Re - where is the grail?

What happened to Johnny Futures?

I wonder if he got into trading because of his name, or if it was just a coincidence?
Joules,why should I read your posts?.......It's like a damn book, the very books you crap on.
But I will read it........ when I have a day or two to spare.
Joules....I just got about half way into your book, It was mind numbing. I couldn't
make it any further without running out of the room and topping myself.
I didn't even make it into the jibber about MACDs ect.
I said from friggan start, I do not pay the slightest attention to successful traders methods....never have and never will....... even when I was newbie I knocked back every offer by "mentors" and venders.
You can read and write and no doubt trade.
But mate, go get some lessons on comprehension ask the Toast to go with you.
All that wisdom would have been worth something 10 years ago but not now.
FYI my blowout occurred so long ago I cannot remember the exact dollars or date and the pain has long gone. I joke about it these days. It happened wayback when the Dow had its first major hiccup.
Another point......Being in daily contact with a half a dozen pro traders is also a losers game. It dilutes your advice.
I hear ya Johnny... Just don't worry about it and go get some exercise at the gym. You will be better off...

Sitting and trading 16 hours a day has about killed me before my time. I have become very smart, and very sick at the same time. You could describe me as Heart Sick. For one thing: it has changed a lot since 1999, when you could find any internet stock and throw money at it. The Dot Bomb ended a big part of the hope people had in tech. Today it is a dangerous casino atmosphere for every last trader out there. Your broker can make anyone's portfolio go away and tie you up for years in Court... Your only real chance to make money is options and luck.

Wall Street has robbed the Country about five times over with companies like Enron. Twenty years ago banks robbed us in the S&L debacle and we lived through it, but now the "too big to go broke" bailouts have increased the debt ceiling by tens of trillions. Half the 50 States are not making it today so how can they NOT tax you more? The Market Makers that are left are not finding stock for you to invest in; they are finding strategies to make you and your State bankrupt... yes they are literally out to get your Country before everything come to an end. Companies like Apple have 400,000 people employed in China, and 27,000 employed in the US, and they want to automate away 26,995 citizens ASAP. People still want to live here, but they do not want anyone around them who works, or once worked for them. They want a mansion the same size as Bill Gates, and they are willing to steal the funds in your retirement via a phony bankruptcy in order to get it. We are not talking about raising prices because of stronger demand, we are talking about stealing your future. Board Members cannot show any weakness toward the unwashed and unemployed, because there is no money in it for them.

Think about it. In rural areas, you can't even be a Sales Clerk in the US because it is cheaper to operate online. There are some young kids doing some selling now in places like Walmart, but what will they do once someone targets their jobs for export? You can't even imagine how they are going to do it today, but within a few years they will find a way. GE just moved another block of 50,000+ employees to China; at the same moment that Obama said "Jobs are ready to come back to the US from China and other Lands". Forget about it, your stocks are not going to overcome the Market Makers because the wealth in the US is not liquid with regular paychecks. For a stock to go up, the Market Makers have to lose control of it, and THAT is going to happen fewer and fewer times per year. Not even the Fed can stop them for many more years.

So why can't you make money off a disaster in the Market no matter what you try? Because the odds are stacked against you... Your bank wants fees but doesn't want your house loan so it sells it. Your Broker wants fees but does not want you in ANYTHING for the long, so they Churn and Burn you. Your Broker doesn't even want your checking account anymore. When you start hearing that your banker just called your employer, you should know there has been a deal cut to export your job, and your banker is trying to get hold of your net worth before it gets away.

Ask yourself, if you just deposited $100,000 in a futures account, then why are people calling your employer? Aren't they really just trying to see how deep your pockets are? Bernie Madoff is a hero to people who graduated from Yale and Harvard. And THAT is supposed to be the Best of Our BEST.

Good luck to you. And here's hoping that Zeitgeist is not the only way.
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Just on the subject of books........
Many years ago a guy said to me..... Don't read ten books, read one good book ten times. And I think he is right.
When I go through a losing period, I'll re-read "Reminisces of a Stock Operator"
Or I just grab any of the stories in "Market Wizards" and presto! I'm back in the game.
It's good to know about the technical stuff but as some have said, don't spend money on it. It's freely available all over the net and besides every good trader has his own very distinct beliefs and methods of reading or not reading this stuff.


Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is perhaps one of 3 books that I would say anyone would ever need to read. It is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. I have never had any mentoring and I don't need it (It's much more likely that I know more than them anyway) but whenever I read ROSO I feel like I have been personally mentored by Jesse Livermore, he certainly understood exactly what is what!

With the exception of one person who used to post in this forum, this book contains more valuable information about the markets and how to trade than anything anyone has posted.
Where've you been Rob? I missed you 😢

You know, wheeling and dealing, ducking and diving. Just enjoying real life. Have seem to have struck a good trading/life balance now so generally less time in front of the screen and hence nowhere near as much time loitering on T2W.