Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

Why read the thread or participate in it if it's that annoying to you? Why not leave us in peace to discuss how we're finding the system. When you're new to this and trying something out it's useful to see if you're getting same results as everyone else.
Can anyone check to see if they have had a false trigger? I placed a order to open at 6.30am for 15085 rising on GBP/USD. It never reached this level but at some point around 7am it triggered. Has anyone else had this?

I placed an order at 15086 with IG, and it didnt trigger. As you say, it didnt even come close to this on the charts - who are you trading with? Worth a phone call perhaps.
I, for one, really appreciate your posts. I do not understand the negative comments, and see no need for them.

Please continue to post your results.

Agree, the honest posts, including days and months where there have been losses have been really useful. I'm giving the system a go for a month, and will post back here as well. The hardest things about it are:
getting out of bed
not tinkering with a v simple system.

Anyone got an up to date scorecard for how it's done since inception?
Anyone got an up to date scorecard for how it's done since inception?

I think on their marketing blurb there's a scorecard on how it's done but i wouldn't pay too much attention to it, everyone gets different results (look at the different results between myself and Peterf) but at the moment it seems fairly positive.
Week 1: +13.5 pip profit
Week 2: -36.4 pip loss
Week 3: + 21 pips profit
Week 4: +83 pips
Week 5:
Mon 29/03: +50 pips
Tue 30/03: +30.5 pips
Wed 31/03: didn't get up till 7.10 but it looks like a trade wouldn't have been triggered
Hi Dipak,

Strictly speaking this morning the gain would be variable, depending upon exactly what time during the 8.30 candle you close. I got +36.5 pips this morning, others will be different, its always + or - a few pips, unless its an auto triggered stop loss or limit hit.

My experience so far, I started on 1st March

Week 1 +120 pips (a bit fortuitously tho, if you read back this thread)
Week 2 + 98.5 pips
Weeks 3 and 4 not trading due to clock changes
Week 5 Mon +50, Tue +36.5

So in all, I am happy with the system so far.

Hi Peterf

thanks for the feedback, im demo trading with alpari uk who quote prices to 5 decimal places, and of course prices quoted are different for all brokers, my entry was 1.50820 which got triggered and then stopped out for a -30 pip loss? is this what happened to you as well?

trading result this week

29 march +50
30 march -30 (did not stick to stratagy so my own fault)
31 march -30
Love it, one of the days when the coin lands on its edge you get..."The trade didn't trigger..." LOL, you couldn't make this 5hit up...well actually come to think of it...:whistling
Week 1: +13.5 pip profit
Week 2: -36.4 pip loss
Week 3: + 21 pips profit
Week 4: +83 pips
Week 5:
Mon 29/03: +50 pips
Tue 30/03: +30.5 pips
Wed 31/03: didn't get up till 7.10 but it looks like a trade wouldn't have been triggered

Mon 29/03: +50 pips
Tue 30/03: +36.5 pips
Wed 31/03 - yes no trade, placed buy order, but not hit.

Dipak, The IG entry price was 15087, 5 higher than yours. You are rembering to add 5 pips to the 6.15 closing high to get your entry level aren't you?
Looking at the false trigger comments, defo worth a call on these because I see it got to 15084 max this morning.

Also, if anyone suggests that I work for Agora, I don't. So technically that's slander, but as it's not costing me if anyone says it, I dont give a ****. However, you are making statements without any evidence and, of course, what does it say about the intelligence of a person who deliberately goes out of his way to have their intelligence insulted?
There were two reasons i posted on here.

1) to keep a record of my results and see that i was doing the right thing initially
2) to let others know how the system works

reason number 2 was more important to me because the amount of times i've been nearly sucked into buying something from Agora has been quite often but it is hard to find genuine information that is out there. I was hoping this would be helpful to others
Black Swan you were originally being helpful in this thread by quite rightly pointing out instead of spunking your money in what is essentially a coin-toss, although one that is loaded more in your favour, you should do research, read what's on the site. This was useful stuff. Now you’re just accusing people without anything to back it up.

I would agree with what you said earlier in the thread, definitely do research, learn more, read this site, read (very educating, I found it because of this post, so thanks for your help there). It is all fascinating. I’m reading Trader Dante’s Idea’s for increasing trader performance at the moment and the whole thing with weekend gaps is fascinating and I’m trying to figure out a way I can incorporate it into my (very beginner) trading along with the Three Ducks method (something else I’ve paid to do, although please don’t start accusing me of working for Captain Currency).
If you want to stay on the thread, be helpful, point out to people the benefits of this site (and others), that they can learn from here and use the £250 that they would have spent on the system in their account.

Also, if you really wish to subvert people from Agora, why don’t you direct people to Claudia123’s morning breakout system? Another coin-toss system in a similar vein, although that system uses lines rather than a MA, better still post up your own morning breakout system or at least links to other systems? I’ve seen a couple over at forex factory another useful site I found through Trade2win. I have no desire to try others at the moment because this one is working for me.

With regards to high google ranking, 2 things, Trade2Win does not have a high google ranking, it has a google Page rank of 4, click here to check, for example BBC has a page rank of 9, Moneyweek has a page rank of 6, Shortcutpublications which is second in the rankings and is the brand that is punting the system is also 4, although I do acknowledge that there are a lot more things that go into determining rankings. Secondly, is it not a good thing that this thread comes top of the rankings? So that people can get opposing views to help them make a decision.

