For sure - that's what I was getting at - it's simple as fact. To consider 'conspiracy' heads crazy is absurd. It's just the way the world is now.. it'll all come to a head - in the meantime - let's enjoy the game of the markets 😀
The markets are fixed too. Heard of the PPT? There is more insider dealing than anyone can imagine. The people who are caught and prosecuted are the very smallest of fish.
Just looked it up again and now they are called the Working Group as opposed to Working Group on Financial Markets... I reckon Plunge Protection Team sounds better though. I'd recommend it to an aspiring plumbing company... :cheesy:
and the flash crash last year gave the elite powers the perfect opportunity to provide a type of huge trailing stop in the US market for the forseeable.
But what about the devil worship
But what about the devil worship
Some people just can't resist " The Dark Side "
By Illuminati, you mean the guys from Dan Brown's book?
Dan Brown was merely a tool (in more than one sense), of the Real Powers.
He wrote a Blockbuster novel about a cartoon version of the real thing.
Naturally this was laughed off and made light of, in order for people to dismiss the concept as just a load of old cobblers that someone like Dan Brown would make up, and gullible people would believe (at first).
Meanwhile, the Real Powers go quietly about their business of ruling the world, manipulating the stock exchange, and painting captured virgins with gold leaf paint., I may have mixed up two different stories here....
I hope Illuminati means the enlightened ones
Not for personal gain but for the many, which is the pivot point as to their worth.
Knowledge used to be very highly valued but now it is widely free and not so much sought after. TV and investigative journalists have probed all the known mysteries and dark corners and not found too much. Was it mainly in the imagination ? I think so.