Free trading tips for beginners



As per mt trading experience, i am sharing some tips for beginners who want to invest money in commodity trading carefully.


  • Do not expect to become an expert day trader right away. It takes considerable time, practice and effort to learn the ropes.
  • Paper trade or use a simulated trading Web site to practice your trading techniques before you use your own "real" money.
  • Eliminate the fear of losing because "scared" money rarely profits.
  • Always limit your losses - use stop orders.
  • Learn from your losses - take advantage of each loss to improve your knowledge of the market.
  • Never allow large profits to turn into losses. Consider selling if the market moves against you by about 25% or so from your peak profit point.
  • If the markets on a given day are not performing or reacting the way you expected, it is best to simply get out.
  • Never add to a losing position. It is a prescription for disaster.
  • Try to predict the general direction of a stock price but do not try to pick tops and bottoms. You will rarely succeed in accomplishing this.
  • Remember that standing aside is a position and often the best one to take if you cannot form an opinion as to where the market is heading on a given day.
  • The key difference between winning and losing day traders is the ability to exercise discipline to avoid mistakes or bad trading tactics.
  • You must subordinate your will to the will of the market. The market is always right.
  • Always keep records of your trading results and analyse the results.
  • Good day traders generally sell into good news and buy on bad news.
  • Patience, perseverance, determination and a rational trading plan are the key attributes of a successful day trader.
  • Never get emotionally involved with your trades as emotions often work against you.
  • Do not try to profit on every trade. It is the total profit you make that matters not the number of individual wins.
  • Learn when you can rely on instinct as opposed to analysis.

If you want to share your own trading experience then share with us.

Quick profits are out there for the taking, but real success at trading comes with time and experience. Remember: staying cool in this line of work is achieved by discipline and knowledge, by entering and exiting the market confidently.
Exercise Patience in your trading Pattern. Do not force trades when there are none.
Buy shares regularly, say every month or quarter. If share prices are down and you buy the same companies, you bring down the average price of the shares.
The traders who are new in trading they should know that each trader has their own style. So they should be mature and develop their own style by reading widely and studying carefully.
I . Very 1st doubt you want to ask yourself is whether you’ve any thought of what share trading is. This is money market and if you don’t know how this works and how your money will get processed, then you shouldn’t put money into this to begin with.
II .You own a business plan? As if any other business, even share market trading is a business. And so it requires to be started with a business plan. This business plan will cover crucial points like what your destinations are and how you would like to reach them.
Share Trading strategies are likewise crucial, specially if you prefer to make fast and great profit. There are a lot of books on share market for dummies that illustrate the thought of a business plan in this market.
There are many companies offering Indian Commodity Tips for a small fee. History has shown that commodity market is not as volatile as the equity market is hence making a safer place to invest.
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the more you learn the less you will know ......

most newbies are experts 6 months in .............jees I wish I had that kind of knowledge now

Thanks for start this "trading tips for beginners" helpful topic here, beginners should make sure before apply any trading tips. They should need to learn the basics before start trade. They can also take advices from market expert to trade successfully.

Most of the posts in this thread are empty rhetoric - bowlocks even.

Go to the "First steps for beginners " thread (click on forums at top of this page) and read selectively.