. The main reason is slippage, which is when your order is filled away from the price you wanted. The reason for slippage is simple, big traders stay away from these events and new traders all try to do the same thing at the same time. If the release is bullish for the EUR/USD, everybody wants to buy at the same time. However, most find that there is nobody willing to sell to them at their price. But eventually your order is filled, but at the seller’s price. Soon you find the market moving against you and you exit to keep your losses from getting too big. But what about those who were selling to you? As the market continues to fall, you start to wonder about these traders who sold to you and the fact that they are now making money. What did they do differently?

These traders were playing the reversal and taking advantage of the fact that the first move after a release is often based on emotions and wrong. Here is a 5-minute chart and an example of a reversal after the release of the Nonfarm Payrolls. We can see that just before the release, the EUR/USD was trading at 1.4892. After the release, the market started to rally up to near the 1.4940 level. The market then started to reverse and traders who were playing the reverse sold at the price the market was trading just before the release. The assumption here is that all traders who bought after the release are now in a losing trade and are selling to get out. So these new traders sell at 1.4892 to get in and use a 50 pip stop with a 100 pip limit order to take profit, which is what we recommend in our DailyFX Courses. This is our 1:2 risk:reward ratio and allows us to be profitable if only winning 40% of these setups. The market soon moved down 100 pips from the 1.4892 entry and rewarded those who were patient and reacted to the market environment rather than the emotional first response to the release. These reversal traders will also use the EUR/USD as much as possible in these situations because of the increased volume and better fills. But you don’t have to be first to get into the trade to be right, you just have to be patient and react to the market and not the news release. The EUR/USD doesn’t act like this on every release, but it does frequently enough to make this a valuable strategy.

Good luck with your trading, have a great weekend, and I'll be back Tuesday!
My latest results.

Mon 29th – 56 pips (broke the rules a little)
Tue 30th – 38 pips (didn’t close trade until after 8.30, but would have been 36 pips about 10 secs earlier)
Wed 31st – No trade - following the rules!
Thu 1st Apr - No trade - following the rules! (If I had traded I would have been stopped out)


My latest results.

Mon 29th – 56 pips (broke the rules a little)
Tue 30th – 38 pips (didn’t close trade until after 8.30, but would have been 36 pips about 10 secs earlier)
Wed 31st – No trade - following the rules!
Thu 1st Apr - No trade - following the rules! (If I had traded I would have been stopped out)



😆 the rules were there to trade this morning, and you should have lost 30. I did the same my first week, didn't trade one morning and saved meself 30pips.

Friday and Monday off, no trading.

Not gonna post as much now here, but will do a monthly maybe, and keep this place as an update for how the system does.
😆 the rules were there to trade this morning, and you should have lost 30. I did the same my first week, didn't trade one morning and saved meself 30pips.

Friday and Monday off, no trading.

Not gonna post as much now here, but will do a monthly maybe, and keep this place as an update for how the system does.

Why not post/get involved on the other forums on T2W? You may then begin to discover that a holy grail *system* or system devlopment is only perhaps 10% of the game, the other 90% is money management and psyche (self)...

Dr Tharp of trade your way to financial freedom fame talks extensively on this, his advice on MM (position sizing) is second to none IMHO...might be worth you investing in a couple of books. 🙂
You must be a very rich man, thankyou.

Sigh... 🙄 you're just being a bit silly now aren't you. Getting the signal/entry right 80% of the time (on whatever strat.) probably accounts for only 10% of success in trading...

And yes your maths are wrong, being *right* only 30% of the time would/could still make you an exceptionally successful trader if your MM is sound...
Why not post/get involved on the other forums on T2W? You may then begin to discover that a holy grail *system* or system devlopment is only perhaps 10% of the game, the other 90% is money management and psyche (self)...

