reminiscence of(yet) a (novice)trader

thats what i might send you if i gave a f^ck but anyhoo
lets take a moment to look at your mental state.are you in one of those corpus christi type cults and into self flagellation.taking it to the maximum extreme where you bugger yourself so violently because you think you are not worthy and in comparison my losses look like a fantasy.....imho

I've posted on this thread a while back. It's been a couple of yrs BUT NO CHGS in your posts, on Self Development & Growth!

Now some 500+ posts and 7 YEARS later, and countless Account blowups and starting over again to continue this madness... you are only showing and sharing your ignorance of the Trading Game.

No offense intended - ignorance meaning your inability to CHANGE & INCREASE AWARENESS to create the necessary NEW internal programming within your Inner Trading Game.

While your ongoing posts and resets and excuses show heart and basic trade execution knowledge, you MUST STUDY... DEVELOP AWARENESS of the Self Image Inner Game conditioned blockages from within your Inner World.

Heart & Knowledge is NEVER ENOUGH in any field of competitive High Performance RESULTS.

Awareness & Understanding of your Self Image & Esteem is required!

At the Institutional trading desks level, a trader (intern) has 1 yr to grow, develop, demonstrate new SKILLS in managing his/her Inner Game! Succeed, show increased equity curve P/Ls. Or, get out after 12 mos!

You are on Yr 7!

If you truly believe you CAN BECOME a long term winning trader - the next question is: "What are you WILLING to go through to make paradigm shifts in your THINKING and MANAGING of your Inner Blocks?"

Any and all Traders who cannot show a rising stable equity P/L curve after 2-3 years MAX need to deeply look inside and ask the questions of the paragraph above.

aag100 - I wish you tremendous Inner growth and Winning Trading successes IF you commit to making changes from the inside (Values, Beliefs, Standards, References, Associations, etc)!

If NO - your time and $ much better spent elsewhere - to fund your non trading dreams (and stop living and trading in Fantasyland).

Good trading always,


i see the pros and cons of this post.
the pros,i know i still have some work to do on myself.i know i have been at it 7yrs but in terms of effort i think ive given it that i understand it a lot more,the final 50 % will push me into being a consistent profitable trader.
not accepting losses early has been my stumbling block which i think is my last issue and now being dealt with.
i dont know maybe i should have picked this game up from my very first trade and be a billionaire by now (as it appears everyone else is) despite it being a tough game with success rate of less than 5% so i must make up the entirety of the other 95%
having the heart doesnt come into it.having the resources to pay losses does.
institution traders cant trade.they have every concievable resource and more at their disposal.theyll get lucky with the odd big trade and retire early.they couldnt work the coal face day in and day out.
im not about to give up just yet.not when i am making the tide turn.if it hasnt in the next 10yrs then perhaps i'll look at throwing in the towel.maybe the majority of others beat the market in a year or two(or is that too much time for your liking too?).i'll accept im a little/a lot slower(or even more) but i'll be happy to beat it even after 17yrs
.....was there any more points i wanted to right about,i dont know/cant remember.this will do for now
last of todays trades
14.17 7377
14.22 7379.6
14.31 7379.3
14.56 7382
15.23 7380.6
(shorts) and these didnt go anywhere very fast but just kept grinding away going against me around +3 early on but ofcourse i wanted more.everytime i take the odd point it would have given me more if id held!
and then running against me up to around -20 at which point i began to think fk it i'll let this one go and not be held hostage for hours.but it came back managing to get out 15.28 7379 about+3 net
enough FONBI fix for today i think
That's why I've only been getting my ar$e handed to me.dont want my head handed to me until I'm stronger to handle it
No i think ill stay till u turn things around(ON YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ACC)-
here for 30-40yrs

I don't think you have another 30-40 years in you.its a wonder you have managed this far but luckily for you I'll be turning it around in the next 3-4 months
and without further a do
todays FONBI trades
all shorts again,being the typical retail trader.i dont know why i have an affinity for shorts
12.36 7368.3 12.38 7366.8 +1.5 (in bed and on mobile,i dont even know why i bothered and dont ask what im doing in bed at this time)
procrastinating and thinking i should be out of be and not to take another trade.i only wind up back in
12.49 7366.8
12.50 7367.8
12.50 7369
13.00 7374 13.13 7370 +4
closing the others 13.23 7367.8 net +4.4 glad to have got out after being about -25
and then i finally decide to roll out of bed.
then im sat watching tv and get the dreaded case of FONBI.ive checked the calendar and know theres a news event at 3 but it completely escapes my mind and just before news im back at it(on mobile)
14.53 7353.3
14.54 7356.6
14.58 7356.8
adding and adding just before a news event! things get hairy and in seconds im -50 odd.
annoyed with myself for once again not sticking to strategy or discipline i decide to head over to my desk and settle down to try and claw this back.with a bit of luck it comes back before ive fired up my pc i manage to close out on mobile(with no charts!) at 15.03 7354.3 +3.8 net
once again i leave myself asking why o why.
so enough FONBI for just going to pack up and think about it.
and now ive prepped after the trading.some news event at 7(i shouldnt be trading after uk close anyway) and ftse divi about 1.5 points
Time to tell the woeful tale of the last 2 days.
I only went and did what I always do!
Repeated the same mistakes.the trades-
13.03 7310
13.03 7308.6
13.24 7320.6
13.42 7324.6
(Short(typical retail trader) running these fkers to about -100 finally closing out at 15.31 7327.3 net -45.4.annoyed that I didnt save a further 13 points or so and even more annoyed as I was supposed to have taken a stop for about -12 hours ago but still better than -100 I suppose.
Then sat watching TV I couldn't resist having another go when I saw price had gone up another 30 points.
An even better short now right?
16.09 7349.8
16.09 7350.6
These didn't go too much against I don't think,if I remember me a quick scalp of +12.4 closing 16.12 7344. I took the points cos it can get volatile around UK close and +12 was better than my usual +1 or 2

Yesterdays woes forgotten I do it again today
Same mistakes
11.00 7332.6
11.01 7336
11.02 7339.8
11.04 7339.6
11.13 7341
11.21 7342.6
11.21 7346.6
(Might have wrong times of last 2 trades)
The first 2 trades maybe I should never have taken as my first intinct was to wait for 40s but I'd pulled the trigger mid thought.
Anyhoo it turned out to be a long hour. Running these fkers up to about -70 and then closing them out at various times,being all out by 11.57 ending up a fraction of a point.the first 2 trades being -6.4 and -3.
Now to try and focus on more mindfulness and meditation over the weekend.asking myself the same questions I was asking last week...and the week before...and....