Not hardly. Nobody in Fomo's thread has given any evidence of any trades. Typing scalp buy this or I am up x pips is not evidence.
Yes, irritating but hardly worth getting into too much of a sweat about. Just accept that he's one of the finest traders in the land, or not, as the case may be. And if you can't work out what he's talking about then there's nothing to be learned anyway.
After all, the only trading performance worth worrying about is one's own.
Wise words indeed Jon.
But, it would be remiss of us if we were seen to be derelict in our duty of care commitments towards T2W members. A lot of whom have no idea about trading risks and more importantly,where those risks can appear from.
In terms of hindsight traders, F cannot hold a candle to the participants on Pete's thread. Some truly remarkable members stepped up to the plate.
not hardly. Nobody in fomo's thread has given any evidence of any trades. Typing scalp buy this or i am up x pips is not evidence.
Comment 8782
Originally Posted by Forexmospherian View Post
I wont copy my last few comments again on the EA but here's the recap
8 09 am was a scalp buy on the EU and EA
I said at 8 18 am - we should be able to sell it around 5368 -75 area
8 23/4 am - approx 5 mins later it peaked at 5369
For me stop was 73 - 4 pips
It then was a scalp sell and so far dropped 26 pips
I am out with 21 pips - so RR of approx near 5 - all within 4 minutes
( just to keep all my alternative fans and dissers happy )
Feb 25th 8 30 am
Comment above - a scalp with price and time pre action
You will never out spam me C_ V - SORRY A_W
SO forget the dirty trick campaign
Why are you not open and say this is personal ??
Its so obvious - but maybe other's dont know all the history ?
Have fun and see you at 6 00 am in the morning
And this is supposed to prove that you did something?
Gimmy a break lost the argument years ago 😆
With regards to Mike's comment etc
This is what I said the first week I joined T2W approx two and half years ago
Comment post - Number 1
Again - I was ridiculed from day one - as the so called experienced old school members here though I was a dodgy vender called Dave Robinson
If you notice that thread grew to over 1 million post threads within just 2 years..
Might you be suggesting that during that time all the followers etc have been totally mislead and my method as been proved to totally not work etc etc??
I presently have 3 traders who between them have 60 + years of experience who regularly contribute on the thread - thats not counting my 13 /14 years of FX trading.
I catch interim highs and lows on many FX pairs everday and I still today scalp with stops of between 3 and 7 pips
Maybe I am dreaming all this - lol
Another Joke
How can you argue about a method - when you yourself have openly said you dont understand it ???????
There is no argument
You just want trouble - you dont have to be a brain surgeon or have a MBA in psychology to see your agenda
You cannot win - because you have other genuine traders who use my method and would vouch to say it works - and further more they have shown their statements etc etc .
Your campaign - again - has failed
But I am sure it will not be the last
I must also say I have not complained about any of your comments - I have no problem with you carrying on saying them every day
Best Regards
i now need my beauty sleep
If you read your first post F, then im sure you would agree it is an extremely bold statement for a forum newbies first post, Just the type of post Dave Robinson would write, so you cant really blame members for thinking such, This was quickly dismissed though.
Well, 57,784, not just quite a million, but remember your own post count is 39,630, so mostly your own to be fair
No, it possibly does work to a certain extent, Major magnum has proved that he can make money trading it, on the other hand you have not..
well, thats what you keep telling us, but again there is zero evidence, Teachers teach, Traders trade, which one are you ?
Honest answer, I think you are dreaming it, I honestly think that you trade ether £1/pip or demo and always have, dont take a fraction of the trades you claim and furthermore just like being on a platform as a self proclaimed expert.
I find it really strange what you get out of this fantasy, I do hope you are making some money via subscription somewhere to give some reason to the thread. I sincerely hope I dont have that much free time on my hands when i retire that drives me to do something like this 🙄 😆
Don't understand the method ! 😆
1) There's nothing to understand
2) I wrote the book and have far superior tools than your silly squiggly meaningless lines on a chart
Not even slightly interested in any of your disciples trades or statements or defence of your method. None of them do as you do...not one of them.
The only thing of interest is your trade levels, verified proof. Everything else you write is flim flam designed to obfuscate any trading truth.
If you feel the need to complain about any of my comments, then go right ahead. I am not the one who needs to justify what I write.
