Summary: Real-time data feeds & trading platforms


I'm in the process of selecting appropriate broker/trading platform and data feed to trade. Have studied my way through the first 3 pages of threads in 'Intraday' section and made a summary of some of the alternatives out there - i thought i might contribute to the site in listing my summary here (contribution in terms of saving time for someone else rather than contributing new data :cheesy: ) - note that the list is by no means complete, may contain errors and includes personal views - anyways here it is:

ProRealTimeThis is a data-feed providing which can provide very selective data e.g. only certain specific indices and/or futures prices – hence the price/product of data feed is a lot higher however the total cost of the data-feed becomes cheaper if you are only trading a few products and are not in need of having data for hundreds/thousands of symbols.
Cost for my products likely to be well below max 100 euros/month.

eSignalData-feed and trading platform - Most applicable one seems to be eSignal Premiere ($115/month plus exchange fees) – proper trading platform – popular– no problem re US data – delays/errors occur from time to time with UK & European data

Interactive Brokers (IB)Offers trading platform with real-time data flow – called Trader Work Station [TWS or IB TWS] – No fee for the platform but need to pay for the exchange data unless trading a certain level of volume per month

MyTrackis an online broker and data-feed– option to subscribe to their data services without being a broker client – does not seem as good as eSignal and/or qcharts – MyTrack Platinum ($95/month) is an option

QuoteTrackerReal-time quotes and technical indicators – QuoteTracker is the trading platform – data-feeds come from various sources – the platform is free but you then need to pay for the data-feeds - this is a good list of various data-feeds (most of the recommended data-feeds cost only $20/month)

QChartsThis is a proper trading platform with analytical tool and Level II data. There are two packages of interest – priced at $95/month (QCharts) and $115/month (QCharts Plus) per month plus exchange fees. There is also the QCharts MetaStock Pro package – which combines QCharts Plus and Meta Stock – for $200/month.

IQ FeedThis is a data-feed compatible with many trading platforms. Fees range from $20-$100/month

Prophet ChartsTechnical Analysis and Charting software – I have used this product as part of my OptionsXpress package - $30/month for the basic package (equities only) – which includes real-time prices and charting/analysis functionality - $50/month to include futures data

Digital Look- The Investor CentreApparently this site provides real-time data for free – need to register with the site first. Consider it but given that it is free, you need to question the likely quality of the data.

London Money MarketThis is another (apparently) free real-time data site. Consider with caution! Again you need to register with the site.

QuoteSpeedA UK-based data provider – also provide a trading platform – prices start from £250/quarter (£80/month) – data/platform is split as securities/derivatives/money markets
It seems to be tailored for corporate clients

Quote.Com – LiveChartsThis is a very basic real-time charting service priced at $10/month. This looks similar to the Prophet charts.

Market Center LiveStreaming real-time quotes with charting functionality - $30-$50/month plus exchange fees – looks okay – not a trading platform

CQGThis is an elite (and expensive trading platform) – i think all the futures traders in my previous arcade used CQG platforms

RTSThis is also an elite trading platform – Cost was £700/month but presumably that’s discounted via the arcade. i used this platform extensively

ProQuoteUK data source and trading platform – cannot view a platform demo – no pricing information either

Real Tick– gives an excellent presentation of the trading platform offered. What is the cost of the platform for a non-professional user? Do traders generally register as professional or non-professional?

MarketAspectsData-feed is from DTN Market Data Services (DTNMDS), which provides the IQFeed. It is a trading platform - $45/month including data – the platform looks crap – in this case you get what you pay for – not a lot – the charts don’t look good and there is no focus on real-time trading

Data Bull– one-off 99 euro subscription to get snap-shots downloads (i.e. not a continuous data feed)

Velocity Futuresx Trader– very advanced trading platform , $500/mth option and $1,300/mth option

Trade Station 8.0Trading Platform with analytical capabilities, brokerage capabilities, automated trading, $100/month, free if exceeding volume threshold, does not include the data-feed

TradeStation 2000i is a software tool that assists in backtesting strategy ideas and then the software auto-trades strategies into a real-time trading platform.

Bloomberg - £1,000/month – data feed and news and endless research source

Reuters – similar product to Bloomberg

Equis QuoteCenter – this is a Metastock product – the quote center seems to be an add-on for the Metastock product – provides both delayed and real-time data

Metastock – trading software – analytical software with back-testing capabilities – Metastock for EOD ($99/month), Metastock Pro for real-time ($235/month for software and data) - Metastock for eSignal feed $1,695 – Metastock for QuoteCenter feed $1,395

Sierra Charts
Financial Market Charting and Trading Software – US$130/year – useful for chart analysis – no data feed included – the charts can be set to update with real-time data – good software for traders using charts

Tick Plus Data – provides accurate historical tick data for a variety of products

Real-time data and analysis tools – does not look like the site suitable for me – too many offers, free trials, product variety – difficult to find the prices

Software that allows data feeds that is not compatible with a particular trading platform. For example TradeStation 2000i normally does not work with data feed X – thanks to Hyperserver data-feed X can be used for TradeStation 2000i.

Comstock is a data provider covering nearly every market in the world – prices are not given – looks expensive – more suited to corporate clients?

Provide a variety of services for data and software. Many traders have had trouble canceling subscriptions with this company. Hence this would be one company to avoid!!

Provides live charts – demo shows delayed data – no info on real-time data-feed prices

Yahoo! Real Time Quotes
Equities data only, stock screener, news - $14/month
A few more:

B.I.S provides private investor feeds.

Telerate, Telekurs and CMS provide wholesale feeds much like Comstock and Reuters.
ProQuote is about £145+VAT per month I think. You have to call to get a demo, its good but I found a host of minor bugs (but that could be because its a demo).

For my mind its expensive and you can't trade on it, was just Level2 info
Excellent stuff.I think Proquote is worth a closer look.They are the value for money option.You can pick and choose you news feeds/data and they will probably give you a free trial.Also if you want to trade cfds then GNI touch is very good.
You've missed out OpenTick which does several books, ECBOT, CME, Nasdaq, AMEX, NYSE, etc and only charges exchange fees. They have a completely open source API and have plugins for all the major charting packages.

Hope this helps.
Infinityat is the best trading platform by far... but I don't use their charts.
It's very fast.... go to Infinity Futures
Best part is it's easy to use... enter trades, use multi exit strategies and you can move your stops and profit exits with just a mouse move..check it out... they will let you use a simulator first to see what you think... great service... any problems they answer phone instantly