Best Thread Quick reference for real trading profit. Tips that work

Research the stocks' financial health. I think that trading a stock without knowing it's financial numbers is as irresponsible as investing in a stock without research, but then again I'm a swing trader and hold my stocks for four to eight weeks. The financial parameters I look for are...

P/E of less than 15
Debt Equity ratio of 0.3 or less
Net Profit margin of 10% or greater
Return on equity of 10% or greater
Earnings/Share of $1 or more
Whether the insiders are buying or selling (very important)
Chart volatility

There are more things I look at, but those factors are most important to me and the first things I look for when considering a stock.
I've found patience, discipline , timing and a dash of Luck, to be most useful, if only I would take my own advice on this !

A very profound statement; so true too!

I took at a look at your profile and marvelled at the transparent head gear. Was this taken in Iraq and are you - for I cannot see below your chin - ruminating on past experience or looking forward to the future?

Best wishes,
When you make a profitable trade, fight the tendancy to give some of your profits back.

Learn from your losses. These will probably be the most expensive lessons you will learn so it is best to make the most of them.

Always use stops.
Homeschoolma.. Interesting list. Before I was converted to TA several years ago I also followed a similar game plan. Consider adding a few more, after researching them of course. 1. Sales growth ( Harder for bean counters to fudge) 2. LOw PEG ( Price/ earnings ratio.) 3. Free cash flow growth. 4. SEctors with strong relative strength. If this is the beginning of a sustained bull market I will revert to my old plan plus TA for timing. Good Luck. Luck
Always leave some thing for the next guy,, Assess your risks Take what market give you and run off with it.. sit back and assess again ..
My tuppence worth is a quote by Primo Levi:

"More is learnedfrom one's errors than from one's successes."
I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it." Lou Holtz

"In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail."

"The only real failure in life is the failure to try."

"There is no achievement without goals."Robert J. McKaine
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination."
Tommy Lasorda
Know your entry and exit BEFORE you place a trade!

The way 2 get rich quick is also the same as going broke. lol Its all about risk management and compounding your stake
'Trade what you can see and not what you think'

Also strongly agree with the previous comments concerning automatic and targets certainly helps you become disciplined and deal with emotions.
Buy high! Sell higher.

Sell low! Buy lower.

Always look both ways before crossing the road. (think about that one in it's trading context)