As things stand you have zero credibility and everyone knows it.
just spotted this comment before I leave
1 - the bold statement was after not being made welcome on the Live trades thread - they did not like scalpers etc - no problem so recommended I started a new thread and was told - you will not last 2 weeks mate - lol
2.Sorry - over a 1 million page reads - Maybe I count for less than 50 K of those
3.Its not about me Mike - thats the whole bloody point and that's why its personal - its about My METHOD
4. Totally wrong and I can place my hand on my heart and say honestly on my mother's death bed ( she died over 10 yrs ago ) I placed my first £100 a pip trade on GFT Uk in 2007/8. Later I got up to approx 22 lots. Nowadays on 2 different brokers never in total over 8 lots - I am 62 yrs old - i dont want palpitations at my age
5 - I make money from trading. I have not heard of traders taking live cash out of demo accounts
All simple stuff Mike
If you dont believe any of what I have just said - I am sorry to say - again you are another A_W nic - ie always wrong
I forgot to mention before I leave tonight
Why do all you guys give me so much publicity ??
It's a shame - you are far better just placing me on ignore and doing a silent campaign ( which you might already be doing) encouraging every member to ignore my threads etc etc
Actually my original plan was to stay 2 years with the original thread - and then leave the forum
Instead all the bad publicity you give me as just made it that I just cannot leave the forum now as every week and every month I have more requests for help and already experienced FX traders wanting to understand more
I will be changing the format on the journal again now that's it gone another 6 months and informing all that I can no longer take on any new followers this next month - as I have already being saying on my thread this last 2 months - I plan to only do 2 or 3 days a week in the future -I am 62 yrs old and so don't want to be doing a 5 day week all the while.
toddle loo ;-))
If only I had a pound for every time you said tootle loo ( btw tout à l'heure), I would be as rich as Richard Branson.
This is something that I am looking for. I made this trade mostly because the GBP/USD is in the toilet, but also for you to see what should be listed with your trades.
Hi F
Ever thought of just e-mailing Tim your trading results for a day or week.
Same way you proved you worked for RB.
Then he could verify your trading.
Just a Thought.
Morning hhiusa
I wish you well with your GU buy
What is your stop size - thats if you use one and also whats you approximate targets - do you look for a minimum 50 -100 pips or just leave on while in any profit and move stop to b/e or how do you basically trade
If yo dont have a firm hard stop somewhere - when would you close it - after 50 pips the wrong way or 100 pips
What type of RR's are you looking for
I have made 2 RR's on GU buys of 3 and 5 so far and scalp sold again after LO at 8 00am
All my trades have tight stops of between 3 and 7 pips depending on spread - normally GU is a 4 or 5 pip stop from my entry.
Here's my pretty coloured LR chart showing entry times and prices etc - based on my key time and time windows
Above the Trendline still in a bull scalp bias - that was up to LO
I will feature more on the GU today on my journal
Have a good day
. . . Yes I sent proof to Timsk after another member said I was lying.
Well, hopefully Tim can shed some light on this. . .
The identity of FoMo and whether or not he was a director of Richard Branson's Mates brand has cropped up several times in the past. On the last occasion, in October 2015, FoMo agreed to furnish me with proof on both counts. I can confirm that I know his real identity and, on that front, I am 100% satisfied he is who he says he is.Hi F
Ever thought of just e-mailing Tim your trading results for a day or week.
Same way you proved you worked for RB.
Then he could verify your trading.
Morning hhiusa
I wish you well with your GU buy
What is your stop size - thats if you use one and also whats you approximate targets - do you look for a minimum 50 -100 pips or just leave on while in any profit and move stop to b/e or how do you basically trade
If yo dont have a firm hard stop somewhere - when would you close it - after 50 pips the wrong way or 100 pips
What type of RR's are you looking for
I have made 2 RR's on GU buys of 3 and 5 so far and scalp sold again after LO at 8 00am
All my trades have tight stops of between 3 and 7 pips depending on spread - normally GU is a 4 or 5 pip stop from my entry.
Here's my pretty coloured LR chart showing entry times and prices etc - based on my key time and time windows
Above the Trendline still in a bull scalp bias - that was up to LO
I will feature more on the GU today on my journal
Have a good day
Yes I sent proof to Timsk after another member said I was lying.
I was a director of his Mates condoms business for approx 2 year - he was the chairman - before he sold out to Pacific Dunlop PLC ( Ansell International ) and I then joined them for about 5 years plus - went from Sales Director to MD and then did a MBO along with 2 other directors on part of their vending business in the UK and Europe.
Regarding FoMo's involvement with Branson, the jury's still out on this one. At the time, the storm quickly blew over and, consequently, FoMo felt disinclined to spend a lot of time rooting through his attic
Why would I even bother lying about that ??
Regarding Oscar's suggestion about FoMo sending me a week's trading results - I'm okay with this too. However, I should point out that I'm not an account auditor and I am not familiar with the brokers he uses. Therefore, I won't be able to verify that the statements are 100% bona fide.