Real time feed advice, please


Junior member
Can someone recommend a good real time (live streaming) feed that I can use to monitor a portfolio of US S&P500 stocks, please.

I currently use ADVFN, but it is costly and erratic.

Thanks in advance.

Tony G
Thanks Paul,

At first glance it looks like 20USD per month for a basic NYSE/NASDAQ feed.

Plus 4USD for the two exchange fees.

Do you use the Quotetracker software to display the info?

Is it reliable? ADVFN is certainly not!!


You are correct on the price - that would get you real-time for US equities and delayed futures.

To get real-time futures, you would have to subscribe to that with IQFeed, which adds $20 per month to the base fee, plus exchange fees (exchange fees vary widely depending on the specific stuff you subscribe to)

Also, with QuoteTracker you can use multiple datafeeds at the same time. So for example, if your broker is supported within QT for the datafeed, you can use them for the futures quotes (Interactive Brokers for example)

Jerry Medved
Thanks Jerry and Paul,

Just need to check whether my own (new) broker has a system I can hook into.

I'll be back with any update news or ideas.

The cheapest option is almost certainly Interactive Brokers. Free for all US stocks and most if not all US futures and options if you do >= $30 in commish per month $10 otherwise. Now has 6 months history for all products - not only US but all international products. You can use QuoteTracker or Sierra Charts. The API is also free. It really is a very good deal compared to all the data vendors.
dcraig1 said:
The cheapest option is almost certainly Interactive Brokers. Free for all US stocks and most if not all US futures and options if you do >= $30 in commish per month $10 otherwise. Now has 6 months history for all products - not only US but all international products. You can use QuoteTracker or Sierra Charts. The API is also free. It really is a very good deal compared to all the data vendors.

Can you backfill data for free with IB data and Sierra Charts? I am using Ensign with IB and have tried Sierra in the past but had to use another service for the data feed.
Bigbusiness said:
Can you backfill data for free with IB data and Sierra Charts? I am using Ensign with IB and have tried Sierra in the past but had to use another service for the data feed.

I don't use either (I use my own software), but my understanding is that you can. I have found the backfill to be very reliable since the latest release of IB's TWS software . Probably best to contact the vendor to see the extent of support, any limitations, plans etc.
IB backfill is free to IB clients. Whether or not Sierra lets you use them for backfill - thats their decision. Or, it may just be the version of the software that you are using.
The IB backfill works well with SierraChart. Originally it was just for a short period but now you get weeks of data --- maybe months on stocks but I only backfill futures contracts which have a fixed start point.

About the only gap I am aware of at present is that there is still no backfill for the Sgx futures exchange but everything else is great.

IB is to be congratulated for providing this service for its customers. Now you not only get lag free feeds for fast contracts like HSI (unlike some of the expensive data feeds) but backfill if you're a bit slow to turn on the computer. 😀
Kiwi said:
The IB backfill works well with SierraChart. Originally it was just for a short period but now you get weeks of data --- maybe months on stocks but I only backfill futures contracts which have a fixed start point.

About the only gap I am aware of at present is that there is still no backfill for the Sgx futures exchange but everything else is great.

IB is to be congratulated for providing this service for its customers. Now you not only get lag free feeds for fast contracts like HSI (unlike some of the expensive data feeds) but backfill if you're a bit slow to turn on the computer. 😀


I have just done a backfill on SGXNK DEC contract. No probs. Perhaps Sierra for some reason have a problem with it, or IB have just got it working.

I agree with you that IB are to be congratulated. It is a first rate service at no cost.
Thanks for the assorted suggestions.

I've ended up with Quotetracker and IQfeed.

The former is just what I want. It will be perfect when Jerry finds the time to give me a way of colouring (yes note the unusual spelling) my upward moving stocks blue rather than green.

It is our little Old World convention.

After all who invests in Green Chip stocks for their pension!

IQ feed is brilliant. The support is mindbending and I'll tell you why.

I registered myself with them for NYSE and NASDAQ on Wednesday. When I got home from work yesterday your markets were still open of course and I thought I'd use a spare few minutes to install the software to my home laptop. I started to key in my details on the IQfeed site and then realised I was about to be asked to pay a second time. Whilst I was looking bemused at my screen the phone rang. My wife answered it and said it sounded like a lady calling with an american accent.

It was. It was my client contact person at IQfeed watching me trying to re-register. 'You don't need to re-register, Tony' she said and then pointed me to the correct download site.

What service!

If only she'd be there watching me make my share purchases (and steering me off the 'bummers') as well IQfeed would be not just brilliant it would be perfection.

Thanks Paul,

So presumably that's two of us who would like blue risers. Not enough for a petition, but doubled already!

Tony, if one of the existing color schemes under the VIEW menu is not sufficient, I can send you the SCHEMES.PAR File (unencrypted version) and you can create your own color scheme if you like (I can put it in production once you are done). My color coordination leaves something to be desired.

If you want that, email me.
Thanks Jerry,

Can you send me the Chalk and I'll start by changing the Green to Blue.

I might then see about toning down the background so it does not glare so much. On the other hand the ADVFN one that some of us have been using is white and that seemed to work OK so maybe the white is best left alone.

Thanks Jerry,

It is quite big and I could not download it the first time.

It's still safe on my mail server so I'll pick it up later.
