Rugby Trader
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OK, I've got a few minutes so here's a bit of a mind dump on the subject of this strat. and btw R.Trader, I'm glad to see you are dyor and developing as a a trader...
For 250 quid its a rip off, for that amount the guy should have his own website and forum and support mechanism where you could all; bounce off each other, send each other karma and clap hands each time you bag 30 pips for doing fook all :clap:. Without a doubt this suite of forums is being used as a no cost marketing effort for the product which IMO is bang out of order....
Don't tell me/split hairs re. search engine rankings and page rankings..fact is if you've heard of the system then you'll Google it, chances are you'll go to the first organic search result on Google, way-hay! there's several threads discussing the v. product full of folk bigging it up and smiting the heretics...Pick any subject on trading and T2W will come back at ya in the results...
The system is worth 50 quid tops, tbh I could give you plenty of free systems that'd work (you'd get the entry right/be in profit quickly) possibly 80% of the time if you had a bit of discipline/time...
Here's a great site full of free strats that'll work, thay all work, every last one of them is a winner, but here's the thing, it's the operator that fails...
Thanks for the reply Black Swan and thanks for the link to the forex strategies site, I’ll have a look at it over the weekend hopefully.
To be honest I wish I had properly explored this site (I’ve been a member since 2008) and knew what I did now, even compared to just before the end of the year when I bought the system as it would have saved me £250 as I’ve learnt so much and as you say there are plenty of free strategies out there, on the other side of that argument is that by spending that £250 it forced me to finally concentrate on this, a subject I have been interested in for sometime. But that’s how it’s affected me personally and therefore it does have a value.
With regards to what i’m doing on here day in, day out, on this thread, well I refer you to my previous answer. I’m not going to post on this thread as much now, as to be honest I don’t want to be pissing people off on this board as I want to be using (I’d like to say contribute, but it will be some time before I can say anything of worth probably) it for the foreseeable future as I hopefully develop and I’m sure to be asking people and respected members for their advice and opinions.
Loads of guys will play NFP/cable by opening 2 trades just before announcement, one long, one short, with stops of 20 on each and limits of 50, quick splurge in either direction heh might be hit you're 30 pips up..unless you get that evil double spike 😈 To me that's no better than what you guys have been fleeced 250 quid for... and please don't tell me it's better than that 'cos it aint, it has a tiny bit more sophistication but it's that *good*...
HA! Might have to give that a go! It’s NFP this Friday isn’t it?
But the one glaring fact, that will keep many suspicious, is wtf are you doing here if not marketing? Day in, day out telling folk that you made 30+ pips on market open...? Go away, carry on doing, ask your leader to create a site with a forum where you can carry on tossing coins/throwing darts, you guys are offering fook all else to the forums...
One final point don't insult us by suggesting a few of you are not on an earner here; the guy sells 1,000 @ 250 quid (for a few words) that's some serious wedge for nothing, if he has to part with 50K as comms./fees it's still a great shout...
It would be good if there was a dedicated forum, but to be honest it’s not a very complicated system (you are right in that it is a coin toss) and once you’ve got the hang of it, off you go, but it would be good if there was one.
I’ll stop commentating on what I’ve won or lost.
I’m sure there may well be some people on an earner here and certainly in other threads dotted around T2W, I would like to point out that I haven’t put any links for the system (or at least I don’t think I have) in this thread and I’m not on an earner here. I can’t really do much to prove that though.
But thanks for the general advice earlier in the thread and the links that you’ve provided, including the one above. If you have any more useful ones that you can share please do let me know.
Speak to you elsewhere on the site.