Like I said, earlier in the thread you were being helpful, why not carry on being helpful and stop people buying the system that way, if that’s your aim.
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Hi all,

I’ve been a member of this forum for a few years now, but never really posted much before, always lurked!!
Anyway, I’ve also bought the Net Trap System, bought it a couple of weeks back but haven’t traded with it until this week because of the time difference thing!
Well pleased with it so far, but early days, we’ll see over the longer term.
Your results are very close to mine which is encouraging and I’ll try and post mine as regularly as I can.

Mon 29th – 56 pips (broke the rules a little)
Tue 30th – 38 pips (didn’t close trade until after 8.30, but would have been 36 pips about 10 secs earlier)
Wed 31st – No trade - following the rules!

I use Capital Spreads as my spreadbetting dealer, I used them a few years back and they are quite good under normal circumstances, but not brilliant if trading the news!!
I'm trading £1.00 a pip.

Looking forward to seeing how we all get on over the next few months. 🙂


Agreed - nicely put Rugby Trader!

bit of a waste of my lunch break really, i was reading that trader dante thread when i decided to reply to Black Swan's post. could have carried on reading that.

To be fair I can understand his (i'm assuming) cynicism, there is a lot of crap out there and i'm sure this site has stopped a lot of people from buying various crap stuff (i've looked at this site and there's plenty of other agora stuff on here i've nearly purchased but after reading the response on here, i'm glad i didn't) , one of the advantages of these threads appearing high in a google search, if people see consistently bad stuff about it (or at least a decent discussion) that helps them inform their decision, then there's not going to be much clicky, clicky! 😉
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I placed an order at 15086 with IG, and it didnt trigger. As you say, it didnt even come close to this on the charts - who are you trading with? Worth a phone call perhaps.

Using IG too. I have emailed their helpdesk. They have been pretty quick helpful in the past but have not heard back yet. I just wanted to see if anyone else had had this problem. I will let you know the outcome.
I did an order to open at 15088.8 - didnt trigger till 8.35 ish. I know its not the sytem but it worked - fantastic morning trade - it was net trap and pBW hybred system.
Mon 29/03: +50 pips
Tue 30/03: +36.5 pips
Wed 31/03 - yes no trade, placed buy order, but not hit.

Dipak, The IG entry price was 15087, 5 higher than yours. You are rembering to add 5 pips to the 6.15 closing high to get your entry level aren't you?
Looking at the false trigger comments, defo worth a call on these because I see it got to 15084 max this morning.

Also, if anyone suggests that I work for Agora, I don't. So technically that's slander, but as it's not costing me if anyone says it, I dont give a ****. However, you are making statements without any evidence and, of course, what does it say about the intelligence of a person who deliberately goes out of his way to have their intelligence insulted?

Hi Peter, i am remembering to add the recommended pips + the spread, as the spread is tighter with alpari i only have to add 4pips to the 6.15 high, which may have been the reason i got triggered into the trade? also the price quotes differ between brokers so another reason i got triggered in? i may be wrong...
Hi Peter, i am remembering to add the recommended pips + the spread, as the spread is tighter with alpari i only have to add 4pips to the 6.15 high, which may have been the reason i got triggered into the trade? also the price quotes differ between brokers so another reason i got triggered in? i may be wrong...

Hi Dipak,

I would suggest you send Richard an email himself, he's usually good at coming back to questions, I've asked him a question twice, although the second answer was wishy-washy. He said a trade wasn't triggered on IG, yet we had the same levels set and I was triggered and lost -30. I asked him why I was and he wasn't, he gave me a lame answer saying these things can happen in fast moving markets. Not a very satisfactory answer. The other one was a technical question which he answered quickly for me.
OK, I've got a few minutes so here's a bit of a mind dump on the subject of this strat. and btw R.Trader, I'm glad to see you are dyor and developing as a a trader...

For 250 quid its a rip off, for that amount the guy should have his own website and forum and support mechanism where you could all; bounce off each other, send each other karma and clap hands each time you bag 30 pips for doing fook all :clap:. Without a doubt this suite of forums is being used as a no cost marketing effort for the product which IMO is bang out of order....

Don't tell me/split hairs re. search engine rankings and page rankings..fact is if you've heard of the system then you'll Google it, chances are you'll go to the first organic search result on Google, way-hay! there's several threads discussing the v. product full of folk bigging it up and smiting the heretics...Pick any subject on trading and T2W will come back at ya in the results...

The system is worth 50 quid tops, tbh I could give you plenty of free systems that'd work (you'd get the entry right/be in profit quickly) possibly 80% of the time if you had a bit of discipline/time...

Here's a great site full of free strats that'll work, thay all work, every last one of them is a winner, but here's the thing, it's the operator that fails...

Loads of guys will play NFP/cable by opening 2 trades just before announcement, one long, one short, with stops of 20 on each and limits of 50, quick splurge in either direction heh might be hit you're 30 pips up..unless you get that evil double spike 😈 To me that's no better than what you guys have been fleeced 250 quid for... and please don't tell me it's better than that 'cos it aint, it has a tiny bit more sophistication but it's that *good*...

But the one glaring fact, that will keep many suspicious, is wtf are you doing here if not marketing? Day in, day out telling folk that you made 30+ pips on market open...? Go away, carry on doing, ask your leader to create a site with a forum where you can carry on tossing coins/throwing darts, you guys are offering fook all else to the forums...

One final point don't insult us by suggesting a few of you are not on an earner here; the guy sells 1,000 @ 250 quid (for a few words) that's some serious wedge for nothing, if he has to part with 50K as comms./fees it's still a great shout...