Revisiting the forum... everyone has left :(


Established member
Hi everyone, it's been years since my peak in the forum circa 2015. How sad to see that some old friends' "last visited" are like gravestones of years earlier. That's the way forums are going I suppose. Even mainstays who I though would never leave, Dentist has vanished, never thought I'd see the day! Postman, Barjon, Lord Flashheart, and there was that jokester Itspossible who was always good for a one liner. Maybe cryptos has made "normal" market trading less interesting and that's why people have left. This was a nice forum (still is I'm sure). Anyway, hello to anyone left, best of luck to T2W.
For me the forum has declined in interest and activity over this period. Perhaps its not due to any changes here, it simply reflects a decline in forums in preference for more immediate social media forms.

I do think T2W needs to change gear radically in order to become a specialised resource. It needs to become the essential source and point of contact in an urgent subject which is of key interest to a wide range of traders. That doesn't mean it needs to abandon any of its constituent groups, but it must have its own USP, which right now I cannot see.
Wholeheartedly agree, tomorton.
I am finding that individual traders or groups, have livestreams, eg, Tom Hougaard, and other communities.

There is a guy called Rockzfx who seems to be doing some stuff, using PA, and has a YT presence, and live-streams for members (dont know if he is any good, or if he sells courses, but seems OK).

Discord, Telegram, etc.

I would expect T2W to cycle through its membership, but I am not finding the oldies being replaced by enough newbies. Nor do enough of the newbies hang around long enough to learn anything meaningful.
Maybe its the TikTok generation, if they cant get what they want in 14 seconds, they're off. 🙂
decline in forums in preference for more immediate social media forms.
Agreed, BTW you don't build anything with immediate socials.
I dont' think thare are discussion running for years on Telegram/Discord/Slack/Twitter.
Forums are still the best to build a knowledge base.

It is nost just about decline in forums but also decline in trading.
Trading, social trading and trading forums were going strong especially during bear market.
Agreed, BTW you don't build anything with immediate socials.
I dont' think thare are discussion running for years on Telegram/Discord/Slack/Twitter.
Forums are still the best to build a knowledge base.

It is nost just about decline in forums but also decline in trading.
Trading, social trading and trading forums were going strong especially during bear market.
This is all true. I wonder how much negative impact the ESMA margin reductions of a couple of years ago had on the industry......
I recently stumbled upon forums and I was sad to see that there wasn’t a ton of activity and that some posts are so old that I don’t see the point in commenting on them anymore. It’s a shame.
I think that as mentioned other forms of social media have taken over. But forums can still be a good place, what ruins them in my opinion is when people post absolute nonsense on other peoples topic, or troll them with "My point of view is more superior than yours". Moderators really need to moderate fast on those. I think that Trade2Win should have a YT channel with regulator up dates even have sponsors from the UK brokers.
...Moderators really need to moderate fast on those..

Mods work to forum rules. They don't have time to read through all that is posted so rely on members reporting content that may be outside of those rules and if it is reported then it will be addressed.