Therefore, is it right that we lose our life and soul to a profession or, perhaps more suitable, a game which can only redestribute wealth and not create it?
TD wrote a thread called "How to Make Money" or something similar. That was a method that was right for him and, I hope, right for the majority of those who followed it. Nevertheless, it turned out to be not a certain money maker for me. It was just a thread that gave me some good ideas which could be incorporated into one's own scheme of how trading should be done.
So one should not be too dogmatic about right and wrong.
As for the redistribution of wealth. I would not worry about that, unless it is your wealth that is getting redistributed.
A lot of interesting threadwriters have been given a lot of stick because some readers have taken the posts as gospel. Nothing is written in stone, nothing is right or wrong, nothing is gospel.
(Just in case the man himself is too modest to comment):
It was called "Making Money Trading" and can be found here:
As he made very clear, it is not the only way to make money trading, and it was never portrayed as being something set in stone. I know you know this Split; just want to make it clear for any newbies possibly reading this.
(Just in case the man himself is too modest to comment):
It was called "Making Money Trading" and can be found here:
As he made very clear, it is not the only way to make money trading, and it was never portrayed as being something set in stone. I know you know this Split; just want to make it clear for any newbies possibly reading this.
I want to be very clear. I thought that TD wrote a great thread. He, along with Mr Charts and a whole series of others have written what, for me, has contained some very useful information. I congratulate them, sincerely, for still being here to give advice. However, there are others who have not been so fortunate and who have decided to give up. Some of those, too, gave me something useful to add to my trading plan but, I suppose, they had more losing readers than winners.
Great post TD, did she do this over lunch?😛 Or was the 50K profit then 'sealed' as IG binned/banned her?I always thought that there was no such thing as a free lunch, until I worked with a young girl that took £50,000 from IG after working out a simple way to do it very easily with zero trading skill or knowledge.
Great post TD, did she do this over lunch?😛 Or was the 50K profit then 'sealed' as IG binned/banned her?
Great post TD, did she do this over lunch?😛 Or was the 50K profit then 'sealed' as IG binned/banned her?
I honestly believe that when people say that something cannot be done in trading it means they are either extremely ignorant (and or shallow minded), extremely jealous or extremely skeptical because they have been unable to do it themselves. The latter two are certainly closely tied.
Any trader worth their salt knows there are an infinte number of ways to make money and its all about what is right for the person doing the trading.
Bottom line: if you are consistently profitable it really doesn't matter how you achieve it. And something only doesn't work when after a statistically significant number of trades you are still in drawdown from your starting capital. Period.
I always thought it took years to learn how to trade. Then a close friend came in as a new grad at my prop firm with no market knowledge and became consistently profitable in the FTSE after just three months learning it.
I always thought it was almost impossible to make several million quickly in this game until I saw it achieved by more than one person from a standing start of zero in just a few years.
I always thought that there was no such thing as a free lunch, until I worked with a young girl that took £50,000 from IG after working out a simple way to do it very easily with zero trading skill or knowledge.
I always thought that one needed to be good at maths until I found out that I could make money but need to add 2+2 on my fingers.
I always thought that trading against the trend will kill you until I saw someone that makes more money than I ever thought was possible by deliberately fading all public opinion and every major trend.
I always knew it was possible to make money consistently but would have said it was next to impossible to not have a losing day in three solid years until I saw it done.
I always thought back when I was searching for a strategy that the really big traders probably didn't read too much into simple candlestick analysis until I saw someone having £50k up days consistently after reading and paying close attention to what the candles were telling him.
I always thought that one must have tight stops and never average until I sat with someone making millions of pounds, averaging hard with loose stops. And unlike most that do this, still doing so, year in, year out.
I always thought that one needed more than just fundamental analysis until it became clear that Jim Rogers can't even read a chart.
And so on...and on...and on...
The fact of the matter is, anything and everything works, if it works for you. Profitable traders that have found their way, may listen attentively and they may advise you on what has worked or not worked for them, but they will rarely tell you that something doesn't work.
The last thing I want to be seen as is arrogant (despite some of my posts lol) but I sometimes think about how my account is growing and I'm earning a living and am free to spend all day lying around in bed with my laptop or going to the park and sitting in the sun and don't have to be up at 6am doing a job I hate with someone breathing down my neck all the time and I think its strange that I've taught my method and shown people what I do and that not everyone is making money with it. It truly is bizarre to me. But its taught me that something has to work for you. You have to feel comfortable with it and you have to trust it - to know its advantages to know its disadvantages, to know its risk:reward ratio, its win:loss ratio, its drawdowns, to know what to expect from it in terms of number of trades etc etc. With my strategy, if you're not comfortable analysing 20 completely different markets at the same time, having stops of anywhere between 30 - 80 pips per trade, getting one trade per day on average (if that) and being able to hold it without watching it and getting fidgety from anywhere between 7 hours to 2's not the strategy for you. It's very simple. I can do it because I've learnt it and it fits my attitude towards risk and my personality. I can always tell an amateur trader right off the bat because when they find out I've sat with some people making ten times as much money as me and showing me exactly how they trade and what they look for they say to me "you're a fool for not just following what they do".
I know a trader who was trading at £200 pp spreadbetting with CMC Markets a few years ago, this trader was creaming the profits and a dealer came on their trading platform accusing this person for working for a bank which was of course untrue, the trade was closed (in profit btw) and no more FX trades were accepted. Makes you laugh, but think about it, you are trading their market, if you lose THEY profit, if you profit, THEY lose, forget about that hedging and 'we earn from the spread' bollox, you are up against the biggest crooks on the market, they are no better that the Bucket shops from the 1930's depression, bookies. Trade with care.
...I think its strange that I've taught my method and shown people what I do and that not everyone is making money with it...
Why are you thinking that there are no people that can follow your "PIN" method? 🙄
There are so many reasons, they are just what spring to mind 🙂 I don't understand for the life of me how I make money from it and other people struggle. That's why I started the thread in the first place because I learnt it on FF, used my own knowledge and experience to adapt it and then started trading it and just saw reams and reams of people coming and going and not getting anywhere and I thought "OK, look, I'll show you how I approach it and that should clear things up"...maybe it did for some people...that's what I hope.
The other quality you need to develop is patience. Watch and follow the NB thread, Phil waits for the trade to come to him and there are times when he calls it a day as he sees no opportunities.
Satisfaction and acceptance is illustrated very well by danarm quite simply it is possible to make 40/50 points a day just by following Phil or Danarm and this can be done before the morning is out'
Hi everybody, I know that the thread is quite old, still hope it's ok to ask:
Who is Phil and Danarm and what does NB stands for (I can't find that thread).
Btw. Regarding Livermore, I think he left cca $5m when he committed suicide, which should be around $75m today if I'm not wrong, so you can't really call it a bankruptcy. The other side of the story is that he was diagnosed clinical depression for the most of his life.