Dr Tharp of trade your way to financial freedom fame talks extensively on this, his advice on MM (position sizing) is second to none IMHO...might be worth you investing in a couple of books. 🙂


Yeah, I meant this thread, if I find anything of intrest on other areas of trading, then I'll find them on T2W and read up / post maybe if needs. This thread has been a useful tool for me to get some feedback from other Net trap users starting out as a newbie like me.

Now - I defo dont work for Agora - in fact their repetive e-mails are annoying, but Mr. Hills updates, and video of live trading example are useful.

I'll check out the books , and thanks for the other info you posted.


Black Swan, you have done me a service today and I thank you.

The link you provided gave me the answer to an exit strategy problem that I have been pondering over for months.

The only thing that p****s me off is that I am annoyed that I never thought of it.

The answer was simple and fairly obvious in hindsight but I guess sometimes you miss the glaringly obvious when you have been looking at the same problem for months on end.

Anyway, many thanks for pointing out that website.
peterf1966 - you keep spouting off about following the system. why is feed back important? read the book, follow the system, hey presto, 50 pips profit
Does anyone know the following; most consecutive winning trades, Consecutive losing trades. The most consecutive 50 pip trades and also consecutive losing 30 pip trades.
peterf1966 - you keep spouting off about following the system. why is feed back important? read the book, follow the system, hey presto, 50 pips profit

warrenwatts - feedback was important to me at the start, cos I made a few mistakes, and the comments I had back from others on here, esp Rugby Trader and Barbara S, set me straight, and made me re-read the book with that bit more insight, hey presto, -30pips this morning as it happened.
Sigh... 🙄 you're just being a bit silly now aren't you. Getting the signal/entry right 80% of the time (on whatever strat.) probably accounts for only 10% of success in trading...

And yes your maths are wrong, being *right* only 30% of the time would/could still make you an exceptionally successful trader if your MM is sound...

Wow! That's impressive.

Can you give an example of this for us, please? Can you show us how a 70% loss rate, leads the Trader to "exceptional" status - without having to sit around and wait for trades that net a Carl Sagan 1 Billion pips net profit on the exit?

I'm a total Nube and I'm without a clue. I've got 10 trades done. 7 of them were losers. 3 of them were Winner-Winner-Chicken-Dinner. I'm a Newbie, so I opened my account with Bucket Shop that offers me shallow liquidity and portfolio counter-party deals. I've heard a lot about the EURUSD from my Broker, so I traded that, 10 times in a row. My opening balance was $10,000.00.

In order to walk away from 7 total losers and be "exceptional":

a) What would my leverage need to be?
b) What would my cost basis per trade (on average) need to be?
c) What would my Stop need to be on each trade?
d) What would my Limit level need to be on each trade or How many pips do the three Amigos need to net/net in order to reach "exceptional" status as a Trader?

I'd like to see what "exceptional" means - help me define exceptional, please. :smart:
😆 the rules were there to trade this morning, and you should have lost 30. I did the same my first week, didn't trade one morning and saved meself 30pips.

I don’t believe the rules were there to trade.
Here’s why, remember the rule that if there are more than 2 consecutive candles in the previous 10 candles going in the opposite direction from the MA, don’t trade!
That day there were 3 within the previous 10 candles, that's why I didn't trade!


My latest results.

Mon 29th Mar – 56 pips (broke the rules a little)
Tue 30th Mar – 38 pips (didn’t close trade until after 8.30, but would have been 36 pips about 10 secs earlier)
Wed 31st Mar – No trade - following the rules!
Thu 1st Apr - No trade - following the rules! (If I had traded I would have been stopped out)
Fri 2nd Apr – 4 pips (should have been about 4-5 more, but Capital won’t let you set a limit order if the price is only 2 pips away, has to be about 6-7 away!) Probably shouldn’t have traded today anyway being a holiday.
Anyway, a good first week, 98 pips profit.
Will be interesting to see what the profit margin is like after a month.
Anyone else trade today?


Peter/Dsinclair - if its a no trade and it regular stops you out by 30 pips why dont you trade it down!!!!!!! Just an idea, appreciate your feed back.