In search of the "Holy Grail"?


Active member
To all followers of the "Holy Grail"!

I am not expert myself but I have come to realise that many people (newbies) come in here and look for the short cut to their millions. Replying in two threads I came across two quotes that I would like everyone coming in here looking for others peoples "hardword" to consider for a moment.

Dead right.

The only holy grail that exists is the one that you develop for yourself after years and hundreds / thousands of hours of research.

Holy Grail = Your own personally developed way of trading which suits you and which is successful.

If you want trading signals to pop up all over the place, go out and buy a ready made system but do not be surprised if it does not work.

A good case in point is The Ultimate Forex Predictor ( TUFXP ) - you will find a thread here on T2W devoted to this.

The system costs well over 2 grand and works like a piece of sh1t.

This was in reponse to someone asking for help on how to learn trading signals, entering, exiting etc with no idea of what market, where and when. How can someone possibly assume all these variables and get into your head.

People after their millions take note:
The funny thing about trading is that we all do it so we can make lots of money, fulfill all our wants and desires. The real truth is that we dont begin to earn money from trading until we put the money aspect aside and accept life without all these desires.

This simple shift in thinking eliminates a lot of deeply embedded emotions that we are not aware of and which contradict the right mindset required to focus on just the process, and not care about the rewards. It is indeed a very difficult thing to do, but a necessity in order to succeed in this environment.

For this reason , the question - How much can we expect to make trading forex , immediately places the minds focus on great wealth that is envisioned by many. It is only natural for one to think about, or have a quiet longing for, the huge amounts on offer, but this sets them on the losing track from the very beginning.

A better approach maybe to understand what can be attained but to decide on a wage amount and HOW that can be achieved. The HOW allows you to remain focused on a process that aims to achieve a set figure that will not waver your emotions and throw you towards indecision as your account balance fluctuates to a higher level on each tick.

I have found and I am in the process of a long road to bettering myself and developing my trading. I have not come here asking for help and short cuts but to use this forum as a platform to discuss and learn from others. That withstanding I am doing a lot of the hard work at home, in front of books and the screen.

The best advice to a newbie is:

NOTHING BEATS YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. GET READING AND GET TRADING. You will NEVER learn unless you do it by experience.

STOP asking for the "holy grail". GO away try it and then come back with more direct questions about what you have tried and you will see people will be more responsive.
Don't bother, I already have it in my house.

It is a gold plated 1 litre beer tankard which only displays its holy characteristics when brimful with lovely frothing beer.
People like you london88 I will never work with.....if your so unhappy, do something else for crying out loud...there some people that really need obviously are doing well so why are you even here...go plant some flowers or something...but i understand your frustration of not trading successfully...good luck to you

Lets get one thing straight. No one has ever become successful or considered themselves successful in anything they have done by using a system, tip or whatever that is available to others.

If people need help and are honest to themselves they will find the information and knowledge and assimilate it through reading and practice. Lazy people who want a short cut can buy a system and are obviously deluded to the fact that hard work can pay off.

Call it the best in industry or whatever, if newbies what a reliable system then start a thread where you can appeal to them. Don't pollute this space and try and illude them to what it really takes to be a trader. HARDWORK and nothing more

BTW... I don't think Mr Soros or Mr Buffett are endorsing your system! so best in industry is overstated!
As I have mentioned elsewhere on a previous occasion, no matter how good the system, the success of it ultimately depends on the skills of the trader using it and his mindset.

It might be a great system but the trader operating it might be a real plonker who, for example, keeps grabbing small profits when he should let them run a bit.

Then his losses will be too large to be covered by his profits...etc. etc.
i just wanted a laugh at how much this wonder system is.

I am always a bit cyncial of people who offer so much by saying so little?
It seems to me that yacarob1 is right i.e. that success ultimately depends on the skills of the trader using the system.