Real time price feeds/charting tools

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Hi Options,

Have spent a week getting used to IB's demo. You are right, the difference in costs between IB and Easy2trade is enormous and my funding of the account is on its way.

Thanks for the advice

I have changed over from Mytrack to IB data feed,

can anyone tell me how to get hold of missing data ?

the IB feed dosn't give all the days data , just when you
start the feed ..

thanks ian
IB and Missing Data

Hi Ianp,

On IB it is not possible to get missing or historical data as they are not a data provider and only a broker. It is clever software that is able to read the realtime quote provided by IB that allows this to be converted into a chart and therefore gives realtime charting capability. Because I use Tradestation I am able to download free historical data which fills in any missing gaps but I am not aware that this is an option for your software package.

I believe you can download historical data from myTrack with just the basic account - ie, you don't have to have the real time Silver plan.

So you can use this for the historical stuff, and then just wind your PC up at the start of the market to get all the intraday prices.

On the Sierra website there is information on how to get free historical data (with a one-off small charge).

For the past few weeks I'v been using MT to provide the history and IB the real time updates. I have a batch file that copies all the files I'm interested in from my MT to my IB installation of Sierra, and changes the names. This happens before the open, and provided I get IB fired up before then I have full histories for my charts. but only have to pay $25 a month to MT, for the Sierra link, instead of the $60 or so I used to pay.

It's a little fiddly, but I prefer using IB for the real time data anyway, it's more reliable, and it saves a fair bit of cash, and having to pay all my exchange fees twice.
Skimbleshanks/GreyingSurfer thanks for the info,

I will have a look at the sierra site,

Is it hard to create a batch file ?

thanks ian
ianp said:
Is it hard to create a batch file ?

No. open notepad, type something along the lines of:

del f:\sierraIB\data\IBDataFileName1.mnd

copy f:\sierraMT\data\MTFileName1.mnd f:\sierraIB\data\IBFileName1.mnd

Save it as something like IBUpdate.cmd. Then double click on it to run it, but make sure you have started the MT version of Sierra first, so the files are current.. Alternatively set up the scheduler to run it for you every morning at 7:30. If you do that you will need another batch file to start up the MT version of Sierra first - along the lines:

Rasdial "Your Internet Connection" YourISP
start F:\SierraMT\SierraChart.exe

Be warned, I've hit a problem the past couple of days with MT appearing to fail to load the full history for the previous day's data. It seems to cut off at the point at which I shut down Sierra, instead of reloading the full history when I reopened. I don't think this has anything to do with downgrading my sub from Silver to Bronze, it shouldn't have, but I'll have to investigate when support comes on line this afternoon.